Chapter Eighty Five

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"Baby are you ok?" I run my hands over her back.

"Yeah," she starts only to get cut off by more vomit.

"You've been throwing up for a while now baby," I try and offer her comfort. "Maybe you should go to the doctor," I pout giving her much sympathy.

"It's just a bug Shawn, it'll go away," she starts brushing her teeth.

"I don't know princess, maybe it's serious," I pout watching her intensely. "I don't want you to get hurt," she shakes her head.

"But it'll be alright," she spits out her toothpaste and rinses out her mouth.

"Are you sure?" I hug her giving her a worried look.

"I'm sure," she nods kissing my cheek. "Shall we start unpacking boxes?" She smiles.

"We shall," I giggle leading her to the living room.

"It's a mess," she chuckles. "And our parents wanna come over," she crosses her arms.

"Come help me move the couch," I wave her over. She nods helping me gently push it to where we had agreed it should be.

"Alright I'll work on everything in the kitchen," she takes the boxes labeled kitchen which we had made sure we're correct.

"Alright, I'll do the," I pause and trail on.

"You can hang the pictures," she smiles. Photography was something Reese adored, many of Adams pictures she had taken.

"Alright," I smile. "I'll do the pictures," I bring the last box into the kitchen and kiss her gently. She smiles and begins with the cutlery placing the organizers into the drawers soon after adding the cutlery. I walk out looking around and placing some of the pictures of Adam and us together on the ledge by the stairs, while listening to the clash of the plates as she tries to do it quietly. "Are you ok love?" I smile taking a hanger thing to use to hang the pictures.

"Yeah I'm fine," she giggles back. Drawers open and close cabinets open and shut and soon she comes out announcing that she's finished.

"What more do we have to do?" I question.

"We have to do our rooms and rearrange everything and we can set up the tv and we could set up some wifi," her arms cross and I smile wrapping my arms around her and kissing her cheek.

"I forgot about wifi and phones for a minute," I giggle. "It was peaceful without them," I smile.

"We've gotta get someone to come in anyways," she shrugs.

"Yeah you're right, want me to go call someone?" I plant kisses up her jawbone.

"Well do it after," she kisses me gently.

"Ok," I nod as her arms wrap around my neck deepening what was only supposed to act as a distraction so she could change the subject. "Princess, princess," I try to pull back but she doesn't let me. "Princess," I pull back finally.

"What?" She whines.

"We've still gotta go fix our room," I giggle at her annoyance.

"Our rooms perfect," she waves her hand attaching our lips again. I grab her hands and move away.

"You said we needed to fix it?" I cross my arms.

"Well I lied," she giggles.

"No you didn't, now come on, we can kiss later," I shake my head and she huffs.

"Fine," she huffs, I lead her up the stairs and to our bedroom.

"What should we put where?" I hold her in my arms as we look around the room.

"Can we move the bed," she pulls out of my grip. "Here?" She points to where she wants it because right now it just sits crooked in the room.

"Alright princess, be careful ok?" I grab one side carrying most of the weight while she takes the other mainly just guiding me.

"There," she smiles. "Now the dressers," she laughs gently.

"Alright we can just push this one," I smile at her. "I'll push you tell me when to stop ok?" She laughs at my choice of words but nods anyways.

"Come on," she giggles. "Little more, almost there," she stares intensely at the carpet while waiting for the dresser to arrive in the right place. "Stop," she stops moving and I stop pushing.

"I'll go get him," I smile at Adams whine. "Look who finally decided to get up," I lift him into my arms. "Good morning sleepy head." I smile. "Good morning lazy bum," I kiss his cheek.

"Is that my baby?" Reese smiles gasping gently. "Is that my baby boy," she takes him from me giving him a hug and kissing all over his cheek. "Good morning,"

"I think someone's sick," I watch him sneeze and I mock his facial expression.

"Is my baby sick," she pouts. "Maybe we should take him to the doctor?" She brushes her hand up and down his back. "He's never gotten sick before and I don't want anything happening."

"How about we call Nathan and get him to check out our baby ok?" I kiss her forehead.

"Alright," I know Reese trusts Nathan more than most of the doctors around so he'll be the easiest to get to.

"Alright," I nod at her. "Why don't we go downstairs and invite our parents and Nathan over for dinner tonight, ok?" I smile leading her downstairs.

"Alright," she nods. I gently kiss the tip of her nose.

"Stop worrying," I smile.

"Why don't you stop telling me what to do," she scoffs.

"I'm sorry princess, I didn't mean to," I follow her down the stairs completely confused.

"You never mean to do anything so you?" She walks to the kitchen where she starts Adams bottle. I follow cautiously and stand at the entrance waiting to see if she's gonna yell at me again or not.

"Reese?" I speak quietly nervous about what she might say back.

"What?" She growls.

"Never mind," I walk out of the kitchen and sit on the couch. There's gotta be something wrong with her.

"Shawn," she calls. I stand and slowly walks towards her.

"Yes?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Can you go change his diaper while I make his bottle?" She smiles at me.

"Sure," I nod cautiously grabbing him from her arms. "What's wrong with mommy today?" I whisper skipping up the stairs.

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