Chapter Seventy Four

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"Look baby," Reese holds my arm tightly.

"You excited?" I giggle. We drive down the streets and towards our hotel.

"I am," she nods. "But I'm nervous," she sighs. "I'm gonna mess up," she pouts.

"You won't mess up," I giggle.

"Easy for you to say, you never screw up," she huffs.

"That's not true," I shake my head. "One time I went on stage and I started speaking in gibberish, and three other time I forgot the words to my songs," I cross my arms.

"Touché," she nods. "But I really don't wanna screw up," she whines.

"You know what?" I bring her onto my lap.

"What?" She smiles. Our parents took Adam with them telling us that we need to spend a week like normal teenagers, that we'll get to see him but parenting is out of the question.

"I think you're gonna do great tonight," I smile. "And in really all that matters,"

"I wish I could say the same," she nods sadly.

"I didn't mean it princess, I was just kidding," I bring her against me.

"I know puddin, but there are gonna be a lot of people there tonight and if I screw up," she sighs.

"I know baby, but you won't," I reassure. "You'll be just perfect," I smile kissing her chest.

"I don't need any marks Shawn, the things I have to wear are V-cuts." She points.

"Even more the reason for me to do it. Then people will know you're mine," I look up at her our eyes locking. We both get caught in each other's intense gazes. "I really wanna kiss you," I speak as if I'm mesmerized.

"So do it," she smiles.

"I don't wanna look away," I breath.

"Come here," she rolls her eyes pressing our lips together. My tongue licks her bottom lip and she grants my access. Her hands holding my cheeks much like Adam would do to her.

"Hot," Damien chuckles opening the door. She keeps her lips in mine as long as possible before knowing she has to pull away.

"Your lips are so soft," she almost growls biting my bottom one and sucking it.

"Come on, were checked in already," Cat talks to the driver and we get out. Reese and I took a separate car and have our own room.

"You checked us in?" She stand outside of the car with her arms open waiting for me to lift her which I do. I carry her on my stomach into the hotel and following the others to our room.

"Yeah we did, because some lazy asses refused to show up on time," Jake mumbles.

"Jelly Bean," she whines.

"Reese's pieces," he whines back.

"Make him stop," she pouts at Damien.

"He's right small fry," he shrugs.

"You're not supposed to take his side big bird," she leans her head against mine. "Make em stop," she pouts at me.

"There's not much I can do baby," I smile a little. "But I'm not making fun of you," I giggle.

"At least," she rolls her eyes at the others.

"Room 199," Cat smiles as we get to the floor. She nods smiling back as I carry her away.

"199," she smiles at the door number. She knocks gently making sure there's no one there before sliding the key in and opening the door. "It's pretty," she smiles.

"It is," I nod throwing her on the bed.

"You know what would be nice?" She smiles.

"What?" I giggle.

"If you cuddled me until my show," she smiles.

"Come here," I smile holding my arms out letting her fall between them. She lays her head on my chest much like Adam did to her the whole flight. He refused to let her take him out of the carrier and he cuddled up to her the whole time.

"All we're missing now is Adam." She giggles and then sighs. "How do you think he's doing? What if he doesn't behave?" She worries letting her motherly instincts kick in.

"He'll be fine," I chuckle. "He always is," I kiss her forehead and squeeze her a little tighter.

"What?" She giggles.

"You're shaking," I chuckle making her blush.

"I'm really nervous," she pouts. "I've never done this before."

"I'm not judging," I giggle bringing her on top of me. "I think it's cute," I close the gap between us and she smiles.

"I think you're cute," she smiles licking my lip. I open my mouth letting her tongue hit mine. Her teeth tug on my bottom lip while she growls ever so slightly as if we were playing tug of war. When she releases my lip I take hers sucking at it gently while growling back at her.

"She makes me want to throw up all of my insides," someone says.

"How'd you get in here?" She speaks against my lips but loud enough for them to hear.

"We only gave you one of the keys," they chuckle.

"Come in to ruin my moment," she rolls off of me as I pull away.

"Pick out an outfit for after the show we're gonna go clubbing," they point.

"We're gonna go clubbing," the throws her hands up.

"Would it be so bad?" I bring her onto my lap and kiss her neck biting gently on her earlobe. She blushes gently.

"I guess not," she bites her lip. Speaking in a very shaky tone.

"Good," they smile. "We're going there right from the show,"

"Ok," she nods.

"Bye Reese's pieces," jake giggles walking out.

"Bye jelly bean," she waves.

"We need to make Shawn a name," they nod shutting the door behind them.

"Do you like my friends?" She chuckles at my strange expression.

"They seem nice," I chuckle.

"They are, so will you please be nice to them?" She begs almost.

"I haven't done anything yet," I roll me eyes.

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