Chapter One Hindred & Nineteen

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Shawn had left this morning, on his way to another one of his shows. He didn't want to leave but it was already set up and I didn't want him to miss it. I now sit in the doctors office waiting for test results. I had a scan a few days ago and I just had the first of many chemo therapy sessions but they say the results are in so I'm just waiting now. "Mrs. Mendes," they smile at me.

"Hello," I refrain from kicking my feet like I was doing before.

"We have the test results in," she nods looking around. "Is there no one here with you?" She gives me a confused pout.

"No my boyfriend couldn't make it and my parents are watching my kids," I explain with a shrug.

"Alright well I guess I'll be blunt," she retreads the results. "It's getting worse," she nods sadly. "It's not spreading but it's starting to take over. The only thing we can do now is hope that this chemo will help." She sighs a little. "I'm really sorry,"

"It's ok," I shrug a little. "Can I go?" I point at the door. "I wanna spend some more time with my kids," I nod a little.

"Yeah, um we aren't sure yet how long you'll have but we might be able to determine that during your next appointment." She walks out with me. "I hope the chemo will be able to help," she parts ways as I walk out of the building and towards my car. I have a note in my hand explaining everything she just told me as she knew I probably wouldn't be able to process it. I get into my car and drive home.

"Hey sweaty how'd the appointment go?" My dad smiles at me instantly looking worried at my blank expression. I had him the slip of paper and him and my mom both brake down into heavy sobs. I cry with them leaning my head on their shoulders.

"How are you gonna tell Shawn," my mom brushes my hair out of my face.

"I won't tell him until he gets back," I shake my head. If I told him any sooner I'd ruin his career and I just can't have that.

"Darling he's already called here three times saying you won't answer your phone and that he's scared." They explain to me.

"Shawn," I mumble to myself. "I'm gonna go call him," I sigh to my parents walking away and dialling the number.

"Hello?" He seems rushed. "Is she there yet? Have you heard from her?" I smile a little.

"Hi Shawn," I smile.

"Baby doll," he breaths. "You scared me so badly." He sighs of relief before he perks up. "So how was the appointment?" He giggles at me. "Did we prove the doctors wrong again?"

"Oh, um yeah," I nod there's a small amount of shuffling in the background.

"You don't sound so happy?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"I'm still just in shock, it's so exciting," I lie.

"Yeah baby," he smiles. "Now that I know you're gonna be ok for a while princess," he bites his lip. "Andrew wants me to stay out longer, just a little longer ok?" He's quick to add. "I'll be home within two weeks at the most," he smiles. "Is that ok with you?"

"It's fine baby, have fun," I nod doing my best to sound convincing. "I'll see you in two weeks," I smile.

"Thank you princess," he beams. "Thank you so much, I love you," he smiles at the end.

"I love you too," I end the call like that, nothing more nothing less.

"You lied to him," my mom sighs.

"I didn't have a choice," I explain. "He wants to stay out on his tour longer," I cry against her shoulder.

"You should've told him darling, who knows how long you have left," she sighs.

"I have long enough to let him live his life a little." I look back at the phone.

"I'm gonna tell him for you," my dad explains walking into the kitchen.

"Don't you dare," I shake my head. "He's just a teenager, he never asked for this," I exclaim almost enraged at my parents' ignorance.

"So are you,"

Shawn POV

"Her appointment went well," I smile at Jeff who joined me on the trip. It's usually Geoff who follows me but he let Jeff come this time because of complications in his relationship.

"Good for you guys," he smiles at me as we prepare to go out for our diner.

"I wish I was with her, we'd all be doing something special right now," I sigh.

"I know man," he sighs. "I miss Sydney," I look to the bed and sigh again before walking out of the hotel room and leading him with me.

"She's alright," I whisper to myself.

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