Chapter Forty Seven

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A few days later

"What do you think?" I walk out showing the dress to my bridesmaids and Shawn's mom.

"It looks amazing," his mom smiles.

"I wish I was the one getting married," Sydney gushes.

"I think he'll love it," they smile at me and I nod putting on the next option but keeping that one to the side.

"How about this?" I bite my lip again Shawn and his groomsmen are getting tux fitted.

"Reese you look great in all of them," Brooke playfully rolls her eyes. I had gone with the traditional white dress for every single one of my options. The only difference is that I'll be wearing something over it as the wedding will happen outside.

"But do you think Shawn's gonna like it?" I look at myself in the mirror. He had told me just before I left the house he wants me to find the perfect dress no matter what the cost.

"Shawn gonna love anything you wear," his mother reassures.

"I'm sure he'd be ok if you wore nothing at all," Chrissy teases. Chrissy is to be a part of my wedding as well. One of the bridesmaids. The bridesmaids dresses have already been decided they are dark blue they will be wearing they'll wear a small cropped jack over their dresses, it'll be the same colour but fury.

"Chrissy," I scold turning a light shade of pink. I walk back into the change room and put back on the last dress I wore. "So this one?" I look at it in the

Shawn's POV

"So am I supposed to wear black, blue or white?" I furrow my eyebrows on the phone with Reese.

"My bridesmaids are wearing dark blue remember so your groomsmen will have dark blue ties and white suits. And I'm wearing white you're gonna wear black," she chuckles.

"Don't laugh at me," I pout.

"Sorry," she giggles again. "But we've been over this like a hundred times." She giggles again as my groomsmen pick out their white tuxes. I look for a black one. "Have fun," she giggles teasingly.

"I love you," I smile.

"I love you too," I respond as well ending the call. I put on the black suit and the tailor gets to work jabbing pins in it.

"You're about to be tied down forever," Jeff chuckles.

"I know," I look around the shop.

"You don't sound too happy," they tease.

"It's overwhelming," I chuckle. "But it'll be worth it." I nod.

"What are you guys gonna do for your honey moon?" They smirk at me.

"We're going to Bora Bora," I nod. "And my family is gonna watch Adam." I smile.

"Now you look excited," they wink.

"It'll be nice," I roll my eyes. "I'm excited to see her in her dress," I smile.

"She's excited too," Ian groans. "She hasn't shut up about it for the past two weeks," he throws his head back for emphasis.

"What do you guys have left to plan?" They cock their heads to the side.

"Nothing really we're going to taste cakes," I smile. "She's excited for that too," I laugh slightly as I'm finally told I can change back into my normal clothing.

"I can't believe you guys are having your wedding outdoors," Jeff groans exaggeratedly. "In the middle of freaking winter,"

"We've got it figured out," I smile walking into the change room to put on my clothes.

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