Chapter Twenty Six

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"Shawn," she walks over.

"Yeah babe?" I turn to her. I smile at her as she kisses my lips.

"Ready to go?" She connects our hands as I slam my locker shut.

"Mhm," I nod kissing her forehead. We walk together down the hallways and to my jeep preparing to leave. She hops in on one side an I get in on the other.

"We're having a baby," she whispers.

"Yeah, we are," I grab her hand in mine.

"It's exciting," she giggles. I just smile and nod as we arrive where we need to be. I stop the car hoping out and walking to the other side to give her a hand.

"Let's go," I smile leading her into the building. The room is full of people some sitting other walking some much farther along then Reese and others that seem around the same as her. Soon enough the instructor I guess walks in the door.

"Hello everyone," she smiles. "It's so nice to see so many of you out here today." She looks at everyone. "How far along is everyone?" She points at each person getting them to say where they are in their pregnancy.

"Twenty weeks," Reese smiles kissing me.

"First child?" She looks between the two of us.

"Mhm," I nod my head and hold her tight. She continues going around the room.

"Now I've heard we have an eighteen year old couple in the mix. Stand up please," I stand and bring Reese with me. Everybody begins clapping and I'm very confused as why. "Congratulations on taking on such a big challenge." Reese smiles back and we sit down. "So all of the men in the room follow me in this exercise." She smiles. "Sit behind your partner and use the back if your hand to big into their lower back. All of the women lean forewords a little. You can even put your hands on the ground for support."

"Let me know if I'm hurting you ok?" I kiss her neck as she moves to the position she was instructed. My hands run down her back and dig into her lower back as I was told to do.

"This lessens the tension that they feel in their lower back when experiencing contractions." As I continue doing so Reese relaxes more and more. I smile. "Now, this might sound weird to some of you but, if you start massaging the area for ten minutes daily with olive oil it'll make the delivery much easier." She nods. "Anyway that's it for this class. Hope to see you again next week," she smiles. I stand up offering Reese my hands to help her up. She follows me out and to the car.

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