Chapter Four

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"Reese," Shawn bangs on the door. "I know you're in here come on let me in," he begs.

"Shawn, I know how this is gonna end. Your gonna dump me for your friends anyways." I scoff. "I'm not stupid," I lean against the door.

"Please Reese," he begs again. "I really like you, and if they can't accept that then it's their fault." He sighs letting his hands trail down the door. "I came here alone, I'm sorry for what they said. But Reese," he pauses. "I do love you and that's one thing I won't lie about." He sighs giving up. I can't comprehend how it is that he fell 'in love' so quickly but I suppose he did.p

"Shawn?" I whisper hoping he won't hear. "I love you too," I sigh trailing my hands down the door before walking up to my room.

"Hey babe you feeling alright?" Ian knocks at my door. "Awe," he pouts looking at my tears and smudged makeup. "What's wrong?" He walks over hugging me. "Did they hit you again?" He sighs holding me comfortingly.

"Yeah," I nod crying against his shoulder. "They did," I sniff trying to stop the tears from flowing.

"Didn't Shawn do anything?" He tries hiding his disappointment as I shake my head. "Why?" His fingers run through my hair.

"They were with him," I sniff. "He was with them." I groan standing up. "I'm gonna take off my makeup." I sigh wiping my eyes and smearing my makeup more.

"Alright, we can go our after if you want?" He smiles trying to make me feel better.

"Sure," I smile chuckling slightly grabbing my makeup remover wipes.

"Don't you need your makeup?" He looks at me weird.

"I'm not gonna wear any." I shrug taking it all off.

"Are you sure?" He raises an eyebrow. "You always wear your makeup." He pouts slightly.

"Yeah," I nod making sure it was all off. "I know. I just don't feel like it today." I shrug. "It's too much work." I scrunch my face up and grip his bicep following him down the stairs. 

"What do you wanna do?" He smiles grabbing his car keys. "We can do whatever you want," he smiles making me look down. "What's wrong?" He pouts.

"That's what Shawn told me." I sigh. "I can't believe I fell so quickly." I groan angry at myself.

"It's not hard of you have actual feelings for this person." He smiles a little. "And Shawn's a good person, I've seen a lot of girls fall for him." He runs his arm up and down mine.

"Yeah, but I'm just one of those girls." I sigh looking at my shoes.

"Come on. I'll surprise you," he discards of our conversation and resumes the one we were having earlier.

"Ok," I nod grabbing his hand. "Let's go," I open and unlock the door. He smiled and nods.

"Shoot I forgot my phone," he laughs at himself. "Give me a second," he walks back into the house as I get into the car.

"I'm back," he chuckles showing me his phone.

"Great," I smile back as he starts the car and drives off.

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