Chapter Twelve

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I giggle and point again at the question. "If I have three quarters of the pizza how much is left?" I smile at how frustrated he got. His fists were balled as he stared at the question.

"I don't know," he groaned for the fifth time. "Two thirds?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Come on baby this is grade eight math," I pout. "Ok, let's try this." I press my lips against his temple. "If I take off three quarters of my clothes," I watch as he finally seems intrigued. "How much of my clothing will I still have on?" I raise an eyebrow. He grabs his book and begins writing in it.

"Only a quarter left." He looks up very hopefully.

"You got it," I cheer giving him a tight hug. "Now let's move onto some harder stuff," I giggle at his groan.

"Can't we just stick with this question?" He begs. "At least I can figure this one out," he pouts.

"No," I chuckle showing him more. "So next question," I giggle.

---two hours later----

"Baby can we please stop," he begs.

"Yeah," I nod feeling just as mentally exhausted. "Come upstairs with me. We can relax without any more math for a little bit," I smile holding my hands out.

"As long as there's no math involved." He sighs of frustration. "I told you I couldn't do it," he looks to the floor.

"And I told you I'd teach you," I peck his cheek. "You'll be amazing in a little while I promise." I giggle leading him into my room and sitting him on my bed. "But for now I think you need a release," I shut the door before walking to sit behind him. I run my hands over his shoulders and chest area. "You want a release?" I whisper into his ear kissing down his jawline and neck.

"I'm stressing baby," he pouts. "I need a release." He nods his head. I move in front of him kneeling down. My hands run up and down his arms and abdomen. Soon they meet the hem of his pants. I fumble a bit with his belt teasingly yet still a frustrated and concentrated look remains on his face. I decide not to tease him any longer and I undo his belt and pants sliding them down his legs.

"You want it rough or gentile?" I carefully massage his length.

"Surprise me," he breaths. I simply nod watching it harden under my soft touch. I lick around the base and near where his balls are. "Mm," he moans gently. I smile and continue licking it, soon after putting it in my mouth. I suck on it. "Uh, I love this," he moans. I smile and move it out of my mouth.

"I love you baby," I smile drawing him closer to his high.

"I love you too," he smiles and moans quickly after as it goes back into my mouth. "Mm baby I'm gonna cum," he sighs loudly. "A little harder babe," he starts thrusting his hips. I hollow out my cheeks. "Oh god," he grunts releasing into my mouth. I smile and swallow his sweet load.

"You feeling better?" I pout slightly looking at the closed eyes and sweaty forehead of my boyfriend.

"Mhm, I feel better," he falls back onto my bed.

"Good," I kiss his cheek. "So now we can get back to math," I tease.

"No, baby please no. I can't handle it," he shakes his head.

"I'm just kidding." I giggle. "Why don't you get some sleep? You look exhausted." I run my fingers through his hair.

"Ok," he smiles at me. I do his pants back up as he slowly falls back asleep. I carefully fall into his arms as he sleeps. I smile and gently massage his head.

"Reese?" Ian knocks at the door.

"Come in," I whisper, "And be quiet Shawn's sleeping." I smile fiddling with his hair.

"You killed him," Ian shakes his head.

"I fried his brain with math," I giggle kissing his forehead. "He was trying so hard." I smile.

"Call me when he wakes up," he chuckles walking out. I nod at him while continuing go massage Shawn's head. He moaned quietly in his sleep. I smile and kiss his forehead.

"I worked you too hard," I chuckle.

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