Chapter Sixty Three

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Good luck to my baby girl @reesematthews who just went into surgery! I hope everything goes well and that she'll come home safely. Miss you already ❤️ And with that tweet I post a picture of her and I.

"She'll be fine Shawn." Ian reassures.

"When do I get to see her?" I look around the hospital waiting room.

"Two weeks," he nods.

"That's too long," I shake my head.

"You left Adam for two weeks?" His arms cross.

"By force," I point looking at the child who waddles between my mom and Reese's mom. He waddled towards me. "Are you my baby?" I bring him into my arms and kiss his forehead. "Are you my baby?" I smile down at the littles. "Yes?" I nod and gasp a little. He grabs my cheeks. "Yes," I nod kissing his nose.

"She's gonna be fine," he reassures.

"I'm trying to find something to do to occupy myself," I hush him. I chose to wait at the hospital until she's out of surgery and beginning her recovery.

"Well your ticket to sanity is falling asleep," he mocks.

"Shut up," I huff. "My wife's in surgery," I kiss Adams head. "Because you thought it was necessary." I point.

"Well it is necessary," he retorts.

"How?" I look at him catching our mothers' attentions.

"She might be able to do things on her own after this, she might go back to her normal self, she might be able to have kids again." He crosses his arms.

"She was fully capable even when she didn't seem to be. She was very happy all of the time and now she's convinced there's something wrong with her," I argue.

"There is something wrong with her," he yells back.

"No there's not," I shake my head. "She was healthy and she remembered everything she remembered you just fine but most importantly," I stop and give him a serious look. "She was happy, and now she's not," I shake my head.

"There are sacrifices you make for your loved ones Shawn," my mom places a hand on my shoulder.

"Even if it doesn't seem right," her mother sits next to me. "I love her as much as you Shawn," her hand rubs up and down my arm. "And I don't like the thought of this surgery but it'll help her," she reassures. "As much as it seems useless."

"Mendes?" The receptionist calls.

"That's us," I smile standing and walking over to her.

"She's out of surgery," she nods. "She did very well and now she's on to recovery she's requested to see you," she nods and leads us away.

"Two weeks my ass," I whisper to Ian.

"I didn't tell her to do this," he shrugs. "Nurses said two weeks until she's fit to see us," we walk slowly into the room. I lead, she's held up on the bed by some sort of contraption that keeps her head off of the pillow but allows her to not have to worry about sitting all of the time.

"Hi," she smiles her eyes almost completely shut as she licks her dry lips.

"Hi," we all smile back at her.

"My head hurts," she pouts at me much like usual.

"I know princess," I whisper.

"And my hairs all gone," she pouts again.

"I'll shave mine off too," I smile.

"Don't do that," she shakes her head. "I like your hair," she slurs almost. "Thank you all for being here," she smiles.

"Of corse," they all smile at her. "We'll always come." Adam groans as he wakes up until realizing he's in my arms.

"Is that my baby?" She smiles trying to open her eyes wider.

"Yeah," I smile holding him on my hip.

"If I had any feeling in my body right now I'd hug you all," she giggles. "But I can't feel anything,"

"You need rest princess," I stare at her from afar not wanting to get to close and hurt her by accident.

"I do?" Her tongue slips through her lips moistening them.

"You do," I smile at her.

"It'll be another weeks or so till you see them again," the nurse smiles.

"Don't leave," she pouts. "Mommy," she blinks.

"Yes baby?" Her mom reassures almost running towards her.

"Don't leave me alone," she begs practically.

"I wanna stay, I do, but I can't I have to go," she sighs. "I'll see you in about a week," she nods.

"Shawn," her hand flies up and falls right back down. "What's wrong with me now?" She questions lowly sounding extremely exhausted. 

"Nothing princess you always have been perfect," I smile. "And nothing ever changed."

"I love you," she whispers before yawning. "All," she clarifies.

"We love you too," I smile. "Now get some sleep," I chuckle as everyone begins walking out.

"Shawn?" She calls after me before I leave the room.

"Yes princess?" I smile turning back.

"Will you come and visit me again soon?" She licks her lips taking one thing one of the nurses gives her. A pill I suppose.

"As soon as I can princess," I smile.

"Ok," she nods half heartedly. "Please don't leave yet," she calls again.

"Princess I have to go, and you need some sleep." I smile at the floor. And bounce Adam on my hip.

"I'm not tired?" She contemplates.

"But you need to sleep." I look her up and down. Her whole body lay limp against the hospital bed. "You look tired princess," I sigh grabbing her hand.

"But I'm not, don't leave me again, please?" She pouts.

"I have to princess, but I'm gonna come back as soon as I'm allowed ok?" I touch her leg.

"Ok," she pouts. "You promise me?" She says sternly.

"I promise you baby girl," I smile before beginning to walk out.

"Wait one more thing," she calls. I hear whispering and watch the nurse nod. "Can I have a kiss?" She pouts.

"I don't wanna hurt you princess," I raise Adam on my hip.

"You won't hurt me as long as you don't touch the back of my head," she reassures.

"Ok, one kiss," I smile walking towards her. She puckers her lips making me smile. I give them a soft quick kiss.

"I want a real kiss," she huffs.

"Making that one fake?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Completely," she nods, I smile and give her a gentile kiss but keeping my lips against hers longer.

"Is that better?" I smile pulling back.

"Mhm," she nods. "I'll miss you," she whispers.

"You can always call," I smile kissing her forehead before making my way to the door.

"I love you," she calls after me.

"I love you too," I smile.

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