Chapter Seventy Nine

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I gently push the door open to see Reese laying on the bed with Adam on her chest. Tears in her eyes as she stares at the roof. "Where were you?" She says simply not looking to me once.

"I-I had something to do," she probably hated me. Even after all of my apologizing and everything I put her through I still managed to leave her today. On the day we were supposed to check out our house together.

"Something more important than your family Shawn?" She cocks her head to the side.

"No, princess I was doing it for you," I walk to the side of the bed where she lays.

"You said that about the house, and somehow you still missed it," she shrugs.

"Reese, don't hate me I'm trying ok?" She travels circles on the little boy's head.

"While we were looking around the house," she ignores me. "Adam pointed to the bed in the master bedroom," she sniffs. "And I set him onto the floor and he walked over and went to the right side and pointed at me," she wipes her eyes. "And I nodded and pointed to the other side and asked him who would go there and he had no idea," she almost sobs. "No fucking idea," she stands and sets him on the bed.

"Well princess I try so hard, relationships are hard when you're in our positions." I bring her head into my chest.

"But what's sad is that you're gone so much your own son doesn't know where you belong in the picture," she sighs. "Shawn I'm so sick of you not being around when we need you," she breaths. "If you want to start a new life and make a bigger family than you need to start being here."

"I'm going to be princess, I'm not leaving you," I hug her tightly. Adam moans and she moves away from me.

"Call Ian up," she sniffs walking away.

"Ian," I call following her instructions.

"Coming," he skips up as Reese walks out with Adam on her hip.

"Where's daddy?" She says in a more cheerful voice for the sake of our baby, he leans towards Ian. I can almost feel my heart shattering as she lets him fall into Ian's embrace. "Will you make him a bottle?" She smiles weakly at Ian. He wasn't supposed to wake up, it's about ten thirty and he goes to bed at seven thirty.

"Sure," he skips down the stairs.

"I'm not having anymore kids with you," she shakes her head. "Not until that one knows who you are in his life," she pokes my chest and walks off. I walk into the room to grab some clothes before making my way to the couch where she wanted me. There's no possible way I'd be allowed off for a while.

"Reese," I whisper as she walks out of the kitchen.

"You can sleep on the bed Shawn, the couch is uncomfortable." She sighs.

"I'll stay here, you're mad at me," I pout.

"I am mad at you Shawn but you're gonna ruin your back. Come on," she holds a hand out for me.

"I didn't mean to miss today," I lift her off of the ground making her squeal in surprise. "I had stuff to do," I look down.

"What stuff Shawn? Tell me what you had to do and maybe we can look past this," she begs.

"I'm sorry, I just can't tell you," I look deep into her eyes.

"Why not?" Her voice cracks.

"When the time is right princess you'll be the first one to know, but right now I can't tell you," she leans her head on my shoulder and I kiss her neck.

"I tell you all of my problems, and you're supposed to tell me all of yours," she sighs.

"I know princess, I know," I lay her on the bed.

"When do you think you can tell me?" She looks up smiling weakly.

"Maybe next week, but it might be a little longer than that," I shrug pouting at her.

"Ok," she nods turning away from me in the bed.

"I'm sorry," I sigh grabbing her waist to pull her closer. She doesn't fight me which is surprising because of how mad she is. "I love you?" I whisper making it sound more of a question so I and get a response.

"I thought you did too," she sniffs.

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