Chapter Sixty Six

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"Katrina," she pouts. Katrina walks behind her. "My head hurts," she touches the stitches and blood fall onto her hands. "Shawn?" A look of pure fear washes up on her face.

"You're going to be alright princess," I nod feeling tears come to my eyes, I hold her hand in mine. "I love you," I kiss her forehead as Katrina calls the other nurses.

"I love you too," she looks around the room. "All of you," she smiles as they push her bed out of the room

"It could just be minor," he explains. "Head wounds bleed more."

"Ok," I nod.

"But it could also be major we don't really know," he shrugs I begin pacing in fear. Katrina walks back into the room.

"She's fine," she reassures. "Her stitches were sew with the wrong thread and her heads still open, they're just gonna glue it now," she explains making me breath a breath of relief. She fills Reese's bottle and adds medicine in it. "She should be in soon."

"See minor," Nathan laughs nervously. Katrina laughs and shakes her head and soon Reese's bed is wheeled back in.

"She might be in a little pain, just try not to touch anywhere on the back of her head," she explains.

"Alright," I nod. "Hi princess," I walk up to her giving her a gentile kiss.

"Hi baby," she says very calmly.

"Are you alright?" My eyebrows furrow.

"Yeah, but my head hurts," she pouts.

"I know princess," I hush.

"And I wanna cuddle you but I can't," she pouts again this time letting her lip tremble. "And I can't hold my baby or leave this room or go home," she starts letting tears gently fall down from her eyes.

"We're still here with you. Adam and I are staying here and everyone else is coming to visit you everyday," I kiss her cheek.

"And Shawn," Katrina says. "If you put you here," she leads me around her bed.

"Look princess now we can cuddle," I smile holding her on my lap. I cradle her slightly in my arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm being very needy," she looks down.

"You're just adjusting to this princess, and it won't be forever," I start feeding her the bottle.

"Thank you guys all," she smiles.

"We're gonna leave now ok?" They set Adam in the playpen we brought for him. "You get better alright and we'll see you tomorrow," her parents come up and kisses her forehead as everyone else just says their goodbyes.

"Say bye?"  I show her what to do.

"Bye," she giggles following my motion.

"Good girl," I smile kissing her cheek and feeding her more of the bottle.

"I don't like the bottle," she finishes everything in it.

"It'll only be fore a little while longer," Katrina reassures.

"I know but I don't like it," she shakes her head.

"It's ok princess," I kiss her nose. "You know," I smile down at her as she curls
in a ball in my arms. "You look really cute with short hair," I smile at her getting lost in the pools that make her eyes. Her lips touch mine and her hands tangle in the short strands of my hair. I don't touch her much only hold her up.

"I'm glad you're staying." She whispers.

"There's no place I'd rather be." I whisper back as we watch our baby boy fall asleep.

"How long after I get out will if be till I'm allowed to do things again?" She looks to Katrina.

"It depends on what things you wanna do," she shrugs.

"Like go back to work," she sighs. "And be allowed to go out with my family, I wanna be able to play with me boys," she leans back on me. I giggle and she smiles.

"Soon after you're let out you should be allowed to work. As long as it doesn't cause too much stress for the first week or so," she shrugs.

"And for physical activity?" She kisses my neck.

"You might wanna wait until the next appointment to determine that." She chuckles and watches Reese.

"Ok," she nods cuddling me.

"I have to go talk with one of the nurses, will you guys be ok if I leave for a minute?" She hands Reese a blanket and places a water bottle next to her bed. "If you need anything just hit that button and I'll come right back," she nods and walks out.

"You know what I hated most about being in this hospital?" Reese's head lays against my shoulder. I hum as a response. "I had to be apart from you for almost a week," she's spent eight days in the hospital counting the day she had her surgery done.

"It was very much fun for me either, and your friends kept making fun of me," I shake my head.

"They aren't your friends anymore?" She giggles.

"Not after they made fun of me," I shake my head and she smiles. Her lips touch mine again and she smiles.

"I love you," her tongue swirls around mine.

"I love you too," I whisper into her mouth.

"I have news," Katrina squeals and walks back in. "But I feel like I should wait for your family to tell you this," she bites her lip. "Ok I'll tell you tomorrow," she nods.

"But you just told us about it that's not fair," Reese pouts.

"You'll find out as soon as your family is here tomorrow." She nods. "And Reese," she looks at the IV and back at her.

"I can't eat?" She purses her lips.

"No not until the morning," she shakes her head.

"Alright," she huffs. "Shawn will you pass me that." She points to a tube like thing. The same thing she used when she was in labour. "It helps with my pain." She explains.

"Try it," Katrina shrugs. Reese holds it up to my lips.

"I'm good," I move my head away.

"You'll be fine," Reese giggles. "I take it all of the time and I'm perfectly fine," she smiles at me.

"Ok I'll try it," I roll my eyes inhaling some of it.

"It's not that bad," she shakes her head.

"No it's not," I kiss her lips gently. There's gauze wrapped around her head because of the glue.

"Am I gonna have to come back to get the glue out?" She furrows her eyebrows. The gas is laughing gas and because of the amount that she takes and all of the other drugs she's on the gas makes her a little insane.

"No," Katrina smiles. "It'll dissolve as your head heals." She explains.

"You know what we should do?" She asks me to put her gas tube away.

"What?" I smile at her excitement.

"We should take Adam on. Trip when I get out," she nods. "We could drive somewhere and have a nice little family trip." She nods.

"We could do that if you want love it'd be nice for baby over there," I nod.

"Lets do it," she giggles. "Can I Katrina?" She pouts.

"Yes as long as you'll be back for the next appointment." She points.

"Mhm won't miss it," she yawns. "I think I'm gonna take a nap," she closes her eyes on my shoulder.

"Ok," I nod touching the small hair she still has left.

"Goodnight," she whispers falling asleep.

"Goodnight baby girl. I love you," I kiss her cheek.

"I love you too,"

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