Chapter Three

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"How come I didn't see you at lunch today?" Shawn fake pouts.

"Because I had practice," I roll my eyes.

"What kind of practice," he leans against the locker next to mine.

"Band practice. Why do you care?" I slam the locker shut walking out with my phone in my hand. I dial Ian's number. "Hey." I smile as he picks up.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Will you pick me up?" I beg walking faster and faster so I can get away from Shawn.

"Sure. I'll be there in five to ten minutes," he ends the call.

"Trying to run are we?" He smirks.

"Fuck off Shawn," I growl.

"Someone's changed," he breaths. "And I'm not sure I like it." He shakes his head. "Should I teach you better?" He raises a brow.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled looking down. "I didn't mean it." I speak all too quickly.

"See you tomorrow princess," his eyes roll as he walks off. I walk back in and into the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror making sure my makeup hadn't smudged. Once I'm sure I leave.

"Hey," Ian smiles.

"Hi," I smile back as I get into the car.

"How was school?"

"It was alright I guess. It was pretty stupid though," I shrug.

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes. "So what do you wanna do tonight?" He pulls into our driveway.

"Nothing." I shrug.

"Alright so I'm gonna invite a couple friends over. You don't have to meet them but I want you here the whole time ok?" He says sternly.

"Ok," I nod getting out of the car. I make my way up to my room to take off my makeup.

"Reese?" He gently knocks at my door.

"It's open,"

"Do you wanna come down. Eat something maybe?" He bites his lip.

"No. I'm alright. I might come down later though." I smile weekly.

"Alright." He nods gently shutting the door.

I sit on the bed in my shorts and sweatshirt. It's fairly warm out but my arms are scarred and I don't like showing them. "Shit," I groan as I realize that I do want food. Sighing I skip down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Reese?" Ian gentile voice rings through the kitchen. He is probably in the living room.

"Yeah?" I answer waking outbid the kitchen running into someone. "I'm sorry I didn't mean," I stop myself realizing who it was. "Ian," I growl calling him over as Shawn walks away bright red.

"Yeah," he smiles walking towards me.

"Why is he here?" I point to Shawn.

"You know each other?" He smiles seeming proud. "Maybe he could help you with the bullying," he rests a hand on my shoulder giving me a sympathetic look.

"Yeah maybe," I lie. I look at Ian and realize he had no idea. And how much he actually thinks Shawn can help so I let him believe it. "Ok I'm gonna go upstairs," I point.

"No why don't you stay with us we're watching a movie?" He begs slightly.

"Alright." I sighed obliging to his request. "I'll stay for a bit," I shrug following him into the living room. I look around seeing the only free space is next to Shawn who is still flushed from our encounter.

"Go sit with him," Ian rolls his eyes. "He's not gonna bite you," he points at Shawn. I want to reply saying 'but he has before' but I don't because I don't want to ruin their friendship.

"Hey Reese," he licks his lips.

"Oh you actually know my name," I mumble scoffing slightly.

"Yeah," he nods seeming slightly hurt by my statement. I scoff again.

"Then how come you never use it," I roll my eyes.

"Listen Reese," he sighs whispering. "I know you don't like me, but I didn't know you knew Ian," he pouts as if it'll change what he's done to me.

"So! What difference does it make weather I know him or not?!" I whisper yell. Shawn brings out a rage in me that I didn't know I had. "You still abuse me," I scoff turning all of my attention to the movie playing. He just sighs and watches as well. Soon enough I find my head buried in Shawn's chest as his large hands stroke my hair as he tells me it's over.

"You two got close," Ian chuckles looking at how I curl on Shawn's lap with my head in his chest.

"I-I," I stutter, unsure of what to say. "It's a habit I do it to Ian all I the time," I point and he nods.

"She does it when she's scared that's all," he shrugs walking away leaving me and Shawn alone.

"I'm sorry," I sigh standing up and beginning to walk away.

"Hey," he grabs my arm spinning me back so I face him. "I never said I didn't like it," he pulls me into his chest.

"Shawn," I push him back slightly. "This is wrong," I move away. "You hate me. Remember?" He moves closer as I move back.

"I don't hate you princess," he cups my cheek. "I love you," he presses his lips onto mine. They're soft and sweet, I find myself kissing him back rather than pushing him off but I just couldn't say no. He kissed me with much passion and little force.

"Shawn," I mumble onto his lips. Still I couldn't pull away. He makes me feel special just threw one kiss.

"Mhm," he nods continuing to kiss me. Hi lips traveled from mine to my jaw and from my jaw to my neck where he kissed and sucked.

"Let's take this to my room," I moan quietly into his ear. He simply nods removing his lips from my neck and following me to my bedroom. He throws me onto my bed upon our arrival at my room.

"Shawn," I pull my lips away from his. "This is wrong," I sigh.

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