Chapter Thirty Eight

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"You like it darling?" I whisper in her ear. It had taken me an hour preparing this and running between flower shops and here.

"It's lovely dear," she smiles keeping her eyes shut. I had filled her bath tub with the petals of red roses and I now kneel behind her massaging her shoulders and bump.

"I'm glad you like it," I smile kissing her cheek. I only decided on this because of how much she's been stressing lately. She wants to give Adam everything and to give him everything she believes she needs to finish school (even though I'm gonna give her and Adam everything that they need.) She also now had to worry about the guys attacking her especially when the baby's around. Plus I wanted to be the one to show her I listened to her each and every night when she's stay awake talking thinking I was asleep.

"I love it," she smiles as I gently massage her bump and her eyes open. The room is lit up by candles. "I love you so much," she sighs grabbing my wrists. "It's ok my love." She smiles. "You've already done so much for me," she sighs kissing my cheek.

"It's alright love, I enjoy doing this for you," I smile kissing her all around her face.

"Shawn," she hides her face in her hands. "Stop it," she turns away from me.

"Come on princess we are gonna go out for dinner," I grab her hand and help her up and out of the water wrapping her exposed body in a towel.

"We are?" she looks at me weird.

"Hey, I'm not done apologizing yet," I pout and she giggles kissing my nose.

"Alright," she nods walking into her room. "Should I wear something fancy or should I just dress casually?" She looks around her closet, after having I put on we bra and underwear.

"I'm wearing this," I point to the black tux on her bed. "But you could dress however you'd like," I smile kissing her neck.

"I'll dress fancy too," she giggles pulling out a dress. It's baby blue and strapless with a white belt type thing she tied just above her bump. "You like it?" She looks at herself in the body length mirror.

"You're gorgeous," I smile kissing her lips. I do this all to try and take her mind off of what's happening, with Adam and the guys she deserves a brake. She constantly worries about sleeping at night and if the position she's in will be healthy for our baby boy, she refuses to sit certain ways as she's afraid something will happen, she never leaves the house because she feels like the guys'll jump her or something and Adam will get hurt. She just deserves a brake. I plan on buying her the house for her birthday, the house she said she wanted. I already talked to Ian and he tried to talk me out of it but it didn't work. She'll probably hate me for a while but it is something I really want to do for her and my son so I'm going to do it.

"You ok?" She questions looking at my blank expression while I stare at the wall.

"I am perfectly fine princess, I was thinking that's all," I smile at her. "I love your hair like this," I smile looking at the messy braid she has, it's a French braid starting on the right side of her head and leading to the left draping over her shoulder.

"Maybe I'll wear it more often," she smiles. I kiss her cheek.

"Are you excited for your birthday?" I grab her hand and lead her slowly down the stairs. Her dress is long enough to touch the ground so it takes us longer to descend the stairs, which is perfectly fine with me.

"I guess," she shrugs. "It means I'm finally eighteen," she giggles.

"There's a lot of things you can do when you turn eighteen princess," I smile as she slips on some black vans.

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