Chapter One Hundred

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Shawn called, he wanted me to bring the kids to go see him. I couldn't do it, I couldn't face him and just the thought of him brings me to tears. For his own well being I've been talking to Camila, I want him to spend time with someone, someone that's not me. And maybe if things go as I've planned they'll end up together so I can live a life with a little less worry for my love. I can't find a way out of it and I've been talking to lawyers in and out of police stations for both the threats they've posed and Shawn's accident. No one can tell me what to do, so I'm just gonna listen to them, even if it does brake my heart. "Hello?" I smile on the phone.

"Reese I went to see him," Camila starts. "I can't do this," she sighs.

"No, no Camila remember the plan?" I beg a little.

"Reese he's so attached to you," she explains. During one of the trips Shawn and I had taken with the kids he'd introduced me to Camila, she even flew back with us to help with our kids who also adore her.

"Please Cam?" I beg. "Please you're the only way I can fix him," I sigh.

"Reese I walked into the room and he got so excited because he thought it was you." She looks down.

"He wants to see the kids," I explain. "He wanted me to bring them but I can't bring myself to look at him." I fiddle with my bracelet.

"Well you're gonna have to," with that said the doorbell rings scary poor Mercy out of her wits.

"I've gotta go Cam, but while you're in town you should come over," I walk towards Mercy.

"Sure thing, bye," she hangs the phone up as do I while grabbing Mercy. Camila is a good friend of mine now and if anyone was gonna replace me in Shawn's life I'd want it to be her.

"I'm coming," they ring again as I hop down the stairs trying to hush Mercy. I open the door to reveal Nathan he just smiles at me and then Mercy who stops crying mesmerized by her uncle. "What's up," I smile letting him into the house.

"Well Shawn's not home and I thought you might be lonely," he smiles kissing my cheek.

"You have no idea," I lay Mercy in her swing while she lays amazed by the little toys above her.

"So here," he smiles setting a box of pizza on the table in front of me.

"I love you," I giggle throwing my arms around him.

"I know," he smiles at me before turning on the tv and selecting a movie, one of both of our favourites before laying across the couch letting me lay on top of him. Mercy stays awake but in the swing while her brothers than wake up. Nathan volunteers to go get them and I thank him before sitting and getting ready to feed. "Jericho's," he smiles and lays him down on the pillow.

"Hi baby boy," I smile at him. "Hi," I kiss his forehead.

"So how's Shawn?" He smiles knowing about his accident.

"I don't know, haven't seen him in a few days," I shrug.

"You could've called me, I would've come watch the kids," he gives me a small pout.

"It has nothing to do with the kids." I shrug. "I wanna learn to be less dependant on him and I want the same for him." I nod simply.

"That's honestly one of the stupidest things you've ever said," he laughs a little.

"Shut up," I scoff a little. "I really would like to see him, they say he's supposed to start walking today," I smile gently looking at our little boy. "You look a lot like your daddy," I smile.

"But you know who else he looks like?" Nathan sits next to me as he finally finishes feeding. "You," he pokes my shoulder.

"You need to stop getting all psychological with me, now if you excuse me," I lay him in his swing and button my shirt back up. "I have to go cry in a corner," I pout a little at him.

"Why," he opens his arms for me.

"I miss him so much," I sigh on his shoulder.

"I'm sure her misses you too." He reassures. "Why don't you visit him?" He hugs me tightly.

"I can't visit him, I wanna leave him. It'll brake us both the more time I spend with him," I look down and let a tear fall.

"Why don't we go see him, hmm?" He leads me to the kids.

"I'll take two of them, which one to you want?" He chuckles a little.

"I don't know," I shrug looking to the pictures hanging on the wall.

"Who's gonna get the house?" He puts them in their car seats and leads me out. I sigh getting into the passengers side.

"I don't know," I shrug. "I don't know what's gonna happen at all, I've been talking with lawyers and stuff but they say I should just worry about his accident first and once that's all done they'll tell me about the divorce." I lick my lips as we begin driving off. "Nathan I'm just gonna cry I can't do this," I sigh looking down.

"He's gonna cry too I'm sure," he rolls his eyes.

"He probably hates me," I look down letting tears begin to fall.

"No he doesn't," he punches my shoulder gently. "He loves you very much," he pulls into the hospital parking lot.

"He can't possibly love me now." I sniff getting out and grabbing a car seat. "And Nathan what if his friends are here?" I whine. "What's gonna happen to my babies? This is an all around bad idea I don't wanna," I call after him following him into the hospital. "Nathan," I groan as he walks towards his room. He knocks gently on the door.

"He's been awaiting your arrival all day," she smiles opening the door a little to reveal my sleeping husband. "He couldn't handle the wait." She chuckles Nathan goes to the waiting room where my mom and dad are gonna come meet him to get the kids.

"He looks so peaceful," I smile a little.

"We've gotta wake him up anyways," she sighs. "But he was peaceful for a while," she nods at him. "He never shuts up about you," she smiles. "How long have you been together?" She prepares things for him before she can wake him up. "We've been married two years, and together about three," I nod.

"So you're a recent couple," she giggles.

"Yeah," I nod looking down at him. The rest is good for him he never sleeps as is but after near death he refuses to sleep. She goes to wake him up and I just smile watching.

"Is she here? Did she come at all?" He sits looking around.

"I think she was here for a bit," I shrug.

"Hi baby," he smiles pressing a kiss against my lips.

"How are you?" I pull back with a smile.

"I'm better now that you're here," he smiles back.

"Shawn?" I blink back tears. "I don't want to divorce." I swallow.

"Now you're on the same page as I am." He giggles kissing me again. "And before you tell me how necessary it is I'm talking to them, I'm getting them help," he nods at me very hopefully.

"They've been sent to a correctional facility in California," she nods backing him up.

"What about Camila?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"She went back to her hotel, she sat with me for a few hours and then she called said she couldn't do it and left, saying something about me being too attached." He shrugs and I giggle.

"Here," she nudges me gently handing me the cup. Shawn hates it so much but he has to do it anyways so whenever I'm around I do it for him. After I finish setting it up he pulls me against him.

"I feel much safer in your arms," I smile.

"I feel better when you're around me." He smiles. "Where are the babies?" He smiles.

"Your parents are watching Adam but he's gonna come back here soon and Nathan's got the other in the waiting room where I believe my parents are going to be as well, they're worried about your well being and my mental health." I giggle.

"Well we would've both been train wrecks if you left me," he kisses me gently.

"You're regaining muscle." I giggle.

"I have a reason to now." He smiles at me.

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