Chapter Sixty One

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I cradle Reese on my lap and kiss her cheek. "Are you my baby?" I use baby talk with her. "Are you my baby girl?" I blow against her cheek. "Are you my baby?" I smile and she nods giggling.

"Yes," she smiles and kisses my cheek. "And you're my baby," she throws her arms around my neck.

"Are you ready to go?" I smile.

"Mhm," she nods. "You got me ready remember," she shakes her head.

"I know princess but I mean do you have everything else you need?" I kiss her cheek and down her jaw.

"Yeah," she nods and giggles wrapping her arms around my waist. I place my hands under her arms and lift her.

"There are hundreds of thousands of people who are gonna want to talk to you," I hold her up by her hips. "Are you ready for that?" I kiss her nose.

"Mhm," she nods. "I think, but will you be with me?" Her eyebrows furrow.

"Always," I bring her down to my lips and kiss her gently.

"Then we can go," she smiles. They had insisted I take Reese back out here to try and get her back to normal as most possible and let her have fun before her brain surgery. They want to fix whatever's wrong with her as much as possible and they say this'll be the only way to get her completely back to normal.

"Ok," I bring her down a little so her legs wrap around my waist and she holds onto me.

"I love you," she smiles kissing my cheek and down my neck.

"I love you too," I smile widely while walking through the water and to the beach. "We're gonna walk around alright?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Alright," she nods leaning her head against me. "Shawn?" She whispers almost.

"Yes princess?" I set her down and smile at her.

"What happens when they ask me questions I don't know the answers to?" She acts as if I'm walking her to a class that she doesn't understand.

"Then I'll make them leave," I smile and kiss her temple.

"Ok," she nods just following me around.

"Baby?" I whisper. "Don't be so afraid," I give her a tight squeeze. "I'll always be here to protect you."

"Ok," she nods. "You promise?" Her eyebrows furrow.

"I swear," I kiss her cheek and neck.

"Shawn," she giggles.

"Reese, Shawn over here," cameras flash and I pull away.

"You don't have to listen to them princess." I whisper as she looks in every direction very scared like.

"Reese, tell us about your injury?" They question. "Shawn, what's it like dealing with her after the incident?" There are microphones and recorders shoved in my face.

"What injury?" Reese looks deep into my eyes with her soft ones.

"What kind of issues does she have?" I just shake my head in attempts to escape the ground surrounding us.

"You don't have to tell them princess," I whisper to her. She looks more scared than ever and I bring her to a small staircase leading onto the sand of the beach. I sit on the bricks in which creates a wall separating it from the sidewalk. "Are you my baby?" I cradle her in my arms. She pouts and shakes her head. "Are you my baby?" I look down and rub my nose against hers.

"Shawn," she turns her head to the side.

"Are you my baby?" I gasp in baby talk. "Yes," I blow against her cheek. "Yes?" I blow against it again. A smile appears on her lips. "You're my baby," I smile.

"I'm your baby," she nods.


"You and her are the trending hashtag on twitter, you've got the biggest headlines for most magazines, she's blowing up and so are you," Becky squeals.

"You hear that princess?" I smile and kiss her cheek.

"No?" She shakes her head and holds her clothes out for me.

"You're getting really famous," I smile.

"But I didn't do anything?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"You're a model remember?" I smile slightly.

"Right," she nods gently.

"Ok well we'll see you when you get back. I'm going to book talk shows," she squeals again before hanging up.

"You want me to get you changed?" I smile and she nods subtly. "Ok," I kiss her neck and cheek. I bring her pants to the floor and change them for the shorts she wants to wear, then I do the same with her shirt. "Now it's my turn to change," I smile stripping myself completely. She looks at me weird. "What's wrong?" I smile standing exposed in front of her for a moment.

"What's that?" She point to my crotch.

"What's what?" I chuckle.

"That," she points again. I open my mouth but she stops me standing up and grabbing it. "What's this?" Her eyebrows furrow.

"It's all yours," I smile and pull on my boxers.

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