Chapter Eighty Eight

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I get a strong nauseating feeling and walk into the bathroom as I make my way through the airport. I lean over a toilet and throw up making harsh sounds that I'm sure scare people off.  Once the nausea goes away I walk to the sink washing my hands and splashing my face with some water lightly only to try and regain my normal colour before gargling some water to get rid of the taste. I then make my way back through the airport and towards where my boys should be waiting. Adam runs towards me hugging my legs in the only way he can. "Hi baby boy," I smile kissing him gently. "Hi baby boy," I smile kissing his cheek. "Shawn," I smile walking towards him and kissing his cheek. "Where's daddy?" I smile at him. He leans against Shawn.

"He knows me know," he smirks making me shove him gently.

"He knows you," I kiss him sweetly.

"Lets go home," he smirks again. "To our new home," he giggles making me gasp. "I've brought most of the things over, we just need to get boxes," he smiles.

"You are the best," I giggle kissing his cheek while he grabs my luggage and leads me to the car.

"I know," he smiles back blushing a little. We drive out of Toronto and towards Pickering which we must leave again to get to where our house is just outside of the city limits. We live in a small little town where there aren't very many people or houses and it's mainly older people who've lived here forever. Our hands stay connected through the whole drive which is silent apart from Adams whines, which we're easily silenced by Shawn's voice.

"What should I make for dinner tonight?" I smile, I'm the typical wife. Stays at home taking care of the children and doing housework but because I've taken on a job it's been different. I still do all of the housework and things like that looking after Adam and meals but Shawn's decided to take on most of the responsibility.

"You're gonna cook?" He smiles squeezing my hand.

"Yeah, I'm gonna make you nice home cooked meal that you can brag about to your friends when you're telling them how great I am." I tease a little.

"I already do that," he rolls his eyes playfully.

"So, why don't I cook some," I pause trying to think. "Lasagna," I giggle. "Or spaghetti?" I shrug.

"Did you just find a love for Italian food or something?" He giggles at me making me smile.

"No I just feel like pasta," I laugh and little and shrug.

"Baby make what you want, I'll eat just about anything." He chuckles. "Except," I cut him off.

"Tomatoes," I giggle as we pull into the driveway of our new house.

"Tomatoes," he smiles. I look around the garage which already had my car parked. "Are you ready?" He grabs a sleeping Adam handing him to me so he can grab my bags.

"For what?" I giggle.

"The mess of boxes that are poorly labeled?" He laughs a little.

"I'm ready," I nod as he grasps the door handle. "No wait I need a minute to prepare myself," I laugh as does he. "Ok I think I'm good," I nod as he smiles opening the door and shutting the garage. It's a very quiet town a police station, a fire station, a hospital or two, two schools and a grocery store but that's about it. Maybe a gas station but nothing more. For anything else we'd need one of us would have to go into another town. I smile at all of the stacked boxes and furniture poorly placed as well as the pictures laying all around the room.

"The sad thing is," he whispers as to not wake up Adam. "I've been unpacking for two days," he giggles. Becky sent Shawn home earlier than he had wanted to get more pictures of me by myself looking alone and such for whatever it is that they're putting together and more footage of me alone.

"It's ok, we'll finish it soon, and I'm sure we can get some people to help," I laugh gently at my husband. "Were you lonely without me?" I smile a little. "All of this empty space." I sigh, when he leaves me again I'm gonna be lonely. This house is huge and Adams always sleeping, it'll just be me.

"It was a little lonely but I had boxes to keep me company." He winks making me laugh as he leads me up the stairs. "You know where everything is, Adams crib is in that room," he points and I nod walking into it to lay him down. "You know, baby boy doesn't like sleeping without his mommy around," he grabs my butt holding a tight grip.

"Yeah?" I smirk kissing his jaw and neck.

"Yeah he stayed awake for hours just whining," he chuckles.

"Well I'm gonna let you in on a little secret," I suck at his neck.

"And what might that be?" He smiles running his hands up my hips.

"I have trouble sleeping without you daddy," I smirk as he sucks in a sharp breath.

"What?" He chocks a little bit.

"I have trouble sleeping without you," I whisper. "Daddy," I draw it out making him bite his lip.

"Ooh," he shakes his head squeezing my butt. I giggle as we walk out of his room and walking down the stairs to the kitchen where I begin cooking. "What are you doing?" He furrows his eyebrows. I had decided on cooking lasagna so when I put it in the over I rested my hands on my breasts kneading through them.

"My boobs hurt," I chuckle.

"Can I make you feel better?" He gives my lips a gentile kiss before massaging them gently for me. "Come to the couch?" He points to the oddly placed piece of furniture.

"Sure," I smile nodding. He sits me down and kneels in front of me massaging and kissing my chest.

"You feel better yet baby?" He continues kissing.

"Not quite," I giggle as does he continuing.

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