Chapter Sixty

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"Shawn," she giggles from the water. "Come on," she pouts. "Please?" I smile at her,

"Of corse," I giggle back.

"It's cold," she smiles throwing her hair over her left shoulder.

"It is," I smile. "But I'll get warmer the closer I stand to you," I smile.

"You're so cute," her arms wrap around me.

"So are you," I smile kissing her neck.

"Shawn," she whispers and I move down her neck and start sucking. "This is a very public place," she giggles.

"I know," I smile wrapping my arms around her waist. She giggles again and leans her head against my shoulder. "But I just got my baby back, I'm not letting her go," I shake my head.

"Who?" Her eyebrows furrow and I smile kissing her nose.

"You are so adorable," I fish. "I'm talking about you princess." I smile as does she.

"Oh ok," she nods very happily and goes back to her position on my shoulder.

"I love you and only you," I smile going back to kissing her neck.

"I love you too," she smiles.

"Wanna go swimming?" I smile at her.

"Sure," she giggles grabbing my hands and leading me father into the water. I flip into the water and she giggles following my action. I come up and shake my hair out like a dog making her squeal in excitement. "Things with you are always so exciting," she giggles. "You make my life an adventure." She kisses my lips gently. "Every moment is something new and exciting,"

"Awe princess," I giggle. Her face goes pale and before I know it her smile turns into a numb expression and she's in my arms. I carry her back to the house drying her damp body before laying a cloth against her forehead and bringing her needles out. Every so often she passes out and it's my job to inject her with a needle when she does so. I poke the needle into her arm and press on the back until all of the liquid is out of it. "You'll be back soon," I kiss her forehead before placing the needle in the special containment unit she has.

"Did I do it again?" She sits up and takes the cloth off of her forehead.

"Mhm," I nod slowly and she brings her knees to her chest.

"There is something wrong with me." She sniffs.

"No, no princess you are perfect, completely perfect," I bring her onto my lap and kiss her cheek.

"I can't possibly be perfect. Everything I do is abnormal." She huffs. "I don't know anything about who I am, I don't know anything about anything Shawn," she sighs.

"You know me," I use my finger to draw on her back. "You know Ian and Chrissy, you know Adam and your parents and brother, you know my parents and Aaliyah," I kiss her cheek.

"But I don't know me," she pouts.

"I know princess but I'm teaching you," I smile. "You'll learn ok?" I brush my fingers through her hair. "Now you need to get ready because I have something special planned for you," I giggle.

"Alright," she nods walking off. I watch her pull out her outfit and walk go me. Reese has a couple of areas of severe brain damage so there's a lot of things I have to do for her because she can't do them herself anymore. Like getting herself dressed, or using her her straightening or curling iron. I press my lips against her cheek before grabbing her a bra and a pair of underwear to change her into as well.

"Princess," I pout looking at her depressed look. "Don't be so upset baby," I whisper. "You are perfect to me, if that's worth anything," I take her bikini top off and change it to her bra.

"I'm sorry," she looks down sadly. "I've just been rude to you," she shakes her head as her voice cracks subtly. "I didn't mean to," she starts crying softly and I bring her head into my shoulder.

"You weren't rude to me princess," I kiss her forehead. "You're just confused, that's all," I cuddle her against my cheek.

"I love you," she whispers and kisses my shoulder. "I'm just bad at showing it,"

"You're not bad at showing it now lets finish getting you dressed so I can take you out ok?" I run my hands over her back.

"Ok," she nods. Letting me put her shirt on and change her bikini bottoms to underwear and put her shorts on.

"I'm gonna get ready now princess ok?" I touch her hair. "Let me know if you need me," I kiss her forehead and walk over to the suitcase grabbing a pair of shorts and a white muscle shirt pulling them on before walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth and help Reese with hers.

"Shawn I," she walks in and giggles. "Will you help me with my teeth?" She pouts.

"Anything for you," I smile. She hands me her toothbrush and I brush her teeth for her, much like a parent does for younger children. "Do you want to do your makeup or your hair?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"No," she shakes her head. "You've already done enough for me," her arms wrap around my neck. She has complete control over her arms and legs but when it comes to things that require her fingers and such or even moving in certain ways she can't do it.

"I'll do anything for you," I lift her off of the ground and hug her.

"Ok," she nods. "But I still don't wanna do any of that," she shakes her head and I nod.

"Wait here? I'm gonna get everything ok?" I kiss her cheek.

"Ok," she nods and sits on the bed. Reese has become ten times more popular after the incessant because now that she's injured everyone wants to know everything. I smile at her and kiss her forehead.

"I won't be long," I smile and walk into the kitchen grabbing the picnic basket and champagne I had prepared earlier, and putting it in the boat. "Princess?" I call and she skips over like a child. "You ready to go?" I smile at her. She nods simply. "Do you have your phone?" I furrow my eyebrows and she nods holding it out. "Good girl," I smile and she giggles.

"Where are we going?" She holds my hand as we walk to the boat.

"It's a surprise," I smile. "But I'm sure you'll love it," I kiss her cheek and help her onto the boat. Soon we pull away from the dock of our beach house and we're on our way to the small patch of land farther out in the ocean. "You alright princess?" My arm wraps around her and I bring her closer to me.

"I'm fine," she nods. "It's just really pretty," she smiles looking around at the amazing scenery.

"Not as pretty as you," I smile as we stop at the island type thing.

"Shawn," she giggles. "It's so adorable," she squeals. "But not as adorable as you,"

"That's my thing," I tease.

"But I stole it," she giggles. We sit on the blanket I set across the sand. One of her hands lays on my knee as I pour us each a glass of champagne.

"A toast," I smile. "To my healthy baby girl," I kiss her cheek. "Who's finding her way back around things," I hold my glass up.

"And to my amazing husband who hasn't once left my side and has been and is still helping me through this journey." She smiles hitting her glass against mine. "Thank you," she smiles before sipping her drink.

"Always darling, always,"

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