Chapter Twenty One

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"Was the plane ride that bad?" He questions holding my hand as we walk threw the busy airport.

"No, it wasn't that bad," I sigh.

"How my baby feeling after that?" He puts his hands on my stomach.

"I don't know. We'll see in a few hours." I chuckle.

"Ok," he giggles. "Then I guess I'll just wait." He shrugs and kisses my neck. We exit the airport to the bright and shinning sun along with a couple hundred people screaming Shawn's name.

"You're popular," I giggle.

"I guess I am." He smiles kissing my cheek. "Come on you have to meet the other guys," he brings me into the car.

"The other guys?" I raise an eyebrow.

"It's the Magcon tour," he explains. "There's nine of us." He chuckles and sits next to me.

"Ok," I nod. Our hands are gently connected and my legs rest over his. "Do you have a show tonight?" I twirl his hair in my fingers.

"Nope the first show is tomorrow." He nods as my head leans against his shoulder.

"I love you." I giggle cuddling him tightly.

"You said it?" He gasps and swallows hard.

"Mhm. I did," I giggle kissing his neck. "And I'll say it again. I love you," I sing kissing his cheek.

"I love you too," he kisses my lips and cuddles me against him. "I love you so much." He sighs of content.

"We're here," I whisper as the door opens. He smiles getting out and offering me a hand. I take it and grab my bag following him up the stairs. As soon as we enter the hotel elevator my social anxiety kicks in. "Won't this be awkward?" I pace around. "What if they don't like me?" He grabs my arm and places a hand on my stomach.

"Calm down," he kisses me gently. "You'll be fine," he moves his hand around my stomach. "This is our baby," he chuckles. "And I'm not gonna let your stress kill him or her." He gives me a stern look. "So calm down." He breaths.

"Ok," I nod as the doors open. "But you can't leave me ok?" I beg knowing I'm gonna stress if I'm alone.

"I promise," he smiles leading me to the room. You can only hear the loud screams of the boys next door. Shawn and I got our own room. "You ready babe?" He takes me from our room and to theirs.

"I'm trying to prepare myself." I giggle.

"They aren't bad," he chuckles knocking on the door.

"Shut up," a voice yells. "Shut up," he yells again. "Hello?" He sticks his head out the door and sees Shawn. "Are you the new kid?" He looks at him weird.

"Shut up Cameron," he pushes the door open.

"Shawn's back," he yells informing the other.

"I was here a few years ago," he explains. "This is the reunion." He whispers as I nod cautiously following him.

"Shawn," they squeal tackling him in a hug as I move back and out of their way. "I've got one question," they all stand up again letting him stand up as well giving me what I used as a shield
Of protection also known as my boyfriend. "Who's that?" They point to me. He turns to try and pull me do rewards to introduce me but I follow his movement. They act as if we've never met before but I know all of them.

"Don't be shy baby," he whispers. "I promise they won't hurt you," he turns quickly pulling me against him keeping a tight grip on my hands. "Guys," he turns around again so he faces them. I bury my head in his chest. "This is my girlfriend. Reese," he chuckles at my shyness and kisses my cheek. "I promise nothing'll happen." He whispers and I slowly move out of his chest turning to face them. They smile and I return a weak smile back.

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