Chapter Forty One

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Back to the present day

"Come on up?" I hold my hands out and he lifts his arms. "Good boy," I smile lifting him in my arms.

"Good morning darling," Shawn smiles kissing me gently. "Good morning Adam," Shawn takes him from me holding him above his head and bringing him down to kiss him.

"Shawn," I chuckle trying to take him back.

"I'll feed him darling you go get ready," he smiles at me.

"Thanks love," I kiss his cheek. "I won't be long," I run into the room throwing on the outfit I had picked out. I did my makeup before Adam woke up. Soon after I skip down the stairs to see Shawn feeding Adam while watching the news. "Anything interesting happening?" I giggle sitting next to him.

"No not really," he shrugs. I lay my legs across his.

"Alright how about our wedding," I giggle. "Let's talk about that," I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Well Valentine's Day," he chuckles. "That's when you wanted it right?" He raises an eyebrow.

"That's the date we agreed on, as a couple," I roll my eyes.

"Mhm I know," he nods. I roll my eyes.

"I wish I could see you smile," I pout at him as he looks around. Adam can't smile because of the nerves in his cheeks. "Morning Ian," I smile as we walks slowly down the stairs.

"Morning," he smiles at us. "Good morning Adam." He smiles at him.

"Can we say hi to uncle Ian," I point and he looks at me weird. Giving up on his bottle Shawn burps him before I take him into my arms. "Wanna play?" I smile as Shawn throws on a load of laundry. "Look," I bring out a little bongo type thing. He just hits it and it make different sounds and lights up. I bring him onto my lap putting the bongo on his knees.

"Look at my clever little boy," Shawn smiles as he hits it with me. He just continues to hit it looking at Shawn and drooling a little. Shawn smiles and wipes his cheek before standing up and kissing mine. "I've gotta go out," I points. "Do you need anything?" He grabs his phone and slides his shoes on.

"Nope," I shake my head.

"I won't be long," he grabs a jacket and I giggle. "What?" He smiles at me. I point at the burp cloth hanging over his shoulder. "That would've been embarrassing," he chuckles bringing it to me and laying it on my shoulder before kissing my lips sweetly and walking to the door. "Twenty minutes," he smiles before walking out.

"You need a bath," I giggle at him while he continues hitting at the drum. Soon he gets bored and leans back on me. I smile and take the drum away turning him and cradling him in my arms. I kiss his forehead as he claps his hands and nods his head slightly. I set him gently on the floor and I sit in front of him. "Double high five?" I put my hands out and slowly and drowsily he hits my hands. I grab his hips and roll back holding him above me. I lower him every so often to kiss his cheeks.

"What's mommy doing?" Shawn walks through the door and take him from my arms. "Did daddy save you?" Shawn smiles bringing him to the kitchen.

"What'd you get?" I stand up and follow him into the kitchen.

"Stuff," he chuckles. I kiss his neck and back.

"What kind of stuff?" I giggle again.

"Baby food," he turns and kisses me. "And other stuff," he winks.

"You're so difficult," I groan.

"I love you too," he rolls his eyes. He holds Adam against his shoulder and leans his head against Adams while he leans his head against Shawn's shoulder. I smile at them and giggle kissing Shawn's lips.

"We should do something today," I smile.

"Like what?" He giggles.

"I don't know anything," I shrug. Ian walks down the stairs and to the kitchen before seeing us and groaning walking in the other direction. I chuckle. "We should go out and have fun, as a family," I lean against Shawn's other shoulder and he wraps his arm around me.

"How about we pack," he whispers.

"For what?" I look at him like he's stupid.

"LA," he smirks at me.

"What?" I gasp slightly.

"I'm performing on New Year's Eve babe," he kisses my forehead. "And I know it's short notice but," I smile at him which stops his sentence.

"Do you think Adams ready?" I bite my lip.

"We have a strong little boy," he smiles. "I'm sure he's ready," he kisses my cheek.

"Alright then," I nod giving in. "I guess we're going to LA!" I smile and giggle slightly.

"Thank you princess," he smiles widely. "You're the best," he kisses my forehead.

"Shawn," I giggle. "You've got some drool," I chuckle wiping his shoulder.

"Adam," he shakes his head and kisses his cheek.

"Did baby drool all over daddy," I brush my finger over his cheek. "Did you drool all over daddy," I smile at him. "My boys," I giggle kissing both of their cheeks.

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