Chapter Fifty One

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"Baby," I whisper to her. "Baby we're about to land," I smile looking out the window. She smiles turning to me and pressing her lips against mine. I do her seatbelt up before doing up my own. Reese had fallen asleep after our long discussion about how, now that she's a model she needs social media. So finally she agreed to get twitter.

"We're married," she giggles leaning against my shoulder.

"We're married," I smile kissing her head. "Look princess," I point to the ocean we hover over. Her fingers lace in mine.

"We're going to have a great time," she giggles.

"Have you seen where we're staying yet?" I smirk slightly as she shakes her head.

"I can't wait to find out," she kisses my cheek. I hold her hand and leaning forehead against hers. I pucker my lips and she presses her against mine. Upon our separation she giggles and rubs her nose against mine.

"I love you," I attach our lips again.

"I love you too," she pulls away and sits with her head against my shoulder as we finally land. The plane circles a few times and finally we are told we can get off.

"Hey Reese?" I grab our bag from the overhead bin.

"Yes pumpkin?" She smiles grabbing the other carry on we share from underneath the seat.

"Never mind," I shake my head and connect our hands as we walk out of the plane.

"We hope you enjoy your stay," one of the smiles at me before noticing Reese.

"I hate girls," she huffs.

"And I hate boys," I giggle.

"I don't like it when people check you out," she kisses my forehead.

"Well I mean could you blame them," I wink slightly.

"No I couldn't," she kisses my cheek. Cameras and paparazzi crowd both Reese and I.

"Reese right here," some of them yell.

"Shawn, Shawn, what's it like being married to the number one ranked model?" Someone asks one of them trips Reese resulting in a small wail to escape her perfect pink lips and me catching her.

"I told you I'd never let you fall," I smile bringing her back up. She blushes slightly and puts on her sunglasses as we walk outside. She wears short shorts and a crop top while I wear a white muscle shirt and a pair of khakis.

"Did he say number one ranked model?" She swallows as we get into the car. She turns her phone on before taking it off of airplane mode. Hundreds of notifications flood the screen. "I'm the number one ranked model?" She looks at me confused.

"You are beautiful," I smile. "And I'm happy they noticed." I place a finger under her chin and bring her towards me before pecking her lips gently.

"This has honestly been one of the best weeks of my life," she twirls my hair in her fingers. The car stops after about ten minutes of driving and we get out. Reese pulls her hair out of the pony tail. "Shawn it's beautiful," she smiles widely. I smile back and grab our bags from the trunk before we make our way to our Vila. "Why are our smirking like that?" She bites her lip.

"I just wanna know if you like our new vacation house?" I shrug and she gasps.

"D-did you?" She pauses.

"It's ours princess," I lift her again and hug her tightly.

"We'll have to bring Adam out here when he gets a little older," she smiles as I set her back down. "I miss him already," she pouts

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