Chapter Fourteen

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Wearing my favorite oversized sweatshirt and a pair of yoga pants I walk into the school. "Call me if you need me to get you," Ian yells.

"I will," I nod. Walking into the brick building. I could only hear every word spoken from yesterday. I won't go back, I repeat mentally. I won't give in, I nod very sure of myself walking towards my locker. Nine different notes fall. Nine! Who would possibly have left them in m locker? They were probably all death threats.

"Well, well, well," some of the girls walk towards me as I jam my bag into my locker.

"Fuck off," I roll my eyes. "I don't waist my time on bitches like you," I slam the locker shut holding my books and phone against my chest.

"We just needed to make sure you knew about Shawn's new girlfriend." They point as he smiles with her kissing her cheek.

"Cool," I shrug even though tears fill my eyes. "He can do what he wants." I slam the locker shut. They all giggle evilly, but I just walk away. I walk towards my English class which I just so happened to have with Shawn. I set my binders down and open my book. I began reading.

"Morning ms. Matthews," Ms. Hereema our English teacher walks in.

"Morning ms. Hereema." I smile.

"I head about the incident the other day?" She gives me a sympathetic look. "Are you alright?" She walks towards me. Each of the teachers knew of my disease an were very careful as not to trigger me. They also each knew about the passing and importance of my family to me.

"Yeah," I nod.

"Bye babe," Shawn's loud voice rings threw my ears.

"I moved him to the other side of the room," she whispers to me.

"It's ok you don't have to," I smile. "But thank you," I nod going back to reading. The bell rings and everyone floods into the classroom. I just continue reading.

"Good morning class," she started and I close my book.

"I can't believe you," I whisper to Shawn. "Were you with her the whole time we dated?" I made air quotations around the word dated.

"No Reese I wasn't," he keeps a calm tone in his voice. "I don't understand why we're having this conversation," he scrod des his arms.

"Those sluts she has for friends came up to me to tell me that you and her were dating," I shrug. "I figured it was out of your doing." I look back at the teacher.

"Reese you're just being a jealous bitch." He rolls his eyes. By now we had the full attention of everyone.

"I'm the one being a bitch." I cross my arms.

"Yes Reese, you're stubborn, bitchy, annoying and a disappointment to your family. I think I know why they left you." He huffs.

"Why do you think it's easy to loose your family?" I cross my arms. "It's harder when no one can accept you and your brother was your only friend," I turn to him. "I thought you could understand having a little sister and all but I guess not." I growl. "I'm sure you'd be ok if she got killed, right?"

"That's quite enough," the teacher but in.

"I might have my whole family but there's a lot you don't know about me," he crosses his arm.

"There are tons of things you don't know about me." I yell back as the teacher gets others to come help.

"I'll go first," he yells. "I have trust issues."

"I have no family left in this world." I yell making him silent. "My parents died and the rest of my family disappeared and I was told soon after I was the only one left alive." I turn away from him. He didn't speak as he thought he had it worse. "I don't complain for nothing." I cross my arms.

"Reese," he groans.

"Shut up. I don't need to her your bullshit explanations." I cross my arms.

"I have paranoid schizophrenia."

"S-so do I," I swallow turning to him. "I also have anxiety and I medically smoke marijuana." I whisper so only he can hear.

"I know. Remember when you blew it into my face yesterday?" He chuckles.

"Is this a joke to you Shawn?" I cross my arms. "Because I don't find it funny."

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