Chapter Seventy Seven

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I walk down the isles looking for the right size. Other men look at me weird while they just grab the first box they see. Reese comes home today and I've been nothing but a bitch to her so I went to the hospital talked to the nurses and she's now cleared for physical activity and she's also finished with bottles. Finally I find the XL box and grab that throwing it into the cart with all of the rest of the things I've gathered for tonight. I'm gonna make her feel like a princess so I can apologize for hurting her feelings. "Did you find everything alright," the cashier scans each of the items.

"Yeah," I nod looking at Adam who sat in the front of the cart. "You're going to nanny and granddads tonight aren't you," I kiss his cheek while she finishes scanning Adams things. She then grabs the box of condoms and scans I quickly throwing it into the bag and sling my payment method.

"Have a nice day sir," she squeaks a little. I'm sure she knew who I was, and I'm sure the condoms through her off a bit but I don't care. I care more about Reese.

"You don't look too happy." I smile at Adam. "You don't wanna go with nanny and granddad?" I kiss his forehead. I giggle and put him in his car seat and making sure it's done up properly before getting the groceries into the trunk. I don't think I've ever gone grocery shopping, unless she sent me out to buy condoms. Which is unfrequent for us, between work and Adam the only time we really see each other is at night sometimes for dinner but it's rare, that's why taking the year off was so important for me. Don't get me wrong I love my fans but I love Reese more and I haven't shown her much love lately.

"So where's this place?" Ian furrows his eyebrows.

"I texted you the address," I whine setting Adam in his exersaucer so I can get the groceries.

"Alright alright," he throws his hands up. I'm sure Ian was really mad at me for coming back but after he's seen what I'm doing he doesn't seem so angry. I'm sending Ian and Chrissy to scope out the house a little first before I bring Reese, I just don't want it to be a disappointment because lord knows she gets too much of that from me.

"Now stay out of the house as long as possible," I explain walking next to Ian and towards my car where everything waits. "And if you do end up coming home early and my," I pause. "Car," I say in a strange tone. "Is still on," I nod. "Don't bother it," I point saying very sternly.

"I promise I won't turn the engine off," he smirks winking and pulling out a couple of bags from the back with me. Chrissy kneels in front of Adam playing with him and the things on the side of his exersaucer. "What are you gonna make her?" Chrissy walks into the kitchen while Ian goes to play with Adam.

"Garlic bread, with salmon, dark chocolate covered strawberries and dark chocolate drizzled watermelon cubes," I nod very sure of myself.

"Garlic bread and salmon," she giggles.

"What?" I cross my arms.

"They're not stupid," Ian walks in kissing Chrissy's cheek. "They know what those foods are used for," I had spent a lot of time online researching foods that could help set the mood and these are the best things I found. Plus she loves seafood.

"Whatever," I huff.

"Come on babe, she'll be home soon," he leads Chrissy out of the kitchen and grabs Adam. I guess he's going to take him instead of my parents. Quickly I put the salmon and garlic bread into the oven and setting a times before putting on some dress pants and a white dress shirt and setting roses in the middle of the table along with rose petals surrounding it, I then dim the lights and pour some wine into each of our glasses. The strawberries and watermelon are easy. I dip the strawberries into the melted chocolate and put them in a bowl, I then quickly drizzle the chocolate over it before setting those on the table as well. I then get the salmon from the over and the garlic bread setting those on the table as well.

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