Chapter One Hundred and Two

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"Goodnight," I wave to them as they walk towards their cars. I close the door and Shawn pins me against it kissing me roughly.

"Can I know?" He mumbles wrapping his arms around my waist. He asks for entrance which I give pushing my tongue against his with immense force.

"I don't wanna tell you," I sigh as he lifts me up he pulls away briefly.

"Why not?" He pouts. "I deserve to know,"

"I know you do baby," I touch his hair. "But I'm not ready to tell you yet, it brings me pain," I sigh as he carries me up the stairs.

"Please?" He begs a little.

"You really wanna know," he lays me on the bed gently and falls on top of me.

"I really do," he begs pressing his lips back on mine.

"But baby," I sigh pulling away. "It makes me feel completely responsible." I wrap my arms around him. He stands to shut the door and the curtains before turning the lights on with a smile.

"I don't think you're responsible." He shakes his head.

"It's gonna make you mad," I bite my lip. "You're gonna be really, really mad at me," I look down.

"I promise I won't be," he reassures.

"It was," I start with a sigh. "It was Zander," I almost start crying with guilt. He stays silent staring at me in awe. "I'm sorry," my voice cracks. He brings me against him in a hug.

"It's not your fault," he kisses my cheek and neck lightly. "Come on," he giggles. "I have something fun we could try," he leads me down the stairs confusing me.

"What?" I giggle at his smile but in more of a questioning way.

"I can't wait to try this on you," he giggles evilly.

"Try what?" I laugh nervously.

"Do you trust me?" He reaches into the drawer after sitting me at the counter.

"Not at the moment," I laugh nervously yet again as he pours me a glass of wine.

"Please?" He pouts. "I won't do it until you're ok with it," he kisses me softly and sets the glass in front of me.

"It's ok," I nod.

"Do you trust me?" He holds my hands standing in front of me.

"With my life," I nod. He grabs a small bag from the drawer. "Shawn," I gasp.  "Are you hiding your drugs from me?" I giggle making my way towards him.

"No," he smiles grabbing me gently. "Why don't you come and find out," he whispers.

"Ok," I giggle going back to the stool. He sits in the one next to me.

"Jeff gave them to me for our anniversary but we haven't used them yet." He giggles again opening the small bag and pulling out two dice. He put one back and grabs a different one. "We'll save that one for later," he blushes.

"What are these?" I laugh a little looking at them.

"Sexy dice," he giggles leaning towards me giving me a soft kiss.

"What the hell are those?" I smile rolling them around in my hand.

"Watch," he chuckles sipping his wine. He rolls one of the dice and smiles. "Lick," he reads aloud rolling the other dice. "Neck." He leans forward and licks my neck sending shivers down my spine. "Your turn," he smiles licking up by my ear before moving away.

"I don't wanna," I look down shyly.

"Ok princess," he smiles. "I'll go again." He rolls the dice and smiles. "Kiss," he whispers as I sip on my wine. "Thigh," he smiles sliding my pants down my legs. He kisses along my inner thigh making me shudder in pleasure. "Now do you want a turn?" He smiles.

"Ok," I nod slowly. I take the dice into my hand rolling it slowly.

"You're so cute princess," he smiles.

"Tickle?" I read it slowly. "Back," I sigh of relief that I didn't get any like the ones he's gotten. I kick my pants off of my legs in annoyance making him smile. I walk towards him standing behind gently running my hands over his back. I move my fingers around making him shiver a little. "You like it baby?" I whisper shyly into my husbands ear.

"Mhm," he moans gently. "You should do it more often," he sighs. I giggle and stop walking back to my chair. "Should I go?" He giggles looking at them. It's turned into a game that were both starting to enjoy.

"Sure," I smile sipping my whine.

"Nip," he rolls the other one with a gentile laugh sipping more of his whine before speaking. "Breast." I bite my lip. "I don't have to," he shakes his head knowing how much I hate it when he touches them let alone sees them. "Want me to roll again?" He grabs my hand gently.

"It's ok," I nod undoing the top buttons of the shirt. "Nothing Mercy hasn't done yet," I giggle making him smile.

"I'll be gentile," he smiles kissing and nipping only gently at the skin. I bite down on my bottom lip sucking in a sharp breath. "You want me to stop?" He smiles up at me.

"Well," I pause and he smiles kissing my neck and jaw.

"It's ok princess," he smiles giving me a gentile kiss as I prepare to roll.

"Lick," I read sipping my wine before rolling the next one. "Lips," I laugh looking down a little and he smiles.

"Go ahead," he smiles.

"Well shut your mouth, I'm not supposed to lick your teeth," I roll my eyes making him laugh again. When he finishes laughing at me I grab her cheeks licking his lips just as I'm supposed to.

"Sexy," he moves closer to kiss me. "Wanna try the other ones?" He pulls away.

"What are they?" I smile at him.

"Places and sex positions," he lifts me up but not before he gabs the dice. We leave the bubbly drinks as he flicks off the light and carries me to our room. We both undress each other leaving us both nude. "In the closet," he closes the curtains then rolls the next dice. "Like this," he lifts me up pinning me against a wall only for demonstrations purposes.

"Get a condom ready, I'll make you hard," I smirk.


I watch Shawn sleep he looks so at ease, so peaceful. "Good morning baby," I smile as his eyes open.

"Good morning lovely," he smiles back kissing me softly. "I love this," he smiles pulling me closer.

"This sleeping position?" I giggle at the way we stayed cuddled all night.

"No," he shakes his head with a quiet laugh. "Cuddling naked," he responds simply.

"It does feel pretty great doesn't it?" I let my hand fall down his hip and towards his member. 

"No," he grabs my hand stopping my from touching him. "If I get hard now it's not going away until fifty rounds," he teases. We spent over two hours last night with those stupid dice, not counting the time it took us to do everything. We went everywhere at least twice but every time it was something different and that's what made it so exciting. Not once did we make it to the bed though. We made love, and we didn't, we went through so many condoms and so much lube but in the end it didn't matter, we had so much fun.

"Last night was fun," I smile moving myself so I'm eye level with him.

"Mhm," he nods with a smile before he kisses my lips. It was almost as if we were teenagers again. No matter how young we are we didn't experience the privileged teenage life. Neither of us have been drunk in well over a year and the one time I did it was unintentional, I'm sure Shawn still hasn't been. And he has his first tattoo already but for a while I've been thinking about getting mine. I want something that represents our family but I don't know what.

"We're meeting with the lawyer in an hour." I check the time quickly and giggle.

"Then I guess I only have forty five minutes," he grabs the bag containing the magical but devilish dice. Our parents had talent the kids saying we should be able to deal with this legal issue without worry. "And you can be as loud as I want you to be," he slaps my ass. "Closet," he smiles. "Doggy style," he smirks.

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