Chapter Eighty Seven

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"Positive?" I choke a little.

"They're what?" She coughs.

"They're all positive," I nod. Our parents squeal while we both sit in disbelief.

"We're having another baby," she smiles at me.

"We're having another baby," I smile as she kisses me gently.

"Another baby," she almost laughs. "We're making a bigger family," our fingers lace together.

"I'm glad it's with you," I whisper in her ear.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," she kisses my head as I bring her onto my lap.


"Come on princess," I call chuckling slightly.

"I wanna know everything when you get back," our moms point.

"I won't spare any details," I smile.

"Come on baby, you wanna play?" Her mom sits on the ground with him. He stands and walks towards her sitting in her lap and laying back against her as he'd do with Reese.

"I'm coming," she calls waddling down the stairs. Her bump is pretty big compared to her size with Adam, but then again Adam was a tiny baby.

"There she is," I smile planting a gentile kiss on her lips.

"Thank you again for watching him," she smiles at our parents as they nod. "Are you ready?" She giggles at me while I roll my eyes.

"I'm ready," I nod and lead her to the car. "You ready?" I tease as she nods giggling. Her hand clutched mine as if it's be the last time she'd ever see me. "Princess is something wrong?" I pout squeezing her hand back.

"I'm nervous, I just wanna know everything's ok with our baby," she sighs. She didn't get this nervous with Adam, but the unexpected happened to us so I could understand.

"You know everything's gonna be fine," I kiss her hand.

"I know," she breaths out a long breath and sinks back into the leather of the seats.

"We've just gotta go in and find a heartbeat." I giggle teasingly. "I'm sure everything after that's gonna be a breeze." I smile at her.

"Alright," she blinks a few times.

"Baby don't cry," I brush my thumb over her cheek and pull into an open parking space.

"Hormones," she breaths out and fans herself with her hand.

"You're ok," I kiss her cheek.

"I'm ok," she nods kissing my cheek as well before exiting the car. She grabs my hand and waits before walking again into the hospital. Because of how small our town is, the hospital and doctors office are the same. I lead her up to the maternity booking an ultrasound was something I did right away, just so we could make sure our baby would be healthy. "Mendes," she smiles at the lady at the desk.

"Just make your way to the third floor and tell the lady up there the same thing," she smiles at her pointing towards the elevator. She smiles at me for a second and quickly looks down at her bump before blushing and looking back up.

"What's up with you," I giggle.

"I never could've seen this happening," she falls into my chest. "We have our baby boy and we're about to have another kid. All before we're twenty?" She breaths out.

"I know," I chuckle.

"But it's not only the fact that we have a family," she explains. "It's the fact that we're together," she hugs me tightly. Every time she mentions things like that I feel slightly guilty. I was the one who go the short end of the straw and I had to pretend to like her. I started dating her so I could get to her easier, and then on our first night. All of the things she let me do to her, she let me kiss her and she let me take her virginity not many people would do that, especially not with someone who abuses you.

"It's almost miraculous," I tease.

"Almost," she giggles. "I never in a million years thought I'd even have a normal conversation with you," she leans her head against my shoulder. "And now we're married," she smiles. "I love you to bits darling and I wouldn't change a single thing that's happened to us good or bad," she kisses my cheek.

"Words can't begin to describe how sorry I am for everything I've done to you," I pout. "I'd erase it if I could but that might damage my chances of being with you now and I don't wanna loose you," I hug her. "I love you," I kiss her cheek as the elevator doors finally open.

"Mendes," she smiles as we walk to the front desk.

"The doctor will see you now," she nods at us. It's a quiet town not much goes on around here and I'm sure we're the youngest couple around, we're also most likely the only one with a baby, and one of the way.

"Hello," she stands and smiles. I'm a little thankful that the doctor's a girl and not a guy because if it were a guy I wouldn't be able to handle it. "I'm doctor Smith," she extends a hand.

"I'm Reese and this is my husband Shawn," she smiles.

"Oh you two are the newbies," she smiles. "Everyone's been talking about you," she laughs a little. "A famous couple moving to our little town, completely unheard of." She leads us further into the room. "Shawn if we could get you on that chair," she points. "And Reese, can I get you to lift your shirt a bit?" She smiles. Reese nods raising it as the nurse lays a thin layer of paper over her legs. "The gel might be a little cold," she places some on her stomach and begins smearing it around.

"I can't wait to see our baby, our healthy baby," she mumbles puckering her lips waiting for me to kiss her.

"Our healthy baby," I nod smiling at her.

"We've got a heart beat," she smiles but looks at the screen weird.

"Is something wrong?" Reese bites her lip.

"Well," she trails on. "It's not that there's something wrong, but," she continues to move the stick around. "Are either of you on fertility medication?" She question not once looking away from the screen.

"No," we both shake our head as she now stares in awe. We both try hard to see what she's seeing but neither of us can see it.

"Well," she gasps a little at the screen. "Look right here," she points letting us see the baby's head.

"There's nothing wrong right?" Reese bites her lip again.

"No, no," doctor smith shakes her head before showing us another area of the ultrasound. Reese's squeezes my hand while the doctor shows us another section.

"Oh my god," she whispers lowly.

"Holy shit," I mumble.

"Baby?" She turns her head to me.

"Don't cry," I swipe my thumbs across her cheek.

"That's easy for you to say," she huffs.

"You're about twenty weeks." She nods. Gender was the next thing to happen. We watched and smiles at the screen before she printed us some pictures.

"So my home water birth?" She bites her lip.

"Completely possible, might be a little harder because, yeah," she nods sending us off. "Have a nice day," she smiles.

"Thanks you too," I smile Reese is too busy trying not to cry.

"Are you ready to tell our parents?" I kiss her forehead and hug her tightly trying not to let her cry.

"Yeah," she nods. She had even figured out how to tell our parents our secret. She knew exactly what was going to happen.

"We're back," I call as we enter the house.

"Took you long enough," her mother scoffs teasingly.

"And we know the gender," Reese smiles holding onto my arm tightly.

"Well," they motion for us to tell them.

"It's a boy," she smiles.

"And a girl," I smile as well.

"You're having twins?" They gasp in disbelief.

"And another boy," Reese smiles widely.

"Triplet!" They almost scream hugging us both.

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