Chapter One Hundred & Thirteen

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"Aren't there usually cameras following you around?" I kiss her cheek while we start making breakfast. We've moved back into the can't get enough of you phase.

"Yeah," she nods sadly moving away from me.

"Hey?" I grab her waist bringing her back against me. Her parents expected us to be doing something today and sent Nathan for the kids. "What's the matter?" I hug her from behind and kiss her cheek.

"I gave it up," she sighs almost in tears.

"Why'd you give it up you love modelling?" I bite my lip kissing her cheek. "Is it my fault? Because princess I promise,"

"Shawn," she mumbles a little.

"I never meant to do this to you, I didn't wanna hurt your career,"
"Shawn," she says a little louder turning to me.

"You know how much I love and care about you and,"

"I have cancer," she whispers.

"You what?" I swallow hard and she starts crying against my shoulder.

"I'm sorry I should've told you sooner, it's just that I didn't have the heart to tell you when I found out and then yesterday, you just got back and I was so excited and," I stop her softly.

"It's ok," I hug her gently. "We'll get through this," I reassure. "Just you and me," I run my hand in circles over her back.

"What if we can't?" She curls in a ball against me.

"We will," I speak very sternly. "I promise," my voice softens in fear almost as I think of what my life would be like without her. I left the poor girl for a year and she only yelled at me for about fifteen minutes.

"I love you," her fingers lace in mine.

"I love you too," I kiss her cheek. "Is that why your parents took the kids?" I brush my thumb up and down her arm.

"No," she shakes her head slowly. "You're the only one that knows," she sobs again on my shoulder. "I don't wanna die," she sniffs.

"Then don't," I kiss her jawbone. "I don't want you to die either." I whisper in her ear, turning on the couch so I lay down. "I'm gonna do whatever it takes to keep you alive ok?" I bring her against my chest. "I'm not looking what we have." I kiss her head. "Every memory we've made." She opens herself up laying on top of me mocking my position. Her head rests just under my chin but her feet are nowhere near mine.

"Why am I so short," she groans.

"You're not short, you're perfect." I reassure giving her a gentile kiss. Slowly the both of us drift off to a calm and peaceful slumber in each others embrace.

Flash forward

I groan walking through the door and I can see her waiting. "How was work?" She giggles at me walking closer.

"Long," she hugs me and I hug her kissing her cheek. "But I'm home now," the kids walk slowly towards me giving me a weird look.

"Who are you talking to?" They furrow their eyebrows.

"Mama, she's right there," I laugh at them a little. Adam looks scared almost and I roll my eyes sending them off as Reese and I walk into the kitchen to start cooking and such.

"So anything exciting happening?" She chuckles at me kissing my cheek as the doorbell rings. "Will you get it?" She smiles pointing and I nod. I open the door to our parents.

"Nana," they all run and jump on my mom. "Granny," they jump on Reese's mom. "Grandad," they giggle. "And grampy." Each of our parents lifts a child and I smile.

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