Chapter Ten

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"Wanna come to the gym with me princess?" He smiles at me.

"Why?" I furrow my eyebrows sitting up.

"Why not?"

"Ok fine I'll come," I shrug from his bed. "When are you going?"

"Soon," he smiles jumping on top of me. "But first," he presses his lips onto mine. I smile and continue with the kiss. "Ok we can go now," he pulls back and stands bringing me with him.

"What am I supposed to do while you work out?" I cross my arms and lean against my boyfriends shoulder.

"Watch, admire, reward," he shrugs. "Simple," his lips touch my forehead.

"Reward?" I lift my head from his shoulder and cross my arms.

"Kisses," he giggled planting one on my lips.

"Ok, whatever," I smile placing my head on his shoulder.

"Bye mom. I'll be back later," he yells before walking out.

"Don't stay out past curfew," she yells back as he closes the door.

"I won't," he rolls his eyes and slams the door. "To the gym," he throws his fist into the air whilst unlocking his car.

"To the gym," I copy him making him stick his tongue out. "It'll be fun," I giggle watching him throw a bag in the back. "Can we stop at my house?" I gave him the puppy dog eyes. "So then I can work out with you," I plant a kiss on his cheek as he nods.

"I don't see why not," he shrugs. "Sports bra," he coughs trying to hide what he's said while trying to make it completely obvious.

"I'll wear one but to see it you must prove yourself worthy." I shrug as he pulls up to the curb. "Are you gonna wait or come in?" I turn to him.

"I'll come in and talk to Ian," he smiles pecking my lips before hopping out and following me into my house. I unlock the doors and let him in. He just walks to the living room while I walk up the stairs. I throw on some booty shorts and a sports bra song with a tank top and a pair of sweats.

"Yeah," he nods.

"So you really like her?" Ian smiles.

"I really do, I wasn't supposed to fall this hard," he looks at the floor. "But she's amazing. She's really adorable and she's really sweet," he lists all of the traits he finds in me. "I really do love her, I just don't think she believes me." He looks at the floor.

"I think she does," Ian nods. "I've never seen her so happy, so on behalf of me and everyone else that's ever cared about her, thank you." He smiles.

"I'm really in love with her, but I don't think she believes me," he looks at the ground.

"She really does believe in love at first sight did you know that?" Ian gives him a weak smile. "That's how her parents met," he looks to the floor.

"Shes the only girl I've ever felt so strongly about, I just hope I'm not alone in this." He looks down.

"I can promise you," I walk down the stairs and wrap my arms around his neck. "You're not alone," I giggle as he pulls me onto his legs.

"You heard everything?" He smiles at the floor.

"Every single word." I nod my head. "But it's ok, because I love you too," I giggle kissing him gently.

"Gym?" He pulls away keeping his eyes closed.

"Gym," I nod simply kissing the bridge of his nose. I get off of his lap and squeeze his hand. "We'll be back later," I call to Ian.

"Ok," he yells. I look at Shawn our whole way to the car and even when we got in I didn't look away.

"I love you," I pull him towards me giving him a sloppy but passionate kiss.

"And I love you," he smiles sweetly while starting the car. The drive to the gym was only about ten minutes away.

"What are you gonna do?" He raises an eyebrow as we walk into the building. He held his bag and my hand, while I held my bag and his hand.

"I don't know," I shrug following him. "Whatever you do I guess," I shrug.

"Your gonna be so hot in these sweats." He smiles at the floor kissing the side of my head.

"I'm gonna take them off," I giggle sliding them down my legs.

"Mmm put them back on," he shakes his head looking at me.

"I think you've been proven worthy." I smirk slowly removing my shirt revealing the white sports bra.

"God princess I didn't think you could get any hotter," he sighs of content and pulls me closer.

"Well you thought wrong," I smile into his chest. "Come on, sit ups," I grab his hands and lead him away. As he had told I would 'reward' him. Every sit up either of us did I'd plant a kiss on his lips as weaves in perfect sync.

"Lay down for me babe?" He puts himself into the push up position above where I lay down. Slowly he begins his push ups sloppily kissing me each time.

"Now for the weights," he giggles leading me towards them. "Try this," he sits me down at a contraption with a bar that hung above my head. "Pull down on this bar," he instructs bringing it down to my height. I do as told and he smiles every time I do it. "Your doing great babe," he reassures smiling at me. I just continued pulling down on the bar until he told me to stop. "Ok," he moved himself behind me. "Try pulling more like this," he demonstrates. I pull my hands away and he laughs. "No, no, gimme your hands." He chuckles. I put them back and underneath his.

"I'm bad at this," I giggle as he pulls the bar down with us.

"You're learning," he let the bar go and started kissing my neck. "Wanna try basket ball?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Ok but I'm pretty good at it," I shrug nonchalantly. My brother used to play it with me all of the time.

"So am I," he teased lifting me in the air.

"Shawn," I gasp kicking my feet.

"It's ok babe I wouldn't let you fall," he kisses my cheek and sets me back on the ground. He walks away to grab a ball. "You want possession first?" He smiles and raises an eyebrow.

"Ok," I shrug. He just laughs as we check the ball. I dribbled quickly towards the net making my first basket in nothing more that thirty seconds.

"What?" Shawn's mouth hung agape.

"You want first possession?" I turn to him.

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