Chapter Twenty Four

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"Can we cuddle?" She questions laying next to me in the bed. "Just like you promised," she worms her way am under my arm and I pull away facing my back to her. "Baby please don't be mad at me still," she begs. "I didn't kiss him I swear," she kisses my cheek.

"But you didn't push him away, or pull back." I contemplate turning only to face her and give her a stern look.

"I know and I'm really sorry about that," she pouts not trying to argue back.

"You," I groan. "You kissed him," I sigh.

"But Shawn, you know I wouldn't have actually kissed him, I was petrified." She explains calmly.

"But, but," I pause. "You know how much I love you," I connect our hands. "I just don't want anyone to take you away," I sigh.

"Babe I wouldn't leave you for any of these guys." She smiles widely.

"Why are you so happy, I'm mad," I cross my arms and turn back away.

"Baby please," she begs. "I didn't mean to offend you I just thought what you said was cute." She sighs whispering. "Goodnight," she whispers also turning the face her back to me while we both tried sleeping. We lay still for hours and hours but neither of us could sleep.

"Princess," I whisper rolling onto my back.

"Yeah," she whispers back.

"Can we cuddle?" I pout. "I can't sleep unless you're in my arms,"

"I will always cuddle with you," she smiles moving herself closer to me. Her head buries itself in my chest. "I love you," she whispers. "And I'm sorry about what I did," she sighs kissing my bare chest.

"It's ok baby girl, I've done it to you," I sigh. "But I love you too," I kiss her forehead as we both begin to drift off to sleep.

-----in the morning-----

"Why would you do that," I could hear Reese scream. "You almost broke us up." She growls.

"That was the point," I can hear the guys' voices.

"Don't hit me," she whimpers in fear. "You wouldn't Shawn's r-right in there,"

"He's sleeping." They shrug. "So why not." I listen to her beg them not to and quickly I get up and run out in only my sweats.

"What's going on," I move to the ground in front of Reese getting hit in the back by someone. Her head buries in the crook of my neck and she refuses to move. I stand and lift her up.

"Hey Shawn," they smile innocently as her tears soak my shirt.

"You fucking promised," I growl. "You can scratch my name off of the list for the rest of the tour," I shrug. "Did they hit you princess?" I whisper bringing her back into our room.

"T-they hit m-my stomach," she whimpers.

"Is the? Are you?" I pause and begin panicking a little. "Princess," I sigh cuddling her.

"I'm so sorry Shawn I really am." She cries again.

"Why are you sorry princess?" I pout kissing her forehead.

"If I had just stayed put." She sniffs.

"You were fighting for what you believe in. And I'm really proud of you," I bring her onto my lap.

"What if we loose it?" She touches her stomach.

"Then I'll kill them," I reply simply. She smiles but her face goes pale. "Princess are you alright?" I kiss her forehead and lay her down walking into the bathroom and wetting a cloth.

"I'm fine Shawn," she smiles while closing her eyes. "It's nausea, it's a pregnancy symptom." She explains.

"You scared me," I place a hand on my heart. "I thought I might loose both of you," I swallow. "I don't even think I could handle loosing one of you but both?" I sigh deeply. "I love you princess."

"I love you too," she smiles and kissed my cheek.

"Come on," I grab her hands and lead her towards the door.

"Where are we going?" She pouts her bottom lip trembling ever so slightly.

"We're going to the boys' room to make them apologize." I hug her.

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