Chapter One Hundred & Sixteen

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I kiss her forehead and run my hands over her head as she lays in the bed. I refused to go out as well, I wanna spend time with my beautiful girlfriend. "Will you watch Vampire Diaries with me?" She smiles innocently bringing herself into my chest.

"I really don't want to," I lean over giving her cheek a gentile lick. She giggles hugging me tightly.

"Well do you have a better idea?" She rolls her eyes at me shaking her head slightly. Her soft hair tickling my skin. "Would you rather talk about this beard you're growing?" She giggles running her hand over my chin.

"You like it?" I giggle clenching my jaw to give her a manly look which makes her smile. She gives me a bright smile her teeth almost sparkle just like in the movies.

"You're so cute," she taps my cheek. "Almost cute enough," I cut her off.

"Almost?" I scoff. "What do you mean almost?" I roll my eyes. "I'm gorgeous,"

"You're perfect without the facial hair," she kisses my lightly. "Don't take it to heart," she gives me a wink and a cheeky smile.

"You can be so annoying," I shake my head a little giving her cheek a gentile kiss. "But I love you anyways," the doorbell rings scaring my baby girl. "You ok?" I whisper to her and she nods slowly.

"I just wasn't expecting it." She breaths leaning against me. "Go down, go out with them," she smiles at me. "I'll watch my Vampire Diaries alone," she giggles.

"But I wanna hang out with you," I pout giving her a tight hug.

"Well the least you could do is answer the door," she giggles at me moving away to go and answer the door for them.

"Come here," I smile lifting her in my arms. She squeals slightly making me smile wider, I'm afraid I won't get this anymore so I'm trying to do everything I love doing with her before Andrew makes me leave or she leaves me.

"Hi," she opens the door to our small friend group who slowly enter the house in nothing more than sweats and t shirts. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be getting drunk in an Irish pub,"

"Yeah and then we realized it would be hella boring getting drunk and not seeing you two ninnies wasted." Chrissy rolls her eyes.

"So you're here to harass us? To invade our personal space, stop me if you hear one you like," she trails on looking down at me.

"We're here to keep you company." Sydney smiles.

"But Vampire Diaries, I almost got him to watch it with me," She huffs at her friends making them giggle.

"I've already seen most of the series," Ian huffs.

"Partially my fault," Reese looks down at me, she plants a soft kiss against my lips.

"Come on," they lead us to the kitchen even though it should be the other way around. Jeff locks the door while Ian runs upstairs to make sure the children's door is shut. "Here they are," Jeff pulls out a small black bag that Reese and I have become quite familiar with. "Who wants to play," he pulls the dice out.

"God," she smiles kissing me again.

"You had lots of fun," I roll my eyes setting her down.

"Beer?" She looks at the guys who nod. "Anything for you?" She looks at the girls.

"I'll just drink some of Ian's beer," Chrissy shrugs.

"I want a beer too," Brooke nods sitting at the table next to Geoff.

"I'll take one too," Sydney nods. She pulls out five beers and pops the tops off.

"You want one baby?" She sets a beer out in front of everyone.

"I'll get it," I walk towards the cabinet grabbing some wine.

"Ooh will you give me some?" She smiles and I nod.

"Who's going first?"


She cuddles up against my arm as we lay in bed yet again. I've never seen her looking more tired. "You ok princess?" I brush my lips against her forehead.

"I'm tired," she yawns blinking slowly.

"I know," I sit up to quickly take my shirt off and she smiles as I lay back down. She kisses my chest and wraps her arms around me. "You should go to sleep," I whisper and she nods sliding up my body and burying her head in the crook of my neck. She then hugs my torso, so I wrap my arms around her and tangle our legs together just after turning off the lamp. "Goodnight princess," I kiss her head feeling such excitement to be back in a bed with my lover.

"Goodnight Shawn," she yawns again barely able to keep her eyes open. "I love you,"

"I love you too," I smile at her running my hand up and down her back. The last time she was this tired was after she came home from Milan and we spent three hours in bed. It was my way of surprising her and apologizing and she was very open to it.

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