Chapter Sixty Seven

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"Good morning sweetie." I smile at her.

"Good morning my prince," she slurs.

"Did you have a good sleep?" I kiss her forehead.

"I did," she nods and giggles.

"Look," I point. "They all came back to see you," I blow on her cheek.

"Hi everyone," she waves and chew on her hand a little just like Adam.

"Don't do that," I shake my head gently grabbing her wrist to pull it out of her mouth.

"Ok," she nods putting her hand back in her mouth.

"I said no," I chuckle at her.

"You did?" Her eyebrows furrow.

"I did," I giggle.

"Baby will you pass me that?" She points.

"Sure thing," I nod grabbing it and helping her with it. I hold her hands and put the tube in her mouth.

"Good you're awake," Katrina smiles. "Shawn will you?" She hands me the bottle.

"Yeah," I nod. "And while I'm doing it you can tell us the news you said you had last night," I let a drop of the warm liquid fall into my wrist.

"Is it hot?" She pouts.

"No princess that's what I was checking," I smile beginning to feed her. Her hands curl around it but still I hold it for her.

"So last night," Katrina starts. "I was talking with the other nurses who say because her heads been glued as soon as she starts walking again we can send her home," she smiles. "But Shawn you'll still have to feed her bottles with her prescription for a few weeks." She explains.

"Here that princess," I smile as she finishes the bottle. "Baby you get to come home early." I kiss her forehead.

"Early?" She giggles. "How early?" Her eyebrows furrow.

"As soon as you start walking again," she nods.

"No more Katrina?" She pouts.

"You'll see me again, I promise," she chuckles.

"Ok," she nods reaching for the gas.

"Here," I hand it to her with a soft chuckle as she inhales it.

"When do I get to start walking?" Her eyebrows furrow again.

"When all of the medicine wears off." She chuckles closing the gas chamber.

"What happens when my head starts hurting again?" She pouts.

"It shouldn't," Katrina shakes her head.

"If it starts hurting again I'll kiss it better," I kiss her cheek.

"Ok," she nods. "Shawn," she turns more to me. "My head hurts," everyone laughs at her and I smile kissing her gently.

"No it doesn't," I giggle shaking my head.

"No it doesn't," she laughs shaking her head.

"Then why'd you say it does?" I smile at her giggles.

"Because I wanted a kiss," she explains.

"Reese," Katrina smiles. "Can I take these off?" She points to all of the tubes in her arms and stomach.

"Ok," she lays back against me. 

"Stay still," Katrina points.

"Ok," she nods. I hold her body still while Katrina works at removing the tubes and placing bandaids over the ones the bleed.

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