Chapter Twenty Two

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"Good morning baby," I whisper.

"Morning," she smiles.

"I have my first show tonight," I smile. "And you're coming to watch it, aren't you?" I pout giving her the puppy dog eyes.

"Of corse," she giggles and kisses me.

"Good," I smile holding her against me. "I wouldn't be able to forgive you if you didn't show up tonight," I tease and she laughs.

"You are something else," she chuckles and kisses me gently.

"We're gonna spend our day rehearsing and sound check and all of that stuff." I inform. "But the guys will be asleep until noon so," I chuckle and cuddle her against my cheek.

"Can we cuddle?" She gives me an innocent pout and I smile.

"Always," I fall back against the bed and hold my arms open. "I love you," I smile as she falls into my arms.

"I love you too," she giggles and kisses my neck. She takes my hands and places them on her stomach. "There isn't much now but can you feel it?" She looks up at me trying to show me the movement of our baby.

"I feel it," I smile. "That's our baby," I giggle and she smiles.

"Our little baby," her hands fall on top of mine. "I'm gonna have to go home when I get further into the pregnancy." She explains. "And maybe middle of next month for the first ultra sound."

"And I'm coming," I nod making her giggle.

"You're continuing the tour." She shakes her head. "I'll come back I promise." She giggles.

"I'm coming," I shrug. "I won't miss that, I need to know what kind of baby I'm having," I cross my arms. "I told you I'd stay with you threw the whole thing and I mean it. I'll tell the guys it'll be fine," I reassure. "I don't want you to feel alone." She giggles.

"I feel special," she blushes.

"Good," I nod. "That was my mission." I smile. "I know it's still really early but have you thought about the birth yet?" I change the subject.

"A little bit but not much," she shrugs. "Although I researched the different ways." She giggles.

"And out of that what are you thinking?" I shake my he's at her and she smiles like an idiot.

"I wanna do a home water birth," she looks at me. "So then I won't have to leave the comfort of my living room." She smiles.

"I'll be there the whole time," I kiss her nose.

"Also now that we are gonna have a child you nee to start dressing the part, and acting like a father should, you need to mature quite a bit an I think we should get married," she nods.

"Ok," I furrow my eyebrows and nod. "But that doesn't sound like my shy baby girl," I shake my head and she giggles.

"It's not me," she smiles. "I'm just kidding," her lips touch mine. "I'm not gonna make you change for our baby, but it would be nice if you could just," I give her a stern look and she giggles. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. You are perfect." He kisses me gently.

"I know," I smile and she hits my chest. "You are gonna make a great mom," I tease.

"Shut up you provoked me." She crosses her arms. "But you will make a great dad," she fists my t-shirt pulling me closer so she could kiss me.

"We're gonna be good parents." I nod. "I might have to leave you for a few hours," I bite my lip.

"Why?" She pouts.

"I have a few interviews." I smile innocently.

"Find," she pouts. "But why," she groans.

"Because I'm pretty popular," I smile. "My albums getting a lot of attention." I hint subtly.

"Album?" She gives me a questioning look.

"Mhm," I nod.

"Since when?" She gasps.

"I already have a record deal." I chuckle and she gasps.

"I'm a terrible girlfriend," she buries her red face in the pillows.

"No you're not." I brush my fingers threw her hair. "I don't blame you for not knowing," I kiss her temple.

"Then why did Ian tell me you just got a record deal?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"Because I told him to." I chuckle. "I just released my second album." I smile.

"I hate you," she crosses her arms. "How could you not have told me?" She pouts.

"I'm sorry baby I just didn't think it was necessary. Katrina dated me for fame." I cross my arms.

"You should know by now that I have no idea who anyone is besides one direction." She giggles.

"Oh come on we're dating and one direction is outranking me?" I cross my arms.

"No you're my number one but they are like the only musical act I know of." She giggles.

"Well," I scoff.

"Well I mean not anymore." She smiles drawing lazy circles on my chest. "I'm making this worse," she giggles.

"Eh, you're cute so I forgive you," I smile chuckling and kissing her cheek.

"Good, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you didn't forgive me," she pouts.

"I'll always forgive you, and I'm always gonna pester you until you forgive me," I smile.

"Good," she giggles. "I like having you in my life," her lips push against mine.

"Come on the guys should be awake soon," I grab her hand. "And you need to be dressed before they barge in and see you looking like this," I shake my head.

"What are you embarrassed of my choice of sleepwear?" She crosses her arms.

"No," I shake my head and laugh. "But the guys are going to go crazy over my sexy girlfriend and you're mine," I smile making her blush.

"I am pretty sexy aren't I?" She admires her reflexion in the mirror.

"The sexiest." I giggle.

"You are not seriously discussing this," Taylor opens the door. "Are you?" They all pile in and I turn her towards me.

"Mine," I growl. "My girlfriend my baby," he kiss her forehead and do up the shirt of mine she wore.

"Baby?" They each raise an eyebrow. "The innocent one is sexually active?" They tease.

"Guys," I scold looking down at Reese.

"Ok, ok," they throw their hands up. "We'll leave but we're coming back in five minutes." They point walking out.

"I'm sorry about them baby," I brush my fingers threw her hair.

"It's ok," she shrugs.

"You know princess," I cuddle her against me. "In all of this confusion I forgot to ask," I pull her  away from me. "Are you ok with having this baby? Or do you want an abortion?"

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