Chapter Seventy

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I shift uncomfortably on the couch, I look to the stairs. She's up there, laying on the bed probably peacefully. I sigh and un pause the tv program I had recorded yesterday. The interview.

"And your hair?" The host mocks. "It's all gone," just before a video plays on the screen behind. I let a tear fall down my cheek. She laughed at her which is bad enough in itself, but I laughed too. I was so out of it, I was basically a robot I just wanted to get home and hold my baby girl in my arms. I wanted to give the reporter what she wanted so we could leave, but not only did I fail at that but I failed at my role as a husband. I look back at the stairs and sigh. She didn't kick me out of the room, banish me to the couch or any of that. I just chose to give her some space. A quiet sob brakes my concentration.

"Reese," I gasp shutting the tv off to quietly but quickly make my way up the stairs. She sobs into a pillow with her back up and face down. I slowly creep towards where she lays on the bed and gently dig my fingers into her shoulders and back. She turns hurriedly to see me and calms down quite a bit.

"Shawn," she wipes her eye quickly.

"Princess why are you crying?" I bring her onto my lap. I'm almost positive it's my fault from the interview yesterday.

"Have you seen them?" She sniffs.

"No baby I haven't," I hold her on my lap.

"It's awful," she nuzzles her head in my shoulder.

"Can I see?" I run my hands over her back.

"Look," she opens her phone to show me all of the awful things people have been tweeting and posting about her on social medias.

"Awe baby girl," I cradle her.

"Stop," she moves out of my grip.

"Why baby?" I stand with her.

"You did that, you started it all." She points and growls a little.

"I'm trying to make it better princess, I am," I pout at her.

"Shawn you need to get your shit together, in fact you started all of my shit so if you don't mind you can go back downstairs and lay on the couch leaving me to deal with my shit by myself!" She exclaims.

"Princess, baby, babe," I try to get her attention. "I'm gonna fix this," I run my hands over her back as she lays back on the bed. "I promise," I kiss her cheek. "I just don't know how," I walk down the stairs and lay across the couch making phone call upon phone call. "Andrew?" I breath into the phone.

"What's up kid?" He smiles.

"I need you to book as many press conferences as you can get me tomorrow," I nod.

"Locally?" He teases.

"I was actually thinking about starting in Switzerland." I roll my eyes.

"Alright so conferences in Pickering." He nods.

"Thanks," I hang the phone up. Now all I have left to do is wait.


"We're here today with Shawn Mendes," the interviewer smiles.

"Hi," I smile at her and the camera.

"So Shawn tell us about the music industry?" She smiles again.

"It's good and all but I was kinda hoping to talk about my wife?" I bite my lip.

"How cute," she smiles as the crowd awed.

"She just had some pretty intense surgery," I explain. "And she's been getting a lot of hate and rude comments about the things that she has to do now," I look down. "And it's my fault," I whisper.

"Awe poor thing," she pouts at the camera and the audience awed again.

"So I wanted to show her not the whole worlds against her, in fact I tried showing her at home but she's mad at me." I giggle. "She slammed the door in my face, but I think this might be a way for her to feel better about herself and her condition." I smile at the camera making awes erupt all over the building yet again.

"Well what do we do?" She waves her hand to try and get me to keep going.

"I need you guys to help me stop the hate, she has to do a lot of things she's not very fond of and a lot of things many adults won't have to deal with and that's why people are attacking her. But I want you guys help to show her she doesn't have to be afraid." I smile it's the same thing for each of the interviews. I tell them basically the same thing. "Later this afternoon her, me and our little boy are gonna be out all around the city. I'll tweet out where we are gonna be and when, and if you guys love her as much as me you'll wright a positive note and drop it when you pass us. If you take a picture of the note tweet it and tag me in it I'll follow you or dm you, or whatever you want just help me get her back to normal?"

"That's beautiful," she smiles. "You heard it here folks," she smiles into the camera. "And that's all we have time for but thank you so much for being here," she hugs me.

"Thank you all for listening and supporting her," I nod.

"We'll see you next week." And with that it ends and they send me off. I pull into the driveway to see Reese on the front steps, her head in her hands.

"Hi princess," I smile gently at her. "Baby it's cold outside, why are you sitting here?" I take my coat off and drape it over her shoulders.

"I can't stand being inside with everything happening?" She looks down.

"I'm sorry princess, it's all my fault," I kiss her forehead. "Will you come inside with me?" I run my hands over her shoulders.

"I think I'm gonna stay out here," she nods taking my jacket off of her shoulders and handing it to me.

"Keep it princess, you need to stay warm alright," I kiss her cheek. "I'll be right back," I smile standing up. I walk into the kitchen and fix her bottle adding some of her medicine before warming it up. I grab the baby monitor and a blanket before walking out. "I'm back," I smile at her while sitting next to her on the steps. I lay the blanket across her lap. "Here," I hand her the bottle.

"I'm not supposed to do it by myself?" Her eyebrows furrow and she hands it back to me.

"I'll let you if you want?" I smile weakly trying to give her reassurance.

"It's ok," she nods a little. "I can get Ian to help me if you have things to do," she looks at my ringing phone. I shake my head,

"It's nothing," I nod.

"And Shawn you look freezing," she gives me the blanket.

"I'm fine really," I nod. "Hey Reese?" I smile as she sits herself on my lap and brings my arms around till I cradle her.

"Yes?" She nods.

"I was thinking we should take Adam to the park today?" I try and smile at her to show her it's ok.

"Alright," she nods. "He's never been to a park before has he?" She chuckles. "Poor kid," she looks down.

"You wanna go inside?" I furrow my eyebrows holing the bottle in my hand.

"Yeah, for your sake," she adds in the end. "You'll get frost bite or something." She giggles leading me into the house. I sit on the couch and she falls into my arms letting me feed her. She wouldn't let me yesterday, she made Nathan come over to feed her, and she also wouldn't talk to me so I guess I'm getting closer to having her back.

"I love you," I kiss her cheek.

"Mhm," she hums against the bottle. I look down a little. She's not ready yet, I get it, I hurt her really badly. O just wish she could be ready.

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