Chapter Eighteen

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I wake up in the Shawn's warming embrace, I stay for a moment before I realize how wrong what I'm doing is. He has a girlfriend and I'm laying in a bed with him. Quickly I move away and run out of the room. Ian smiles at my sight.

"Sleep well?" He gives me a strange look as if praying I was finally gonna be smile back.

"Yeah, sure, I think, I don't know," I breath running my fingers threw my hair I pace back and forth.

"What's wrong?" Someone's raspy voice fills my ear.

"No, no, no, no," I grab my coat and run out of the house. Probably the stupidest decision I've ever made but I do if anyways.

"Reese?" Shawn comes out after me. "What's the matter?" He grabs my arm making me realize I stopped. I furrow my eyebrows and look at him weird. "What?" He chuckles.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare," I blush looking at the ground. "I shouldn't be talking to you," I try to move but I'm much weaker then him.

"Why not?" He gives me the sad eyes and pout.

"This is so wrong Shawn," I try pulling away again.

"This is what you said when we first started this but look how we ended up," he plants a kiss against my lips.

"You have a girlfriend," I push him away and yell the words I've been dreading this whole time.

"But Reese, she was no where near as important to me as you are." He smiles. I blush madly and smile at him.

"So I'm nothing to you?" Katrina scoffs.

"I dumped you two weeks ago I don't know why you're here but I do know I want you gone," he shrugs while still trying to persuade me.

"Stop it." I grab his wrist and he smiles. My small hand can't fit all the way around his wrist.

"Why?" He looks back up and me with a pout.

"You two can be happy together," I duck under his arm and he lets me go. "I don't wanna stand in the way of your happiness any longer," I kiss his cheek.

"No Reese, you are my happiness," he tries grabbing my arm but I move too quickly.

"Well now it can be Karina." I smile gently and she scoffs.

"It's Katrina, Rice get it right." She uses a high pitched squeal like growl.

"I don't fucking care," I roll my eyes and Shawn stares in awe. "Goodbye," I turn back to Shawn and walk away.

"No Reese." He begs. "Don't go," his voice cracks and I turn around. His eyes well with tears, I feel as if I'm being torn apart. His tears bring me so much pain yet I need to leave him to find someone knew.

"I'm sorry," I run up to him giving him a tight hug. "But I have to go," I plant a sweet kiss on his lips before running back towards my house. I stop on the driveway watching as he cried. Katrina seems to loose interest and leave. I sigh ad open the door to our townhouse shutting it behind me. 

"Reese?" Ian calls. "Reese," he trails on as he sees me. "My poor baby," he walks towards me a gives me a hug.

"He's crying," I sob onto his shoulder. "I shouldn't have left him there crying," I shake my head.

"Why is it that you care so much when you're constantly complaining about him?" He cocks his head to the side. "I don't get it," he sighs.

"Because," I sigh. "I'm in love with that bitch." I kick the door. "He's confused, stupid at times, and kinda a handful but her tried so hard to show me the affection he know I don't get. He tried so hard to get me to open up he did everything that nobody had ever tried."

"Reese?" Ian looks at me. "Are you ok?" He puts his hand on my back.

"I'm fine," I lie as I begin feeling dizzy.

"You're really pale?" He leads me out and towards the car.

"I'll be ok," I close my eyes momentarily.

"Come on," he sits me down.

My eyes shoot open as I sit up seeing Ian and a nurse talking. I assume I passed out while he put me in the car.

"Il give you some space." She smiles and nods.

"What happened," I listen to the deep of my heart monitor.

"So," he swallows. "You're pregnant with Shawn's baby," she sits on the bed next to me.

"Meaning?" I cough.

"You two need to make up and raise this child properly." He sighs. "He's outside," he brings me into his side.

"Why is he," he cuts me off.

"I called him," he adds. "Your depression isn't good for your child." He shrugs. "And neither is you're medicine." He adds air quotations around the word medicine. "I'll go and get him and you two need to fix this," he points and walks out.

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