Chapter Ninty One

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Two weeks later

"I'm just about ready to pop," she sighs laying her head on my lap.

"You ready for all of that?" I giggle a little while running my hands over her head, gently massaging her scalp.

"I hope so," she shrugs and I giggle.

"I'm just teasing darling you know you are," I run my hands over her bump. "Someone's got the hiccups," I smile at her bump.

"Speaking of someone, they don't have names." She crosses her arms.

"I still like Precious, Jericho and Masson but you should have some say," I giggle.

"I don't know, I wanna see my babies before I name them," she runs her finger around the bump.

"Well we'll talk about it later, for now you and my babies need some sleep, I've gotta go check on Adam," I kiss her forehead.

"Bring him in here? I never get to hang out with my baby anymore," she pouts and she's right. The triplets have brought a lot of stress and strain to our relationship with baby Adam.

"Look who's awake?" I turn the lights on and he whines so I turn them off and grab him. "Look at you, not wanting to sleep huh?" I chuckle.

"It's my baby," she squeals. "My baby boy," she smiles.

"Say hi mama?" I smile.

"Mama," he waves a little and I set him on the bed in front of her. He tries to stand but struggles because of the bed so he gives up and crawls towards his mother laying against her.

"Hi baby," she whispers running her fingers over his hair. "You know I really like Jayden?" She smiles. "Jericho and Jayden maybe?" She shrugs kissing Adams head. "And maybe Mercy for a girl?" She bites her lip.

"It doesn't matter to me," I kiss her forehead and begin changing.

"We'll decide when they get here," she nods.

"Ok, now why don't you two get some sleep we've got a busy day tomorrow," I smile lifting Adam and putting him in the crib in our room. He gives me a sad look unable to do much more with his face. "I know baby but we'll hang out tomorrow ok?" I smile kissing his forehead. "Goodnight," I smile walking towards our bed.

"Baby?" She types something in on her phone.

"Mhm?" I smile laying behind her.

"Becky wants us to do a tv series?" She smiles a little. "What do you think? They're not allowed to exploit our personal lives and stuff but it'll be cute, they'll document our lives?" She giggles.

"Sure, when do we start?" I wrap my arms just underneath her boobs as I can't hold anywhere lower.

"Tomorrow?" She bites her lip.

"Alright," I nod. "It's ok," she squeals a little and send the text message before closing her phone and plugging it in.

"Goodnight Adam," she whispers.

"Night mama," he breaths.

"Night baby," she gushes a little.

"Goodnight Adam," I smile.

"Night daddy," he whispers almost asleep.

"He's learning so much," she sighs.


"Their here," Chrissy squeals opening the door to let us in.

"Hi," Reese smiles. "Sydney," she gasps waddling to hug her friend. I smile as she walks away going to bro hug Jeff.

"How've you been?" I smile walking over with Adam waddling next to me.

"Good, good, Sydney's got a surprise for you guys," he chuckles leading us away.

"You wanna walk?" I smile at Adam who clings to my leg as if he were afraid. "Come here," I lift him up and hold him above my head. "Come here," I kiss his cheek. 

"Yeah, they were gonna start filming today but they wanna hold it off until tomorrow as to not exploit you all," she giggles.

"How are you feeling?" I brush my hand over her bump. Adam mirrors my actions.

"I'm ok," she smiles. "You wanna see the bump?" She chuckles. "It's bigger than it seems," she looks at her clothes.

"Alright," they nod fairly excitedly.

"Here," she raises her shirt. Three little kicks are visible and she breaths out a little.

"You ok?" I kiss her forehead.

"I'm fine but someone's not liking it in there," she breaths out. "You're gonna have to stay another week," she whispers.

"Almost time," I smile.

"You have names?" Brooke giggles.

"Kinda, I want Masson, Jericho and Precious and she wants Jericho, Mercy and Jayden," I shrug.

"At least you've got one name," they chuckle.

"Yeah," I lace our fingers together. "Wanna give the babies a kiss?" I smile at Adam who stares in confusion at her bump. "Wanna give babies a kiss," I kiss her bump. He leans a little forward. "Gentile, gentile," I smile as he kisses the bump.

"Good boy," she smiles.

"Wanna go say hi to aunts Sydney?" I smile. "Or uncle Jeff?" I kiss his cheek.

"Speak of, Sydney and I have a special surprise," he smiles as Adam buries himself in my leg.

"We're moving back to Ontario," she smiles. "We've got a house in Toronto," she beams.

"That's awesome." Everyone smiles.

"Now we get to help with this little bugger," she smiles at Adam. "Wanna come here," she kneels and opens her arms.

"It's ok baby," I set him on the ground but he attaches himself to my leg. "Since when are you shy?" I chuckle placing him in Sydney's arms. He squirms and whines as if he were afraid of her. "Alright, alright sh," I take him back trying to calm him down. "There we go," I smile setting him on my leg while he cuddles into me.

"He'll warm up to you," she smiles at them. "He's just not used to new people." She giggles leaning against my shoulder. "Shawn," she whispers quietly. "It hurts," she's been in much pain for a few days now and the doctors say it's normal at this stage in her pregnancy especially because of the amount of babies she's carrying.

"I know princess," I kiss her forehead.

"Do you?" She huffs teasingly.

"No, I don't really, but I do know it hurts you," I sigh.

"And you should know," she whispers again. "This is all your fault," she giggles.

"I'll do it again if it means I get to be that close to you," I wink and she gasps hitting my chest.


Do you guys like those names? Comment either Reese or Shawn and I'll pick either combination, if you have other ideas comment those too and I'll put them up I promise😋

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