Chapter Eighty Eight

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Two months later

"Will you bring me some popcorn?" I call to Shawn who's already making the fifteenth trip to the kitchen to satisfy my cravings.

"Anything else?" He rolls his eyes before walking out.

"I want pizza, do we have any pizza?" I take the food he bring me starting with the bowl of fruit, followed by some yogurt and then some popcorn.

"No but I can go get you some?" He walks towards the door.

"It's ok, it's freezing I don't want you to get sick, or hurt," I wave a hand but he shrugs. "It's alright, I can go get it," he points.

"I don't wanna put you through any trouble," I shake my head and he scoffs.

"Really now?" He walks back towards me. "Because if I recall correctly I've made fifteen round trips to get you food," he throws his arms in the air.

"But I've only sent you to the kitchen." I contemplate. "And speaking of the kitchen," I smile a little as he groans. "Will you help me up?" I lay across the couch Shawn was laying with me and then I made him move to retrieve my food.

"No," he shakes his head.

"Why not?" I pout.

"What do you want?" He crosses his arms walking towards the kitchen. "I'm not making you do this," he huffs. We often eat in the living room because he refuses to let me walk around unless he's certain I need exercise or we're going to bed.

"Shawn it's fine really I can do it myself," I stand slightly but fall back down. "Will you please help me up?" I whine.

"No," he shakes his head. "I don't want anything to happen," he shakes his head.

"Baby come here," I call sitting on the couch. He comes standing in front of me with a glass of herbal tea and some berries. "I know you're worried," I smile as he sits next to me. "But nothing's going to happen," I kiss his cheek while leaning against him. "I'm going to be just fine and so are our little boys, and our baby girl," I touch my stomach and he smiles.

"I really don't mind getting your food for you baby, I was complaining so much more than I should've." He wraps an arm around my waist.

"It's ok you have a right to complain, I'm treating you like my servant," I giggle.

"I'm just, nervous," we both say at the same time.

"I know," I smile. "Three is a lot of babies and in fact we'll have four, most people can't handle one and if I'm being honest," I whisper. "I think I'm most people," I giggle as does he. "But we've got lots of family who's gonna help us and love our babies too, and we've got lots of love in this house and we're going to share it with our little Angels when they come into the world and they're going to grow up to be great people." I kiss his cheek.

"Just like their mama," he kisses my forehead making me blush.

"And their daddy too," I kiss his cheek.

"Now, do you want anything else?" He smiles.

"I don't want anything else," I shake my head.

"For once," he teases.

"Yeah I know." I smile laying back across the couch with my feet on his lap. He rubs my sore tired feet as if it were a natural thing and tries starting a conversation.

"What should we name them?" He smiles.

"I really like, Kent, or James, maybe Jamison for a boy?" I shrug.

"I liked Keagan or Matthew, maybe Liam for a boy?" He smiles.

"And a girl. I was thinking Nevaeh or Brooklyn," I shrug relaxing while sipping on the tea.

"I just want a princess, a little girl of my own that I am give cute nicknames to," he smiles.

"So you don't care what we name her?" I chuckle.

"Not really, but she deserves a cute name, just like her mama," he smiles.

"How about Carmen, or Cameron or," I trail on. "And girls names are supposed to be easy," I huff.


You guys can comment names that you like for them. Two boys and one girl so I need two boys name and one girls name, thanks for reading love you guys 😘

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