Chapter Eighty Two

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She grabs the hat from my head and places it on her own with a quiet giggle at the end. "You're adorable," I smile running the back of my finger over her cheek.

"I miss my baby," she pouts a little.

"So do I," I kiss her pouting lips. "Should we call him?" I smile making her light up.

"You'll let me" she tackles me in a hug jumping on me from her seat.

"I wanna talk too," I chuckle as she opens her phone and FaceTime's Brooke.

"Hey guys," she smiles. It's much darker there than here because of the weather difference.

"Hi Brooke," I smile while Reese bites her lip just about ready to explode with excitement.

"Geoff," she calls. The moan of our baby boy makes her kick her feet in excitement.

"Hi baby," she waves at the little boy on the screen. "Hello baby," she smiles.

"Hi," I shake my head. "Hi," I shake my hair again. He claps his hands gently and leans forward in Geoff's arms.

"Is he being good?" She bites her lip.

"An angel," Brooke nods.

"Good," She breaths looking back at the little boy and waving gently.

"We're gonna bring him on a vacation, on a real vacation before his fifth birthday," she nods as if it were her mission.

"Ok," I kiss her jaw.

"Well you guys need to go and enjoy yourselves. We'll let you call once everyday and any other time we won't answer. The only time more than one is allowed is when we call you." She points.

"Ok," Reese nods her head. "Bye baby," she waves.

"Goodbye Adam," I buzz my lips as does he.

"Bye guys, thanks for watching him," she smiles.

"Anytime," Geoff winks ending the call. I hold Reese tightly.

"I wanna do something, we're always on this resort why don't we go do something else?" She pouts at me.

"Like what?" I giggle as the bartender places drinks beside each of us before walking away. They each act like our servants which makes Reese mad.

"Why don't we do one of the activities in the brochure?" She smiles.

"You know which one sounds really cool?" I smile kissing his shoulder.

"Which one?" She giggles.

"The waterfall one," on the island there is a waterfall where you can climb. You take a tour and you climb it.

"It does sound cool," she nods.

"So lets do it," I giggle.

"Ok," she nods as well. Becky prepares to call and reserve it especially for us. "Becky leave it," Reese whines. "It's boring being all alone all of the time," she stands taking my hands in hers.

"Can I at least reserve one full tour for you guys because of the camera and stuff?" She nods and leads me away.

"We'll meet you down here in the minutes." She calls as we walk away. She jumps into my arms and I spin her around as we walk to the elevator.

"You know princess," I brush my thumb over her forehead. "Your hair is growing really fast," I smile.

"Is it," she giggles. "I didn't notice," she looks down a little.

"What's wrong baby? I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you," I pout bringing her in for a hug.

"I miss my hair," she sighs leaning against my shoulder. "And how you used to run your fingers throw it when I got scared." She smiles. "How you would play with it when we cuddled," she leads me out of the elevator. "How you'd pull on it when we loved so I knew I was doing something right," she looks down again. "I can't have that anymore."

"Sure you can," I try to perk her up. "You've just gotta wait a little," I hug her tightly. "I'm sorry princess it's all my fault," I look down as well.

"No it's not," she waves her hands in my face. "You didn't wanna send me into surgery, if anything it's Ian's fault," she giggles trying to make me smile.

"But i'm the reason that," she cuts me off by planting a sweet kiss on my lips. 

"It wasn't your fault," she gives me a hug. "You didn't know," she opens the room door and we walk in.

"What should I wear?" She looks at her clothes and smiles. "What do you think of this one?" She pulls out black short short swim shorts and a bright blue bikini top.

"Perfect?" I nod closing the blinds. She undresses and puts it on.

"My turn," I giggle planting a gentile kiss on her cheek.

"You don't have to change though," she laughs quietly.

"Yeah, but I can." I wink. She just smiles sitting on the bed and waiting.


"So," Becky starts Reese ignores her playing with my hand. "We're gonna get shots from every angle possible and you guys are on a tour by yourselves we're gonna get security," she nods.

"We don't need security," I look to Reese who giggle looking at my hand. Hers sits gently underneath mine as I read her massage. You're my Prince Charming love your princess. "You are my princess," I kiss her forehead with a smile.

"We don't need security Becky, they can follow us but at a distance and are only allowed to get closer if there's a real threat," she nods laying herself across my lap as Colin the only photographer in this car with us snaps more pictures. He had already taken pictures of my hand and Reese writing on it.

"We're here," she smiles I lean down and kiss her gently.

"You sound excited," I wink as we change our shoes walking towards the man waiting for us. He leads us around for a bit until we end up at the waterfall.

"This is Jamal he will be leading you up the waterfall. Good luck," he smiles walking off.

"Alright you're gonna have to follow exactly in my footsteps, and try not to fall," he pleads. I clutch Reese's hand and lead her up the rocks.

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