Chapter Seventy Five

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"Shawn," she slurs falling on to Jakes shoulder.

"I'm over here baby," I smile at her. Jake and I the only two sober.

"I know," she nods furrowing her eyebrows and falling forward onto me.

"Princess I think we need to get you back to the hotel," I pout at her slurs.

"I like it here," she whines.

"I know you do, but I've gotta get you back so I can cuddle you until you feel better," I smile.

"But," she slurs and almost passes out.

"Come on," I giggle kissing her forehead. Their security guards lug the others to the car leaving me to carry Reese, Jake walks with the guards towards the car. "You want up?" I speak to her as if she were Adam.

"I want one more drinks," she slurs.

"Come here," I lift her off of the ground and carry her squirming body to the car. She never gets drunk the last time she was drunk was long before Adams birth, long before we even got her pregnant.

"I don't wanna go," she whines.

"I know princess but you have to get home and drink your bottle and get ready for tomorrow," I hold her arms down so she can't play with any buttons. The others are asleep and Jake tries to figure out how he's going to get them in the hotel.

"You're mean," she moves from my grip and goes to sit with Damien.

"Princess," I pout at her. "Wanna come here?" I feel a jealousy burn me from inside.

"Mmm," she shakes her head cuddling against Damien who then wakes up and hugs her back. Even drunk she's picking him over me.

"Reese, come here," I speak with a stern voice and drunken tears fall from her eyes.

"Make him stop," she points at me while talking to jake and hiding her head in Damien's shoulder.

"Reese come here now, this is not a game," I start loosing my patience with her actions.

"I don't wanna," I look at her realizing my jealousy is scaring her. I'm, scaring her.

"Princess please?" I use a softer tone and she shakes her head. I just sit and look forward the rest of the drive. "Come one baby now we're here," I reach for her.

"Where?" She questions.

"The hotel," I smile.

"Why are we at a hotel?" She pouts.

"Your fashion shows remember?" I chuckle. "Now come here, I'll carry you inside and I cuddle you until you feel better," I smile.

"I feel fine," she huffs getting out of the car and almost falling. She shrieks and I grab her hand stopping her from hitting the floor. "What's wrong with me?" She furrows her eyebrows. The words bring back memories, I basically lied to her every time I told her she was fine. But I didn't see anything wrong with her, she was still my perfect baby girl.

"You're just a little drunk," I pull her hand and bring her into my chest.

"Can I have a piggy back?" She giggles.

"Always," I bend a little and Jake helps her onto my back. She leans forward on my shoulder a buzzes her lips. I get into the elevator and she slips off of my back. "Is something wrong?" I smile at her.

"Nope," she starts swaying as if she were on a boat.

"You're so cute," I peck her forehead as the elevator stops. "Baby steps?" I hold onto her hands and walk behind her as she toddles wherever I lead her.

"Look," I smile. "This is our room," I lift her and bring her onto my hip, she just smiles.


"Princess," I pout holding her hair back.

"Hangover," she throws up a little more. "I'm ok now," she flushes the toilet.

"Rinse your mouth out," I kiss her cheek.

"Ok," she nods gargling some water and even drinking some.

"If you come to the bed after we can cuddle," I smile as she brushes her teeth.

"Ok," she continues with her teeth. I smile and walk to the bed turning on my laptop and opening Netflix. I pull the blankets over myself and wait. "You're the best," she giggles sliding in the bed next to me.

"Really? Because last night you were all over Darien," I roll my eyes.

"It's Damien," she pouts. "Shawn please be nice to him," she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Why were you all over him?" I cross my arms.

"I was drunk, you know you're my baby," she pouts.

"Well you called me mean and then started crying on Damien, refusing to come back to me," he huffs

"I'm sorry," she pouts again. "I didn't mean to make you mad I'm sure," she giggles. "I love you ok?" She smiles.

"Do you?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Well I've seen you all over Justin on twitter?" My eyebrows furrow.

"I have to do a shoot with him, I just wanted to talk to him first," she sighs.

"Do you just flirt with everyone?" I scoff.

"It's Justin fucking Bieber," she rolls her eyes. "If I liked him so much more you'd be locked up in a jail cell with your friends and I'd be somewhere else living a normal persons life," she yells back.

"Meaning?" I scoff.

"You're idiot friends are the reason I needed brain surgery, and if I really didn't like you, I wouldn't have married you meaning I wouldn't have head injuries, I wouldn't have to drink from a bottle every six hours, and I would live a normal life," she huffs walking to her bag and grabbing a lighter. I suppose she bought them when I wasn't around. She walks out and onto the deck lighting the end of one.

"Reese," I beg. "Don't light it," I pout as she takes in some of the toxic and blowing it back in my face.

"Go away," she inhales more.

"You need to stop," I grab her wrist and she blows it at me again. "Reese," I almost scream.

"I can do whatever I want Shawn," she rolls her eyes.

"Then you can do it without me,"

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