Chapter Forty Five

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Shawn had just finished performing and how we get onto a plane to head back to our baby for the new year. Originally Adam was supposed to come with us but I worried he was unfit to fly so Shawn left him with his mom.

"This has been a crazy night," he breaths as I wipe the sweat off of his forehead.

"You did so well baby," I smile. 

"I'm supposed to be there until midnight," he crosses his arms.

"Well Adams more important to you remember?" I chuckle kissing his cheek.

"Whatever," he scoffs.

"Goodnight," I smile laying my head on his shoulder.

"I'll wake you up when we land." He chuckles.


"Hey," I squeal at Sydney and Brooke.

"Hey," they smile back. "This is Jackson," Brooke points to her boyfriend.

"And this is Carter," Sydney smiles. I giggle at them as Shawn walks down.

"Hi girls," he smiles kissing my cheek. "You ready baby?" The girls were meeting us here for our night out. Shawn's parents are babysitting for the night. We are to spend our night out being teenagers.

"This is gonna be a good night," I smile hugging Shawn.

"It will be won't it." He sighs of content. Shawn and I rarely get to go out and get drunk normal things that teenagers do. The girls lead us to the car where they sit down and start making out with their boyfriends. I sit myself on Shawn's lap and he smiles pushing my hair back. "You look beautiful," he smiles admiring my appearance.

"Thank you baby you look gorgeous," I giggle.

"The baby's turned you two into a bunch of old people." Brooke scrunches her face.

"You're acting like an old married couple who's afraid to touch each other." Sydney laughs.

"Shut up," I roll my eyes pressing my lips against Shawn's and kissing him sloppily.

"Baby's getting sloppy," Brooke giggles.

"Work it," Sydney chants. Shawn tugs on my bottom lip with his teeth and I flip my hair to the side giving the girls a full view. He licks my teeth and pulls my lips back against his. Soon we pull up to the club, loud music blares from speakers as we all walk in. Shawn immediately leads me to the dance floor.

"Wanna have some fun?" He smirks bringing me closer.

"Like what," I giggle.

"Like this," he teases pulling me closer and grinding his hips against mine.

"Won't you get hard?" I giggle attaching our lips.

"Not until you can fix it for me," he smiles on my lips. My arms wrap around his neck and he grabs my waist.

"Wanna get a drink?" I smile pulling away breathlessly.

"Sure," he smiles leading me off of the dance floor. "Two martinis," he smiles at the bartender as we finally make our way out of the sweaty crowd.

"I didn't know you could dance," I tease.

"I can't," he chuckles. "But my lips can," he pulls me in for another kiss as our drinks arrive. We split apart and drink our alcohol together.

"Your parents are keeping him till tomorrow right?" I smile looking at the drinks. "Cause I'm sure that these aren't gonna be our last." I smile.

"Yeah," he chuckles nodding.

"Should we do a round of shots or go back to dancing?" I giggle sitting on his lap.

"Let's do some shots," he dodges my kiss. Making me shake my head and laugh. Soon after we go back to dancing which is really just sexual acts that everyone finds normal. I twerk against his groin nod he holds my hips. Soon I turn dropping myself in front of his member (as many other girls are doing) and licking his jeans.

"You like that?" I smile standing back up. He rolls his eyes at me and licks my cheek.

"You like that?" He mocks and sucks on my neck. "There's ten minutes till the New Year," he holds me against his sweaty body.

"Ten minutes before we get to start our new life," I respond simply while kissing his neck. "Ten minutes before our rough past can be pushed away." I attach our lips softly.

"You're such an amazing girlfriend." He kisses my cheek. "And I hope you know how sorry I am," he pouts. "I didn't know how bad it was until I saw you smile," he kisses me again. "And then all of the pieces fell into place." He pecks my nose. "I love you Angle," he kisses my cheeks.

"I love you too muffin," I smile jumping on him. My legs wrap around his waist and he holds me there as we kiss. His tongue swipes across my bottom lip and I give him the access he wants. Soon his tongue hits mine and I giggle from the feeling while cupping his face in my hands. "You are my one and only," I smile of satisfaction.

"Five," people start chanting. "Four! Three! Two! One!" We join in. "Happy New Years!" Shawn smiles down at me.

"Happy New Years." I smile back wrapping my arms around his neck as he kisses me sloppily.

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