Chapter Thirty One

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After my plane landed an I got home my mother pushed me into the car and began driving towards the hospital. It scared me slightly until I got the dozens of messages Reese had sent me saying she was going into labour. I replied to her by saying I would be there soon.

"Reese Matthews?" I lick my dry lips nervous for both my baby an girlfriend.

"If you go to the elevator and take it up to the third floor which is the maternity section you'll find her in room 212." The receptionist smiles.

"Thank you," I nod waiting for the elevator to arrive. Soon enough we arrive at her room.

"You're going to witness a beautiful thing today Shawn," my mother smiles as we walk into the room. The only thing audible are the moans and groans of pain she makes.

"Hi princess," I walk towards her and grab her hands.

"I'm glad you're here," she sighs leaning father forwards in the tub she sat in.

"I wouldn't have missed it," I smile planting a gentile kiss against her lips. 

"I'm scared," she whimpers.

"Of what my love," I bring her closer to me.

"W-what if he," she stops and pouts.

"He'll make it through baby, I know you're worried but we've both gotta stay strong or our baby boy," I kiss her temple.

"So your at about eight cm meaning two things, one you should start making your way to the bed and two the contractions will be closer together." She explains. Her face drops as she nods.

"She's gonna need you now more than ever Shawn, don't let her down," my mother nods at my and I grab her hands holding them in mine as she slowly moves out of the tub. I help her slowly move onto the bed before her next contraction.

"Don't focus on the pain," I take her hands in mine. "Focus on the things that make you happy," I smile watching the contraction pass on the monitor. "Don't hold your breath," I kiss her gently.

"You're doing great," my mother encourages. She smiles slightly but closes her eyes as the next contraction hit. Her eyes shut tightly and she squeezes my hands.

"I'm right here love," I reassure watching the nurses and her. There were about fifteen different nurses in the room and one of them prepared a ventilator in case he didn't breath. "You're almost there," I continue encouraging until finally they announce she's ten cm and can push.

"Shawn I'm scared," she whispers looking at me. In this moment I just want to take all of it away from her in a sense. And just make her pain disappear.

"You'll be ok darling, do it for him ok?" I kiss her forehead. "Do it for our baby Adam." I smile kissing her forehead. She nods slightly and prepares.

"While I count to ten I want you to give one big push," the midwife explains. "One, two, three," she counts fairly slowly. I hold one of her legs back as she pushes with a great force. "Seven, eight, nine, ten." She finishes and Reese releases a long breath falling back.

"I can't do it," she sniffs tears filling her soft eyes.

"Yes you can baby girl, I believe in you," I kiss her nose. "You are strong," I lace our fingers together. "And you're brave," as I whisper these things she pushes while the midwife counts.

"There's the head," one of the nurses smiles. "Now the shoulders," she nods and takes another deep breath before pushing with all of her force. "One more," they nod and begin counting, this time slower. "We've got a baby," she smiles and soon her face drops. "Get the ventilator," she nods laying him in the glass hospital crib type thing. They then clean up the bed around Reese so she'll have space. She changes into her clothes without saying a world to me or to anyone about our baby.

"Reese?" I pout putting a hand on her back. She looks up at me with watery eyes and I bring her into my chest. She cries, balls in fact over how they just took our baby. "He had to go love, now he'll get better," I kiss her head.

"I-I just wanna hold him," she sniffs. "And cuddle m-my new baby b-boy." She stutters.

"I know," I whisper. "But we'll see him soon enough," I kiss her forehead. She nods.

"Come lay with me?" She yawns moving forwards slightly. I sit behind her and cuddle her against me yawning as well. A nurse walks in with the crib in which lay our son.

"We tried everything we could," she looks at us sadly. "I'm sorry for your loss," she smiles weakly looking down. Reese's face drops and more tears fall from her eyes.

"C-can I hold him?" She looks towards the nurse.

"Of course," she nods lifting up his dead body and placing it in her arms.

"H-hi baby," she sniffs. "God you're so small," she let's a tear fall onto his cheek. "I'm really sorry," she whispers kissing his forehead. "He's so cold," she cries. "Wanna hold him?" She hold him out towards me.

"Hi," I pout. "This wasn't supposed to happen," I let my own tears fall. "I love you," I whisper. "Even if you aren't around," I sniff. Quickly I throw myself up and open my eyes. I turn and see Reese sleeping peacefully. My hand rubs over her bump.

"Babe go back to sleep," she yawns.

"Ok," I sigh laying back down. "I love you," I close my eyes again holding her tightly.

"I love you too," she mumbles half asleep.

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