Chapter Nine

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His chest rises and falls at an abnormal pace. "That was fun," he breaths pulling me as close to him as possible.

"It was," I nod kissing his bare chest. His fingers gently brush through my hair. I let myself roll on top of him. I kiss him confidently making him smile.

"What happened to my shy little girl," he gasps kissing again.

"She's still around," I smile pulling back. He chuckles and sits up crossing his legs underneath me pulling me as close to him as possible.

"I like the shy you," he pouts. "I lied, I like all versions of you," he giggles and kisses my neck. I smile and mess with the short strands of his hair. His lips travel from my neck to my chest.

"Shawn," I smile and he continues marking me. He bites down ever so gently on my skin leaving reddish purplish marks along my chest. "My turn," I giggle pushing him back and beginning to suck and bite at his skin. I suck on his neck in everywhere possible before moving to his chest and marking him there. I leave a trail of love bites along his toned chest.

"Now we're even." He smiles. "C'mon, get dressed I wanna take you out," he smirks slightly while handing me my clothes. I slip back into the outfit I wore earlier.

"Where are we gonna go?" I raise an eyebrow in pure curiosity.

"Patients my love," he smiles and kisses my forehead. "You'll find out soon," he grips my hand.

"When did you start talking like an old man?"

"Since I started needing you to listen," he rolls his eyes playfully at my remark.

"Are we gonna go to the library?" I giggle as he scrunches his face up.

"Gross, no." He shakes his head an looks at me like I'm insane. "You like that place?" He fake gags.

"Yeah I can hide in all of the books and finally feel like I belong," I bury my head in his shoulder.

"Well now you get to feel like that with me." He giggles and cuddles me against him.

"I hope," I whisper not intending for him to hear.

"Come on babe let's go," he grips my hand and leads me down the stairs. I follow slowly behind him taking my time. "Hurry up," he groans and pouts at me.

"I'm coming," I chuckle skipping down the stairs and into his arms. He plants a sloppy kiss on my lips upon my arrival.

"Let's go," he pulls back and leads me out.

"Ian I'm taking the car," I yell grabbing the keys and slamming the door before he can protest.

"Smooth," Shawn laughs kissing my head.

"Shut up," I roll my eyes sitting in the passengers side as Shawn was driving. I didn't have my license. I never had anyone to teach me so I never took the test.

"Where are we going?" I smile.

"To a field," he stats simply remaining silent after that. I squeeze his hand watching each tree that we pass.

"Baby?" I turn to face him watching as his cheeks turn a light pink colour.

"You've adopted my nicknames," he giggles.

"Yeah," I smile at the floor of the car.

"Anyway what did you need?" He smiles as we pull onto a dirt path.

"Why are we going to a field?" I raise an eyebrow.

"You don't trust me do you?" He smirks slightly but stops the car.

"Not entirely," I tease. "But seriously why?" I give him a serious look.

"Ian told me something about you that I didn't know. So I brought you here for a reason. Just trust me ok?" He connects both of our hands and kisses me sweetly.

"I'm trusting you," I smile warily at him.

"You probably won't regret this," he giggles and gets out of the car.

"Probably?" I follow and gasp. "If there's probability I'm gonna regret this then I'm out." I throw my hands in the air.

"It'll be fine," he reassures winking while squeezing my hand. He leads me through the field and to a familiar place. I hate coming here but I make no effort to go back, I just follow. 

"Shawn I can't do this," I shake my head.

"I'll be with you the whole time baby girl." He reassures. "Keep your head up," he whispers and pecks my lips. "I need to see those beautiful eyes of yours," he winks and continues to lead me through the field.

"This is too much," I shake my head again. "I can't do it," I can feel the tears rushing to my eyes bringing me even less confidence.

"I believe you can do it babe. Don't fight it, it's natural."

"Oh Shawn," I fall against his shoulder tears falling quickly from my eyes.

"Hey, sh, it's alright," he whispers as we slowly move closer.

"I can't believe you brought me here," I shake my head.

"I thought you might need this,"

"Thank you," I sigh giving him a sincere nod. My fingers graze over the stones in front of me. "They didn't do anything wrong," I sigh letting tears slowly fall. "And he was so young," I touch the stone above where my family lay.

"Wanna talk?" He kneels down next to me in the dirt. I look at him and then back to my brothers stone. "What was his name?" He pulls me onto his knees.

"Nathan," I smile. "He was two years older then me," I swallow hard. "You would've really liked him," I let tears fall into my hands.

"What was he like?" He brings my head to his shoulder.

"He was funny, he loved writing and reading and he had a passion for music." I smile through the tears. "I was fifteen," I turn to him. "He was only seventeen," my face drops completely.

"I'm sorry baby," he whispers kissing my cheek.

"He used to call me that," I smile. "All of the time, I was the only other one." I sigh. "I was the only one that didn't get hurt." I mumble.

"What happened?" He cocks his head to the side. "If you wanna tell me," he adds quickly as to not pressure me.

"They were walking across the street," I look down. "And a couple of drunk kids ran the red light." I sniff trying not to cry. "They didn't see the car," I shake my head and begin crying again. He pulls me into his chest.

"I know baby, I know," he soothes cuddling me gently. I take a few deep breaths.

"My parents were only in their thirties." I lick my lips. "They were the best," I smile. "We used to have so much fun together." I whisper looking at the now wet dirt from all of my tears.

"Is that why you never smile?" He whispers, most likely unintentionally.

"Yeah," I nod. "Because I was a very happy kid, and then I lost my family and I got bullied because I was so depressed and then I moved schools and got bullied some more for being orphaned then I moved again and met you and the others." I sigh.

"Baby girl I had no idea, I," he paused with no words left to say. Nothing to use to defend himself.

"It's ok Shawn," I trace his hairline with my index finger. "I don't come here, because I never smile, and they knew me to be happy." I look down. "I'm sorry but can we go now?" I stand up. "It's not that I don't appreciate your doing this because I do. It hurts me too much to be here," I look at the ground.

"Of corse. I'm not forcing you to stay," he stood with me grabbing my hands in his. "They seem like good people," he whispers kissing me gently.

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