Chapter One Hundred and Five

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"I'm home," I growl a little slamming my keys down before walking up the stairs to the kids. They aren't crying or anything I just wanna see them, I open their door and smile at them as they sleep. Mercy lays in the crib with Jericho, the poor little girl hates sleeping alone.

"Hi," Reese's weak voice makes me jump and her giggle. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," she walks towards me in her bathrobe.

"What are you wearing?" I furrow my eyes brows trying to stay mad at her no matter how hard that is for me.

"I was in the bath," she explains.

"Ok," I nod at her. "Whatever," I scoff a little. Trying not to give into her dough eyes.

"Why are you so mad at me," she moves behind me licking and sucking at my neck.

"Stop it," I whine. She jumps up on my back wrapping her arms around me and giggling.

"You love me," she smiles as I grab her legs so she doesn't fall. "You love me," she sings.

"Shut up," I roll my eyes bringing her out of the room.

"Come on," she smiles kissing my cheek and leading me into our room. "I know you aren't as mad at me as you wanna be." She giggles and then smirks. "I also know how badly you want me to take this robe off." She plays with the belt trying to seduce me into forgiveness.

"I don't want it off though," I shrug simply.

"Liar," she pushes me down on the bed with a small growl making me smile.

"Am I lying?" I furrow my eyebrows as she falls on top of me. "I didn't think so," I undo the belt on her robe making her smile. "I'm sorry princess," I sit up to kiss her.

"All is forgiven," she smiles reaching to the side to grab her new favourite game.

"You like these don't you?" I smile.

"Mhm," she nods. "It's fun, to play with," she smirks a little and I give her a knowing look.

"You aren't talking about the dice are you?" She shakes her head with a smile before pushing her lips on mine.


"Good morning," I smile at her. "My goddess," I giggle at her.

"My God," her hands rest on my chest as she kisses me gently.

"What kind of God am I?" I pull back softly, giving her a tight hug.

"It depends on your mood," she giggles.

"Really?" I raise an eyebrow and cock my head to the side she mirrors my actions and kisses me again.

"Mhm," she nods against my lips. I smile grabbing gently onto her biceps. She giggles into my mouth making my smile grow.

"Get dressed," I pull away. "The kids won't be asleep much longer," I kiss her neck and shoulder squeezing her butt.

"Shawn," she giggles. "You said it yourself the kids'll be up soon," she tries getting me to let go of her.

"Yeah and then I realized we need to start teaching them how to self soothe," I explain.

"You have no idea what that means," she laughs at me.

"I have not a clue but I know it has to do with leaving the baby so," I slap her butt once and squish it multiple times, just messing with her really.

"Shawn," she squeals still trying to be as quiet as possible. A scream erupts from the monitor and she tries moving.

"Self soothe," I follow everywhere she moves until she finally get out of my grip.

"I don't believe in that," she grabs her robe from the ground and jogs out. I lay back on the bed with a smile. Soon the crying stops and she comes in holding a baby boy.

"Hi Kaiden," I smile. Kaiden and Jericho are almost identical but there are a few little differences that I have to really pay attention to to know who is it. For one Kaiden is just a little bit smaller, his hair is lighter and if you say his name he gets excited.

"Say hi daddy?" She gasps with a giggle. "Hi," she waves at me trying to get him to do the same.

"Come here," I hold my arms out for him. "Come see daddy?" I gasp a little. "Come see daddy love bug," I take him into my arms and kiss his cheek. "Hi baby boy," I turn him to face me. "Hello," I shake my head and baby talk him.

"He was just laying there," she giggles. "Jericho was screaming,"

"Why was he crying?" I furrow my eyebrows and play with my son.

"Mercy was sleeping with him and she moved away and curled in a ball in the corner of the crib and he didn't know where she went," she smiles. "Like he was scared for his sister," she sits down. "It was really cute, he stopped crying when I moved Mercy and she cuddled up against him."

"Kaiden's lonely isn't he?" I smile at the little boy. "Maybe Jericho woke him up and he was just bored because he doesn't have his little sister to cuddle with." I kiss his cheeks.

"Maybe," she sits next to me touching his hair. "Maybe tonight we should put him with Adam?" She suggests with a shrug.

"Hi baby," I smile kissing his cheek again. He gives me a small smile and then he claps his hands starting to get excited. He hits my legs and the blanket falls off of me. "What are you doing?" I shake my head and kiss his cheeks. "What are you doing?" He leans forward and grabs my exposed length attempting to put it in his mouth as he does with every other new object.

"No baby," Reese gasps taking the little boy and shaking her head. "We don't touch that," she shakes her head. He buzzes his lips and giggles. "Don't touch that," she shakes her head with a giggles.

"Ok," I chuckle taking him away from her. "Come here," I take him back into my arms and fall back down onto my back. I lay him on my chest where he curls in a ball to go back to sleep.

"Take him back to his crib," she points and I nod.

"Yes ma'am."  I chuckle walking towards their room. I lay him in Adams crib. Adam grabs his little brother and a small smile appears on his lips. I smile between the two and then look at Jericho and Mercy. Mercy stays buried in her brothers embrace and they both seem happy. No matter what they all have a strong bond.

"You're walking around naked?" She chuckles.

"You love it when I'm naked," I roll my eyes.

"It depends on the time of day," she pounces forward and jumps on me.

"You know what you should do?" I bite my lip.

"What?" She giggles kissing my jaw.

"Take your robe off,"

"You wanna cuddle?" She smiles continuing with the kisses.

"I wanna cuddle." I nod making her smile.

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