Chapter Seven

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"Reese," Ian chuckles. "You're so drunk right now." He chuckles again grabbing my hand.

"I don't wanna leave," I slur and pout. "I like it here," I lean to one side and almost fall.

"But I like it better when your at home." He stresses trying to get me out of the club.

"Reese?" Shawn's hopeful voice fills my ears.

"Don't move ok? I will be right back," he points walking away.

"Hey Reese," Cameron fake slurs.

"Hey Cameron," I slur tilting from side to side.

"Wanna come and do something with me?" He replies drunkly.

"I'm not supposed to do something," I furrow my eyebrows. "But I can't remember what it was, so yeah sure." I shrug.

"Why don't we go to that room?" He points.

"Ok," I slur following obediently. He leads me to a small room that's filled with people.

"Reese," they smirk knowingly tapping their feet against the ground. "What are you doing here?" They shake their heads at me. I just smile a drunken smile. "Should we give her a chance?" Taylor runs his fingers over the edge of the tool he holds with a firm grip. In my drunken state I don't understand why, but if I were sober I would.

"No, did you see what she did to Shawn?" They scoff and begin swinging at me, with all of their force. Hitting me to the ground and continuing to hit me while in there. They hit my lips drawing blood as my teeth sink into them they hit my face all over they hit my body in every place they can reach.

"Reese?" I listen to Shawn's worried voice, but I'm too busy crying to pay any attention. They stop and cover my mouth and nose until his voice disappears.

"Ow," I gasp for air and sniff, my tears aren't drunken as I thought they would've been.

"Reese?" I listen to Ian's sigh. "I told you not to move," he groans and soon his voice too disappears.

"You think she's had enough?" They look down at me. My body aches in every place possible, I'm covered in blood and bruises my head wounds small but bleed a lot more than the others. "Maybe one more for luck?" Nash smirks. "Mhm," they nod swinging at me one more time opening more head wounds. They drop all weapons and leave, leaving me alone on the floor bleeding and bruised. "Shawn," they gasp. I can only hear what's going on and vaguely too.

"Shut up," she scoffs before continuing with my search. "Reese?" He looks frantically.

"I think I can help you," JJ nods. "We found her here, she wouldn't let us help her," he shrugs standing in the doorway. I still couldn't see them only hear.

"My poor baby," he rushes to my side and brings me onto his lap.

"D-don't hit me," I bury my head in his chest.

"You did this to her," he growls holding me tightly. "I'm calling the cops," he scoffs as they all run away. "It's ok I've got you, I won't let them hurt you anymore." He reassures kissing my temple. But by this time I'm asleep in his arms.

"Shawn," I sigh as I wake up. "You aren't supposed to be here," I turn to face away from him.

"I'm sorry Reese," he sighs draping his arm over my body.

"Why are you even here?" I turn to face him. "Shouldn't you be with your friends?" I scoff rolling my eyes.

"I'd rather have no friends and be with you that have all of the friends in the world." He smiles kissing my cheek.

"Go away Shawn," I scoff.

"Don't shut me out," he begs. "You know I love you and I know you love me too," he smirks.

"Shit," I curse. "So you heard?" I sigh looking up.

"Everything," he smiles planting a sweet kiss on the bridge of my nose.

"So what Shawn. You have your friends who will never accept me," I shrug moving from his side on my bed and walking towards the mirror in my room. "Look at me for god sakes." I had blood staining my face and clothing. "They hate me."

"But I don't," he rushes to my side holding me tightly. "I don't at all," he stuffs his face into the crook of my neck kissing it all over.

"Shawn," I giggle.

"I made you smile," he smiles cheekily and kisses my cheek. "I can make you happy," he pleads.

"You'll make me a lot happier if you find your friends Shawn," I pout.

"But I don't care about them. Plus I have Ian," he points.

"Huh?" Ian looks up from his phone.

"See we're really close," he emphasizes. "Please Reese?" He sticks his bottom lip out farther than before.

"I can't Shawn," I shrug grabbing my makeup bag.

"Don't hide Reese," he grabs my hand. "Don't run from your pain," he turns me around.

"Listen," I growl dropping the bag. "I'm not running from my pain! In fact the only thing I'm running from is you, so don't you dare try and tell me how to live my life!" I poke his chest.

"I'm sorry, I just," I cut him off.

"Just what wanna use me? Need someone to constantly relieve you anger, so you're just gonna act like you like me? I've played nice Shawn. I haven't said a word," I refer to Ian. "But he will find out." I threaten. "So I'd watch what you say," I push him back and pick up my makeup.

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