Chapter Forty Eight

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We wait in the waiting room of our local hospital for Adams return. Reese was too nervous to go in and I wasn't able to either so we stayed out together. Her head lays against mine and her eyes gently shut. "Are you tired?" I brush my hands through her hair.

"A little," she yawns. She had been up all night with Adam whenever he whined or something Reese would go to check on him. And at about two this morning she decided she couldn't sleep and started doing research on Adams symptoms. She found out that his clubbed feet are something that doctors can fix and so made an appointment and now here we are. We've been here for just over an hour.

"So sleep," I chuckle kissing her cheek gently. "I'll wake you up when he comes out,"

"It's ok," she smiles. "I'm fine," I just shake my head picking up a magazine.

"What's this?" I gasp making her look as well. "Who is this new model?" I turn to her. Reese recently got a modelling offer and took it.

"I still don't know why they asked me," she giggles looking at the picture.

"Because you're beautiful love," I kiss her cheek.

"Speaking of modelling," she giggles again. "I have a photo shoot," she smiles.

"You excited," I smile. "What are you modelling?"

"I'm modelling a winter clothing line," she cuddles her head into the crook of my neck. "And yeah I'm excited," she nods.

"I'm happy for you princess,"

"Adam Mendes?" Someone questions.

"That's us," we stand and walk towards the nurse.

"We're almost done everything we just need to know his age?" The doctor nods.

"Seven months," she responds.

"Perfect, he should be out within the next fifteen twenty minutes," he nods and so do we.

"I can't believe my girlfriends gonna be a bikini model," I giggle.

"And then just like you I'm gonna have lines and lines of fans," she giggles teasingly.

"You probably will," I nod. "The only bad part is, they'll probably all be guys,"

"So you don't support it?" She pouts.

"Of corse I support you, I'm always gonna be your number one fan," I kiss her forehead. "What I don't support is hundreds of thousands of boys lined up to see my wife in a bikini," I giggle. "But I'm always gonna be the first one in line."

"You'll always be the only one I care about," she kisses my cheek.

"I love you too," I hold her hands in mine and kiss her forehead.

"He's ready," one of the nurses smiles at us and we nod standing up. I lace our fingers together and lead her to the room.

"So we've fixed the clubbed feet issue and he's almost ready to be walking you've just gotta give him about forty eight hours and he'll be able to walk, start trying to at least." He chuckles.

"Thank you," I smile bringing Reese against my shoulder as she cries. She takes Adam into her arms and smiles.

"Oh and try not to touch his feet too much." He adds, I simply nod as Reese cuddles him.

"Baby you can have a normal life," I smile kissing his cheek.

"Two days until we'll teach you how to walk," she giggles.

"Two days," I smile kissing her head.

"I love you," she smiles leaning on me. She gets into the car after putting Adam in and we drive home in silence. "I love you," she repeats again sheepishly.

"I love you too darling," I kiss her hand. "And I don't want you to ever think for a second that I don't." I reassure.

"Ok," she nods leaning against the window.

"You need to take a nap when we get home," I pout at her. "And so do you," I chuckle looking back at Adam.

"I'm not tired yet," she yawns.

"So what'll make you tired?" I giggle.

"Will you cuddle with me until I fall asleep?" She pouts. Reese has separation anxiety and a fear of abandonment so every night she basically chains us together. She makes me promise I won't leave her while she's sleeping.

"Always," I smile. I hold her hand tightly as she slowly falls asleep against the car window. I pull into the garage and text Ian to come out and get Adam who is also asleep. Like mother like son I guess. I get out of the car and hand Adam to Ian before carefully opening her door and undoing her seatbelt before carrying her into the house and to our room. "Thanks," I smile at Ian.

"Yeah, yeah," he rolls his eyes and walks away as I cuddle Reese in the bed.

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