Chapter Sixteen

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"Shawn honey," my mother walks towards my placing her hand on my shoulder blade. "Want something to eat? Or someone to talk to?" She gives me a weak smile and sits next to me.

"Thanks but I'm good," I look at her from the floor of my bedroom.

"Shawn you haven't left your room in two days," she sighs.

"So," I sigh. "I have no reason to," I shrug.

"You might," she gives me a weak smile yet again as I listen to a soft cry. "It's alright dear," my mother reassures.

"Sh-Shawn," she whispers. Black rings from around her eyes because of the lack of sleep, her cheek were pink and her eyes were red and puffy. "I'm so sorry," she reaches to touch my hand.

"Me too baby girl," I stand walking towards her. She gives me a tight hug. "I love you," I sigh kissing her. As we pull away everything disappears including her. "Reese!" I yell and fling myself up out of my bed.

"Shawn," my father runs into the room. "What happened?" He gave me a worried look.

"She's gone," I croak. "And she's not coming back," I fall back against the pillow.

"Karen?" He yells down the hall as I start to breath heavy.

"G-get me my phone," I close my eyes briefly. He places the phone into my hands and I dial a number I've gotten very familiar with.

"Hello?" She sniffs.

"Calm down," Ian's voice attempted to sooth her.

"Reese," I try calming myself but my hands shake. "I-I miss you," I whisper as my parents stand together worriedly in my door frame.

"I-I m-miss you too," her voice is shaky. "But Shawn I can't do this," she attempts calming herself.

"No, no, no," I start shaking worse. "Please. Give me a chance," I beg as tears start falling from my eyes. "I-I just," I can't speak any longer. I don't know what to say.

"I'm sorry Shawn," she takes two deep breaths. "But we'd both be better off without each other," she shrugs. "I hope you meet someone else who will love you as much as I did."

"Did," I let a tear slide down my cheek. "But, I-I still lo-" she cut me off.

"Don't tell yourself that, you're just gonna make it harder for you to move on." She shrugs.

"But Reese," it's silent. "Please listen," I beg as the line goes dead. I swallow and hang up my phone.

"Shawn," my mom give me a sympathetic look.

"It's my fault," I shrug.

"How is it your fault?" My dad crosses his arms loosely over his chest. They don't know. They don't know who I am at school.

"I-I," I stutter unsure of how to tell them. "I was a jerk to try and get her back, a-and I d-dated another girl," I whisper. "But I didn't do it to hurt her."

"Come here," my mother walked towards me. "Don't cry," she held my head against her shoulder.

"I messed up," I shake my head. "And I don't know how to fix it," I sniff.

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