Chapter Twenty Eight

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Today we have another scan to make sure everything will be ok. Shawn's mom insisted on coming this time so she was here as well.

"You good?" Shawn asks me as we sit in silence.

"Yeah," I lie nodding.

"I promise it be ok," he reassures knowing that I lied.

"Ok," I nod moving closer to him yet again. "I'm sure it'll be fine," I swallow laying my head on his shoulder. We continue to sit in silence until we arrive at the doctors office. His hand squeezes mine while we check in.

"You seem nervous dear," his mom looks to me.

"I just don't want anything worse to happen to him." I sigh. 

"I know you're stressed princess but this isn't good for him," He kisses my forehead.

"Matthews," A voice calls. "Reese Matthews," I stand and so do Shawn and his mom following me and the doctor.

"Hello Reese," dr. Masson smiles.

"Hello," I smile as she shows me to the bed.

"Alright so we can start with the basics and we'll see from there," she smiles. I raise my shirt and let her smear the cold gel all over. Shawn's hand held mine and his mom sat in the corner. She moved around my stomach. "Here's his head," she points. And begins moving around again. "And here's his hands," she smiles. "His torso and feet," she continues going around.

"Our baby," Shawn whispers kissing my cheek.

"Now if you look here you see that white section?" She points. "That is the cyst we found on his brain," she points his mother was almost in tears at the sight. "He won't talk, or walk and his brain probably won't let him breath when he's born, he'll also be more prone to seizures." She explains again but only for the sake of his mother. "I've been told you want a water birth?" She looks to me.

"Yeah," I nod beginning to wipe the gel off my stomach.

"Well as you both know that carries it's own risks especially with all of the other stuff going on you could still have the pool but at about eight cm move to the bed?" She suggests. "Just so nothing happens?"

"It's entirely your decision," Shawn whispers.

"Yeah that'll work," I nod looking at him. He smiles and nods a well.

"Perfect I'll let the hospital know about that and we'll see you next month," she smiles ripping a slip off of a piece of paper and handing it to me.

"Thank you," I smile walking out.

"You two are very brave for taking on this challenge," his mother congratulates.

"Adam Daniel Mendes Matthews?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Adam Jayden Mendes Matthews?" I contemplate.

"We've got six months left," he shrugs. "We'll figure it out." He smiles.

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