Chapter Sixty Eight

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"Come here," I smile holding my arms open with her bottle in my hand.

"I don't want a bottle," she shakes her head.

"Princess you've got take it alright?" I kiss her gently. "I'll feed Adam first if you want?" I peck her nose.

"Alright," she smiles. I have to give it to her every six hours and I call on her a little early because she argues and usually makes me feed Adam first.

"Adam," I call. He comes running from the kitchen. "Hi baby," I smile kissing his forehead. "It's almost nap time, you want your milk?" I smile. "Yeah," I nod cradling him and feeding him his bottle.

"Why do I have to drink a bottle," she whines. "Why can't I just take a pill like every other adult in the world."

"Because princess, you're gonna have a harder time with it and the bottle makes everything easier for everyone." I kiss her head as it lays on my shoulder. Adam spits out the bottle telling us that he's finished with it. I set him on the couch between Reese's legs and she burps him while I prepare his swing and Reese's bottle. As soon as he's burped I take him into my arms rocking him to sleep before putting him in the swing.

"Now princess it's time for your bottle." I smile bringing her onto my lap.

"Must you do this too?" She huffs as I cradle her.

"Mhm," I nod kissing her forehead. "It makes the whole bottle thing more enjoyable." I giggle. Her bottle is more of a regular water bottle with different tops. She's not allowed to drink from anything other than this we just change the top. "Come on princess drink your bottle." I pout.

"I feel like I'm being mocked." She huffs.

"I want my princess to be healthy, as healthy as can be and the only way for that to happen is if you drink your bottle." I sigh sitting her up more in my arms. "Please Reese?" I beg.

"Alright," she huffs letting me feed her the bottle.

"Thank you princess," I smile. "Thank you for helping me make you heathy again." I touch her cheek gently.

"How cute," Becky squeals as Ian opens the door for her.

"Will you bring Adam to his room?" I smile at Ian.

"Sure," he chuckles grabbing the sleeping infant.

"What's this story?" She questions watching me continue to feed Reese.

"She's got medication she has to take this way, and this is the only cup she allowed to drink out of." I explain.

"Ok," she nods as Reese finishes her bottle.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," she turns red of embarrassment hiding her face in my shoulder.

"It was cute," Becky waves her hand. "Anyway, will you two be completely against doing a press conference tomorrow about Reese and the surgery?" She bites her lip.

"What do you think princess?" I smile.

"It wouldn't be so bad, would it?" Her eyebrows furrow and she looks back at me.

"No I don't think so," I shake my head.

"Perfect, and I was thinking next week we'd set you up for photo shoots and runway shows?" Becky smiles.

"Sure," she nods placing her forehead against mine. Our lips touch briefly before she pulls back only to attach them again.

"Ok I'll leave you crazy kids so you can do whatever you two do," she chuckles. "I'll text you the details." She points at Reese before walking out. My lips push against hers yet again and this time I follow every movement she makes.

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