Chapter Fifty Five

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"Reese over here," reporters yell as I walk into the building with Adam on my hip. "Are you and Shawn finished?" One questions. "Do you have a new guy now?" They ask. "Are you two divorced?" I just roll my eyes and walk in.

"Reese?" Becky waddles up to me in her heals. "Babe you can't go on tonight," she shakes her head.

"Why?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"No you haven't heard?" She looks at me with sad eyes.

"Heard what?" I can hear Ian face palm himself and Chrissy takes Adam before Becky makes me sit down she hands me her phone and I gasp. A picture of Shawn and some other girl on the streets.

"Everyone's seen it. They don't think that you should go on," she rubs her hands on my shoulder.

"I-I just," I blink at the phone. "This isn't real is it?" I look at Ian and then Chrissy.

"Come here," Ian holds his hands out for me.

"I-I thought he," I lean my head on his shoulder.

"I know baby," he hushes. "I'm sorry," he leans his head against me.

"Go home," Becky whispers to me. Ian leads me to the car while Chrissy carries Adam. More cameras get shoved into my face, a couple of them actually catching pictures of my tears.

"Chrissy will you drive?" Ian gives her a strange look.

"Yeah," she nods. I just shake my head and sob.

"He said he loved me," I wipe my cheeks.

"I'm sure he does baby," Ian reassures.

"He can't possibly love me," I sob.

"Yeah he does baby," Ian reassures.

"If he really loves me he'll fly home just to tell me it's not true, or he'll do what he did when we were in high school," I sigh. "Ian he doesn't do any of that anymore," I shrug. "I think the spark is dead," I look to Adam.

"No, no it's not," he begs.

"Why are you trying so hard?" I cross my arms.

"Because Reese I've never seen you as happy as you are when you're with Shawn, you never used to smile or laugh and now you do, I just don't want you to loose your smile." He sighs.

"I had it for a while Ian I'm just thankful for that," I look at Adam yet again. "But I have a new reason smile," I kiss Adams forehead. "I don't wanna be depressed with my baby boy around. I'm gonna keep smiling as long as I've got him." I kiss his forehead.

"I'm giving you one week," Chrissy says. "One week to cry and be depressed because I know that it hurts, but after that one week you just need to forget about him. Make a new life for yourself and your son." She smiles a little. "Ian and I will watch Adam." She nods.

"Thank you," I smile as we pull into the driveway.

"Go and mop I've got him," she nods and I thank her.

"You're a really good friend," I give her a tight hug. I take my phone off of silent and see thirteen messages from
Shawn. I smile slightly hopping it's him telling me it's not true.

"Hey Reese you're probably at your show now but I just thought I'd tell you that I know it hasn't been a long time but I think we need a divorce," the message says. "You're a great person though just don't take it personally. Bye," it ends. I throw my heels and rip off every piece of jewelry heave to me before blocking his number. I throw my phone across the room and throw myself on the bed letting my tears smudge my makeup and stain the pillows.

"Hey," Ian walks in. "I know it's hard." He sits next to me on the bed.

"He wants a divorce." I sob.

"Reese," he brings me into his embrace.

"I thought he loved me,"

"I'm sure he has a valid reason," he soothes.

"Even if he does I don't wanna hear it." I shake my head. "And Adam," I sigh. "I love that little boy so much but I won't be able to do anything for him on my own," more tears fall from my eyes.

"Me and Chrissy can help," he reassures.

"I'm gonna have to give him up." I sniff.

"No you won't, don't say that," he shakes his head.

"Ian I want him to have the best life he can. And I'm starting to think that just won't be with me." I shake my head.

"Reese he has a hard life, he's gonna have a really hard life and Shawn's leaving makes it no better but he at least needs you," Ian sighs. "It would be awful for him to grow up without either of his parent." He sighs trying to calm me down.

"I just wanna give him everything." I sigh. "But I can't do that," I look at the ring on my finger. Every time I look at it I can hear him telling me how much he loves me. "We've only been married a few days," I take the ring off and throw it.

"I'm gonna give you some alone time alright?" He stands. "Just don't forget about Adam, don't forget that he needs his mom and that his life without you will be awful." He kisses my forehead. "Goodnight," he smiles a little. "And Reese I want you to know that I love
you," he nods.

"I love you too," I nod and grab Kleenex from the bedside table. "I wish Shawn loved me half as much as I love him." I sigh.

"There are other people in this world who love you," he reassures. "And he shouldn't matter if he doesn't anymore." And with that he walks out.

"I shouldn't have ever fallen for him. All he ever did was brake me," I walk to the bathroom to take my makeup off and pull something out I haven't used in year. "I stayed clean," I sniff looking down. "All for you," I scream making a single cut on my arm but that one cut turned into two turned into five turned into the whole length of my left arm.

Shawn's POV

"No!" I yell. "You have to let me go she's gonna kill herself," I scream until I realize I'm alone. "Please," I close my eyes. "Don't make me watch this,"

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