Chapter One Hundred & Twelve

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March eleventh

"Shawn," I gasp running towards him and jumping into his arms.

"Hi," he smiles hugging me back as I sloppily kiss him. "I missed you so much," he squeezes me tighter than before.

"You have no idea," I sign against his shoulder. "There's so much I have to show you," I gasp a little hitting his shoulders. "There's so much you have to show me, and so much you have to tell me about what happened," he cuts me off slowly setting me on the ground.

"I know princess," he smiles down at me slowly. "But I'm just so tired," he runs his hands over my back.

"Ok," I nod a little sadly. "It's alright, I understand," I give him a weak smile.

"Please don't be mad?" He begs with a pout.

"I'm not mad," I shake my head lying a little. "Nathan's at home with the kids," I change the subject smiling. "Adams so excited to see you,"

"I'm excited to see him," he smiles giving me a light hug. "My little boy's growing up so fast," to he sighs looking at the floor as I help him with his luggage.

"I have the rest of this week just to be with you," I smile kissing his cheek.

"That's very sweet of you princess but," I cut him off.

"Oh and I planned a little date for us," I gasp a little finishing with a giggle. "It's not much but it's supposed to be really fun and," he stops me this time.

"Princess," he kisses my forehead softly and apologetically. "I'm just so tired," he trails on seeing if I'd catch onto what he was trying to say.

"And you just wanna sleep and try and get back with our time?" I look down a little at his nod. He opens his mouths but I'm quick to cut him off. "It's ok," I lie nodding at his sad face. "I understand," my voice brakes a little.


He lay asleep as he has been for so long. I have to clean up the dinner I made for us. "Princess," he walks down slowly only to multiply my embarrassment as I pack away the food.

"Yeah," I quickly turn my back to the table trying to hide it even though I know it won't work. He sighs shaking his head at himself.

"I am kinda hungry," he walks towards me. "If you're still hungry," he looks at the still set table lit up by a small candle which is loosing its flame faster by the second.

"Sure," I nod moving out of the way. "I-I'm not very hungry through," I sit in front of him setting my wine down while I sit in front of him.

"Nathan told me you didn't sleep while I was gone?" He looks at what I've made biting his lip in shame. I cooked his favourite meal and had done it all from scratch.

"I didn't sleep much," I shrug looking down and then sipping my wine. "But I slept with the bear you gave me," I smile at him and he looks confused.

"What bear?" He furrows his eyebrows at me.

"The one in the room?" I give him a weird look. "You sent it to us on their birthday?"

"I didn't send anything," he shrugs at me giving me an apologetic look.

"So whoever sent it to us cares more about our family than you I guess," I slam the glass down on the table and walk up the stairs. I look at the bear in the corner with pain as I fall against our bed in tears.

"Hey," Shawn walks in after me. "I care about our family," he moves next to me on the bed.

"It's been a year Shawn," I stand up and slam the door shut. "It's been a whole fucking year and I've been alone, you stopped calling me and all I had was my brother and our kids!" I emphasized the 'our' only to make him feel worse. "And you got home and all you wanted was sleep?" My voice softens. "I spent hours slaving over the hot stove, hours with our kids just trying to prepare for your arrival. I spent our wedding day with Ian and Geoff and Jeff because they felt bad for me. The girls spent their time trying to get ahold of you in hopes that you'd at least call me,"

"You were asleep when I called," he pouts walking towards me.

"And you were asleep when I called you," I sigh. "It's been a year, and today all I wanted was for you to hold me or at least spend time with me." I sigh making him look down. "I just wanted to spend time with you," I wipe my tears. "It's been too long since I was in your arms, and all I wanted was to brake down when I saw you," he stops me with a hug, a tight meaningful hug.

"I'm sorry," he whispers kissing my cheek. I bury my head in his shoulder.

"I slept with Nathan most of the time." I whisper in his ear.

"I know how much you hate the dark," he hug me tighter yet again. "And about your separation anxiety," he plants a kiss on my lips. He lifts me with much ease making him pull away. "What have you eaten?" He looks me dead in the eyes.

"Not much," I swallow. "I drank a lot of smoothies," he only hugs me tighter.

"I want you to eat more ok?" He kisses me softly. "We're gonna do this together," he nods at me.

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