Chapter One Hundred & Eighteen

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I press her up against the door in a kiss as my hands fumble with my keys as I try to unlock it. Her hand grabs onto mine slowing me down and guiding it into the key whole. She smiles against my lips giving me a gentile giggle. I push the door open and she stumbles backwards I bring her back against me throwing the keys at the table after slamming and locking the door. "How was dinner?" My mother laughs quietly. Reese's cheeks turn a dark red and her head lays against my shoulder in embarrassment.

"Mom," I shake my head sending Reese up the stairs with a wink and a lip bite.

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok," she smiles standing and hugging me. "I don't really trust your driving skills after your incident," I scoff a little.

"It wasn't my fault," I groan. "He hits me." I huff while she runs her fingers over the scar on my neck.

"I know," she nods staring at my neck. "But there's nothing to say someone's not gonna hit you again," she kisses my cheek and starts up the stairs. "Goodnight Shawn," she smiles at me. "And don't be making too much noise tonight," she points. "I want some sleep," she gives me a small smirk while I whine. I flick off the lights and make my way up the stairs to my girlfriend.

"Sorry about that." I blush a little as I walk into the room.

"That's alright," she smiles walking up to me. She wears only her robe. "I'm gonna shower," she smiles a little slipping away like a happy child.

"Can I come?" I smile following her.

"If you'd like," she gives me a nod with a smile. She disappears into the shower while I begin stripping myself.

"You're so cute princess," I smile standing in the shower in front of her.

"Move," she whines. "You're blocking the water." She rolls her eyes turning around to grab the soap, showing me all of the little red marks on her back. I stay silent staring at her once perfect skin now covered in small red spots. "Is everything o," she cuts herself off as she turns back around to me.

"I'm sorry," I pout giving her a hug. "I didn't mean to stare," I blush a little kissing her neck.

"Stare all you want," she shrugs. "I was pretty amazed when too when I finally saw them," she gives my lips a gentile kiss. "Just please don't let them change the way you look at me," she grabs my face fixing my gaze on her.

"I'll do my best," I shrug a little making her shake her head. "I can't promise I won't baby you a little more than usual," I kiss her.

"What's a little?" She crosses her arms.

"Just a little," I smile shutting off the water.

"You're so annoying," she shakes her head.

"But I'm cute," I sweep her off of her feet.

"That's what I've thought since the day I met you," she plays with my hair.

"You hated me for years," I scoff making her smile.

"That doesn't make you ugly," she rolls her eyes. "Only a little less attractive." She giggles.

"You're so cute baby doll," I throw her towel on her face and she giggles pulling it off like a child with a bright smile on her face. "You know what I want you to do?" I lead her out and towards her dresser where I hand her some undergarments.

"What?" She smiles folding her hands together.

"I want you to make a bucket list," I kiss her forehead. "And every single thing on that list I'm going to accomplish with you," I grab her hand in mine.

"You're making me feel like I'm gonna die," she huffs a little.

"And you might be completely fine princess," I wrap my arms around her. "But if you're not than I at least want this for you, I want out to do everything you've ever wanted to do." I smile brightly letting her go so she can get dressed.

"You've already given me everything my bucket list would've had on it," she explains in her cute little outfit making her seem much younger. "All I've ever wanted was someone to love me, and lots of cuddles," she smiles waddling towards me.

"Anything else princess? Anywhere in the world you wanna see?" I open her phone and make a note while laying the both of us down in the bed.

"I've always wanted to go to Paris," she shrugs. "But I never went because I couldn't find anyone to walk around the city of love with," she curls in a ball on top of me.

"Think of anything else you want," I smile prepared to type more.


"I'm not gonna lie I listened to everything you two did last night." My mom smiles as I walk down.

"What did you hear?" I pull out a frying pan as quietly as possible.

"You made her write a bucket list," she nods. "And it was really cute," she laughs quietly and I hush her.

"I'm gonna make her breakfast in bed," I smile a little at myself.

"What if she wakes up?" My mom furrows her eyebrows.

"That's what I have Mercy for," I nod with a small smirk as I begin cooking. "She's gonna be even more impressed because I never cook." I shake my head.

"Why not?" My mother looks at me weird. "You should make you family nice meals every now and again," she hits my shoulder.

"Mom," I whine after finishing the eggs.

"Ok, ok," she rolls her eyes while walking up the stairs as I plate the food. I pour her some coffee and fix it for her just as she likes it before slowly making my way up to her.

"Good morning my love," I smile care fully setting it on her lap while Mercy gives me a smile. "Thank you baby girl," I kiss her forehead while Reese moves the coffee to the night table.

"This is so cute," she giggles at the tray. "Thank you baby," I nod at her while she slowly eats feeding Mercy little bits of food.

"Guess what we're gonna do today?" I give her a wide smile.

"What?" She smiles back feeding Mercy some more before setting it all aside.

"I talked to your doctors and they said a tattoo would be ok," I smile wider if even possible while she smiles back at me. "What are you gonna get?" I smile.

"I've gotta get at least five." She breaths. "I need all of their names tattooed on my arms and I want a sound wave of them saying I love you and then I want a mic made completely of sound waves from you calling me your favourite pet name," she smiles at me and then giggles. "I guess that's Six," she smiles at the ground.

"That's a lot of tattoos," I shrug at her and she nods. "They hurt," I nod my head to see if she's following.

"I know," she nods. "But I'm gonna have my teddy bear with me to squeeze," she smiles at me. "Plus I've given birth four times and nothing hurts more than that,"

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