Chapter One Hundred and One

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When Shawn gets out

My mom is bringing me home, Reese has been very maximum security after she declared we weren't getting a divorce so she's at home fixing the alarm system or something like that. "It wasn't so bad being in the hospital was it?" She begins making small talk.

"No," I shrug a little. "The nurses were really nice to me, although the food is terrible," I giggle a little as does she.

"And don't even get me started about the coffee," she smiles grabbing my hand her fingers lace with mine and she smiles. "I am beyond happy you're ok," she squeezes my hand.

"Me too," I breath. "I wanna watch my kids grow up," I nod. "And I wanna grow old with Reese," I smile again.

"She loves you," my mom smiles. "And I've never met any two people with a stringer connection than the one that you two have." She smiles at me.

"Really?" I furrow my eyebrows and chuckle a little. "We fight all of the time," we near my house. Because I was on my way to Pickering when I got into the accident I was rushed to the Toronto hospital. They thought it to be closer and easier to get to than turning around.

"Just because you fight doesn't mean you don't love each other." She explains squeezing my hand. My mom and I are really close, she was with me when I got the call about record labels, and she's with me now. She was around for my first baby, and my second third and forth.

"I know," I nod smiling slightly at her thought.

"You got married at eighteen for crying out loud," she smiles at me as we pull into the driveway.

"Thank you mom," I give her a hug and a smile. "I'll talk to you later?" I smile a little.

"Always," she nods kissing my cheek. "Now you be careful with those stitches of yours," she points looking especially at my neck. "Lord know what you guys are gonna do." She shakes her head a little.

"Mom," I gasp slightly.

"It's only the truth," she shrugs. I roll my eyes and get out of the car. "Love you darling," she smiles at me.

"Love you too," I wave walking towards the front door. I knock gently at the door she had locked.

"Sorry," she giggles unlocking the door and letting me in. She stays behind it not letting me see her. "Hi," she smiles her lips attaching with mine while she grabs something off of the coat rack. I pull away quickly to try and look at her while she covers herself up. "No peeking," she giggles putting on her robe.

"Peeking at what?" I chuckle.

"Daddy," Adam breaths running over.

"Hi baby," I lift him up and smile holding him. "Hello," I run my nose against his.

"Show daddy what we learned?" She places her head on my shoulder.

"Hi daddy," he breaths out.

"What else did we learn?" She smiles a little wider.

"I love you," he gives me a small frown like smile.

"You're the cutest," I smile at him. "I love you too," I hug his small body tightly. He hugs me back fidgeting a little.

"Alright baby boy, is it nap time?" She pouts a little. "Are you tired," she mocks his yawn.

"Are you tired," I kiss his cheek. He points to the side of my neck.

"Daddy got hurt baba," she leads me to the kitchen where she begins his bottle. "Can we give daddy kisses to make him feel better?" She smiles. "Kisses?" She kisses me gently before turning to the little boy who kisses me as well. "I think daddy feels better now," she smiles.

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