Chapter One Hundred & Seventeen

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"Did you like that?" I smile at the kids. Shawn wanted to take them to see beauty and the beast so he arranged everything so our kids could have a good time.

"Yeah," Mercy smiles with a quiet giggle in the end. "Pretty dress," she points at the poster hung outside of the theatre.

"Yeah baby," I smile at her fixing her hair. "Where are your brothers?" I shake my head a little. Adam holds onto Shawn's hand.

"Roar!" The two jump out and then giggle.

"What are you doing?" I smile ruffling their hair.

"Beast," they giggle walking between the two of us.

"Belle," Mercy giggles touching my thin brown hair.

"Mama is beautiful isn't she," Shawn gives my cheek a gentile kiss. "Hey babe?" He helps Adam into the back of the car where his car seat is before helping the younger two while I tend to Mercy.

"Yeah?" I smile as does she hanging onto my fingers. "Let go baby girl," I smile giving her forehead a kiss.

"Kisses?" She smiles giving me a kiss.

"Thank you," I smile shutting her door and making my way to my side.

"So you remember how I sent them to a correctional facility in California?" He neglects to say their names but I know exactly who he's talking about.

"Did they brake out? Am I gonna have to hide the kids?" I panic a little unsure of what to do, he giggles.

"No, no," he shakes his head. "They're supposed to be sane now and they've been released." He explains. "And they wanna meet with us tonight," he smiles at me before placing his focus back on the road.

"I don't know Shawn I really don't wanna," he stops me.

"Just think about it ok? All they want is a diner," he pulls into the garage.

"I will," I nod. "Who wants to come play outside with mama?" I smile as they all squeal including Shawn. "Lets go," I smile unbuckling them all and letting them out. Shawn waits at the front for them playing with the snow on the grass. They run out to join him, all but Kaiden.

"Mama?" He looks up at me with a small pout.

"What's wrong?" I lift him giving his cheek a kiss.

"I sick," he pouts sneezing a little.

"Here, here, here," Shawn rushes over taking him from my arms. With my leukaemia anyone even just a little sick being around me could potentially kill me. Kaiden gives me a look of distress as Shawn sweeps him away to fix him up. I feel beyond terrible for my poor little boy, all he really wants is cuddles and sleep and I can't give it to him. Shawn puts a small surgical mask on the little boy and calls the others inside. They all look slightly disappointed and I can't help but feel responsible.


"Come on princess my parents are gonna watch them," he smiles fixing himself up.

"I don't think I'm gonna go Shawn," I shake my head laying sadly on the bed.

"Why babe?" He pouts sitting next to me.

"My little boy is sick," I cry against his shoulder. "And all he's ever wanted was cuddles and hugs and kisses," I give him dough eyes. "And no I can't give them to him."

"I'm sorry you can't help him princess but I don't wanna hurt you." He gives my forehead a gentile kiss.

"It hurts me either way Shawn," I sniff against his shoulder.

"Will you please come with me? I don't want you to sit at home all depressed." He lifts me up and carries me to the closet. "Here," he sets me down and changes my clothing. He puts on if his white button down on me and then gives me my Lululemon leggings. He leaves the shit mainly open but furrows his eyebrows at my bra as if trying to figure out what to do with it. He nods certain at his silent discovery before taking the shirt off along with my bra. He walks out and grabs the adhesive bra I have and hands it to me completely unsure of how it works.

"I have to go don't I?" I look at the flimsy plastic in my hands.

"Yeah," he nods bringing my hands to my chest. I roll my eyes fixing it as it's supposed to be before he puts the shirt back on me. He ties the bottom and tucks it into the waistband of my leggings. "Look at you beautiful," he smiles giving me a kiss. "Look at you," he lifts me up to carry me down the stairs. "You're gorgeous," he smiles opening the door to his parents and kissing me again. "Go find your shoes." He hits my butt sending me off. I slip into my shoes and look towards him giving him a pair of shoes with a sweet smile. "Will you talk to me?" He chuckles.

"Hi," I smile at his parents. "If it were up to me we wouldn't be ruining your evening," I shrug hitting Shawn's shoulder a little. "But someone had a different idea,"

"It's alright darling," his dad smiles at me.

"You're rooms upstairs to the left of the kids'," Shawn smiles at them. "Reese made it all up for you," he smiles.

"Kaiden's a little sick," I nod sadly Shawn gives me a side hug. "He'll probably wake up a couple times but all he's gonna want is cuddles," I bury my head against his shoulder.

"Alright you have fun," they smile at us trying to deflect the subject.

"Alright," Shawn nods leading me out. "You've gotta eat tonight ok?" He kisses my forehead before he opens the passengers side door.

"How am I supposed to eat while I have to wear this stupid mask," I pout.

"I'll figure it out for you princess,"


"I look stupid," I whisper to him.

"No you don't," he reassures kissing my forehead.

"Can we just ask for a more secluded table? No one seems to be sick in here," I beg a little and he sighs.

"You know why I won't let you take it off," he moves the mask ever so slightly giving me a gentile kiss.

"I'm not hungry," I lean against his shoulder. "I just wanna be at home with my poor little boy," I huff a little.

"I don't wanna loose you," he whispers.

"I'd die for them," I sigh back. "And die for you too and you know that," he nods a little as they enter the restaurant.

"I know," he reassures.

"Wearing this mask gives them another easier way to kill me," I mumble.

"Be nice," he rolls his eyes standing to greet his friends. "Hi guys," he smiles at them. "You remember Reese?" He pulls my hand a little and I stand up.

"Hi," I nod at them.

"Hey," they smile at me.

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