Chapter Sixty Two

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After their trip

I plant a gentile kiss on her forehead. "Ian don't make me do this to her," I pout looking at her sleeping body in my arms.

"Shawn," he sighs at me. "They need to do this for her, it'll help her get better." He nods.

"But, but," I look down and hug her a little harder. "She's my baby and I don't want anything to happen to her," I look at her.

"And nothing will." He reassures. "They just want to fix her,"

"But she's not broken," I sigh. Ian and Chrissy had told me yesterday about why they sent us on the trip. It brakes my heart completely thinking about it. They wanted me to spend time with her because after the surgery I can't see her for two weeks.

"Good morning," she smiles at me.

"Good morning," I plant a gentile kiss on her lips. "Do you know what day today is?" I bring her on top of me.

"No?" She furrows her eyebrows and shakes her head.

"It's a big day for you," I nod.

"What's happening today?" She gasps.

"You're surgery," I kiss her cheek.

"I don't want surgery though," she pouts and pushes out of my grip to walk away.

"It wasn't my idea princess," I follow her down the stairs.

"Then why are you making me do it?" She crosses her arms.

"I, I," I pause not knowing what to say.

"Hm," she huffs and walks off. I sit next to Adams hug chair where Chrissy feeds him.

"Everything would be fine if the media hadn't convinced her she was broken." I sigh. "How's my baby boy?" I kiss his cheek. "I haven't seen you for a long time," I send Chrissy off and begin feeding Adam. "I missed you," I smile. "I missed you," I giggle against feeding him one last spoonful.

"You know why we're making her do the surgery right?" I lift Adam and wipe his face off.

"No I really don't," I shrug at Ian while bringing Adam into the living room where his toys are. There's a toy truck I sit him in and he drives around, he absolutely adores it.

"Because we don't want you to have to deal with all of the things she needs now," he whisper yells.

"Ian she's perfect," I almost scream. "I don't care about any of that she's happy and she's healthy and that's all I need." I shrug.

"She can't have more kids in this state and you know that," he points. "She can't do a lot of the things you used to do," he shrugs. "We just want her back to normal," he sighs.

"I'm ok waking up in the morning to get her ready for her day and to do her hair and her makeup and anything else she needs from me, even if I won't get anymore kids, we could adopt. And plus I have her and the one child that she did give me and they are both pretty damn amazing in my eyes."

"I'm not trying to fight you Shawn, I'm just saying, this surgery is necessary," we both look to Reese he walks down the stairs and towards us.

"Am I broken?" As looks at Ian.

"Just a little bit baby," he hugs her. He doesn't want to lie about her condition itself so he just tells her straight up.

"Am I broken?" She turns to me.

"No princess," I grab her hands in mine. "Not in my eyes." I shake my head.

"Everyone else thinks I'm broken," her hands pull out of mine. "Don't lie to me," her head shakes.

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